‘ . 54 THE GADET. · .
 V lature, representing the intelligence and pride and patriot-
  _ ism of Kentucky, we confidently look for the material re-
 ii sources by which this may be accomplished. Let her gait
 ` and her pace no longer be the hesitating and uncertain
  step ot childhood, but the elastic and confident stride of a
t , . , .
§ giant. On the field of battle, in the Senate and in the
E Council chamber the sons of Kentucky have made her
name illustrious, but there are other laurels to be won.
l Science, Literature and Art point the way to a distinction _
L not less real and not less enduring. Let it be yours to i
5 foster and upbuild, with no parsimonious hand, this insti— .
= tution, already deeply rooted in popular esteem and open- 1
  ing wide its doors alike to men and women, until as a bea- I
· _ con licrht, cons icuous from afar its life-ins iirin ` ra rs
an P v l 2 5
  penetrate every valley and illuniine every hill-top through-
i out the lenrrth and breadth of this croodl * land ; make it
{ e> as }
' the abode ot productive toil and ot reverent devotion to
loft r ideals · make it the l\’Iecca to which future venera-
5 = ¤
· tions shall turn for the inspiration which expands the hu-
, man soul} Then will posterity call you blessed.
In grateful and reverent recognition whereof. "Non
K nobis, Domine. non nobis Sed Tibi gratia"-—Not unto us
· oh Lord, not unto us, but unto Thee be the glory.
‘ Bewitching grace, entrantainp; smiles,
Blue eyes that speak of Ci1·<·es’s Wiles,
Two laugliing dimples, doubly rare,
Enshrined by waving, golden hair;
With cliarnis like these young; Cupid stills
Connoetions for a thons ind ills. I —Exchange.
T A dainty kiss. a little hug, i
To the pa1·sou’s then skedaddle ; I · )
For food and rainient then to tug ;
Then o`e1· the Styx to paddle. l
—Austin Reveiile. l