The Patterson and Union men,` some of them, are at I
work on their forthcoming orations. The Union Oratori-·
cal _Contest will be held on February ,22.
The Y. BI. C. A. State Convention- will be held at -
2 Maysville, February 17-20. The State College Y. M. C.
  A. contemplates having a number of delegates there.
g . I The Y. M. C. A. otlicers for 1898 at State College
i are as follows; ]os. Morrow, President; T. W. Scholtz,
Vice-President. _, ·
coL1-1z¢;E ucuons. V
§ "Hello there, Bill, whe’re you going?" 1 I
E "May I have your company for Friday evening_?”
  ` "Wait there, Roscoe, got them questions for-today?” ·
  "I’m not going, somebody’s got my girl."  
  "I can’t stand him, he makes me tired.”
  "Hold on, don’t let go yet." I
  "Oh, I wish the bugle would blow.”’ ‘
  "Girls ! Young ladies !" . I
  "Follow1n Jersons absent from cha el." ;
  g l P
  "Hand me that iron Nichols, uick." _ ' i
  (1 .
  "That’s just like old boys."
  "How’d’ you come out, Lester?" · `
  "Wonder if somebody is here today?" l —
"Well, how’s Physics !" I
·‘ "Chase that drip up here."
` "What’s the news from Albany, Caldvvell?" I _
3 "Oh, Lottie, what a pretty new medal." _ .
 I "Oh, shoo, I didn’t get to speak to him."
 _` "Please deliver this note tor me/’J s ·   · -