wonderful creations of dress will be positively irresistible. ·
` The rejuvenating scene is quite novel and a source of
much merriment. The musical part of the programme,
furnished by the most talented members of the society, to-
gether with several other quite prominent artists, will be
s suchas to delight the most critical ear. ,Admission 25'C.
Tickets may be purchased at the door or from members of
the Society.
' l
The Burnet Wooclsi Echo, of Cincinnati University,
is one of our welcome weelclies.
The Integral comes out in a neat and tasty design,
which is but a pleasant introduction to its high—class liter-
ature found lnside.
College Life is one of our new exchanges.
The Transylvanian presented a fine appearance, as
t well as good literature, in its Christmas issue.
The Central News is an interesting weekly irom ;
C. U.
\Ve are just in receipt of the lirst issue of The Cum-
berland, Lebanon, Tenn. lt is quite a literary magazine, ;
with all its departments well edited. VVe compliment .
j this new college magazine.
The Cloverleaf, of K. U., is a newsy weekly, and
besides is the Inter—Collegiate oilicial organ.
The Cento presents quite a nice line of college litera—_
` ture. . _
_ The Tennessee University Magazine is one of our
best magazines. lt is, we think, a typical college maga-— ·
zine. and is to be congratulated not only upon its business
management, but espectally upon its literary attainments.
King College Magazine for December contained
many well selected and readable articles on Southern writ-
ers. K . . V .