112 srrre COLLEGE or KENTUCKY. I
Each Legislative Representative District is allowed to send, on
competitive examination, cme prnpergr prepared slzm'c¢zl each year to X
this College, free of charge for tuition.
[A statement for the guidance of County Superintendents: r. ll the county forms one
or more than one Legislative Representative District, each district is entitled to keep four I
students in the College and four in the Normal School free of tuition. '
2. If a Legislative Representative District embraces more than one county, each
county is entitled to keep four students in the College and four in the Normal School free
of tuition.]
Beneficiaries are appointed on competitive examination. A Board
of Examiners is appointed for this purpose by the County Superintend-
ent of common schools. The results of examination are reported to
the Superintendent, who from the data thus furnished selects the
appointee. Examinations are made upon subjects transmitted to the
County Superintendent by the Faculty of the College. One appoint-
ment is made each year.
Appointments are made by the County Superintendent between the
first day of june and the tirst day of August of each year. Appoint-
ments when made should be immediately certified to the President of
the College.
Appointments for the College proper, viz., the Agricultural, Meehan- "
ical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Scientific, Classical, and Normal
Collegiate courses, are all valid for the term of years necessary to
complete the course of study in which the appointee matriculates. This
includes the course in the Academy. _
It follows from the above that a county which makes its appoint- A
ments regularly according to law will have for the session of 1901-2
one appointment in the College, for the session of 1902-3 two appointees,
for the session of 1903-4 three appointees, for the session of 1904-5
four appointees. When the first appointee completes his course, or
ceases to be a student, another appointee takes his place. When the
quota of a county is full it will have at least four appointees in regular
Each appointee is required to pass an entrance examination at the j ,
College on the subjects comprising all that is embraced in Arithmetic, ·
English Grammar, Geography, and United States History in the com- ,
mon school course.
All persons are eligible between the ages of fourteen and twenty-four
who have completed the common school course-—preference being I
given to young men or women whose means are limited, to aid whom
this provision is especially intended.
Any person not an appointee may enter the College on payment of
fees, but no one who is not an appointee receives traveling expenses or
is exempt from payment of fees. »
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