a I` H E I D E A \
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Vol. lll LEXINGTON, KY., FEBRUARY 16, 1911 No. Z5 Y
5 \ BASKET BALL. Christ Church has and justly has the MANSHIWS LECTURE A $PLEN' ers; lt is rather the charming story-
-——— reputation of being the best team in DID ENTERTMNMEN-r' teller visiting with his friends. Don't
? TEAM RETURNS FROM TRIP. Ohio. The men composing this team '_-` forget plucé.
·-—— are old college stars, every man a LARGE AU ¤I ENC E WELL -3-••-•—-——
Great Improvement Shown. star, and with this reputation staring PLEASEQ WASHING-rON’S Bm-I-HDAY cELE'
-—— them in the face and having already "%` BRA-n°N‘
The gqugd of bggkgt bgll plgygrg been defeated twice, State’s five, un- S"'°°_°°° Grutly A'd°d BY th° H°°' """'
representing the University of Kem dimmed, met them Saturday mgm in pttality of Prof. Mackenzie and HILARIOUS EVENING IN OUR
M tucky, returned to Lsxtngton Sunday the host played sorno of tho trip. tt" '""°t“'“‘°'° E"°"“’ °t CHAPEL
  srter pmylng three or me fastest Ont-woishod. out-rooohod and on s P"' °"""" . __
  teams in Ohio. While it is true, they Strange Hom,. State gave Christ —-- Decorattnons, Band and. Instrumental
A) lost all three, yet every game was Fhnroh the hardest SUM th0Y'V€ hid TRIP? HERE SATURDAY NIGHT" Mmm, Reprsumatwu. From
fast and moss, me last rew minutes this roar From tho time the whiotio ——— th° F°°°` L°t°my S°°i'°"°°'
deciding the game_ sounded until the end of the last half The immense audience, which lis- Glu club and var°°°°
v After traveling eevea hgupg, they it was fast and furious all the way. tened to Gov. Luther Manship, of oth"` Am°°°m°"t°'
t ar;-{ved at De]avva;·e, Qhie, whgrg they The lst half ended 14-11 favor Christ Mississippi, in the University chapel _ "__ _
met Qme weeleyan Thursday uighh Church, and in the second half they the night of February the second, Th? Qtemng °f_F°bmm`y 22* wm be
z This game was played under ee]. substituted two fresh mon, one of were indeed afforded a rare treat. an hllamolfs we m _°ur Chapel" I?r°f‘
Q tegiate rules, whteh of cgurgg, proved them, Easton, having largely to do Seldom does the entire audience re- Farquhr is managlgg pmparatfons
l a bgd handteap to em- beye who gpg with the flnal result. The Alumni spond to a speaker as did this one, in mr a grand celebrimotl On me bun"
. unused to the ··d,·;b]e_·· At the gud and supporters of Old State there, turn, to the humor and pathos as dty Ot George washmgmm there
of the iirgt ha]; the aeepe gtood 14.11_ and there were quite a few, weren’t painted by the gifted orator. Mr. ww be batlds ang tuusic t°°‘ COIOTS
favor Wgglygn, the game being fast in the least ashamed of the game put Manshlp is certainly a born actor wm be nylug arusucauy; Strings wm
T and clean, only gng foul being cgugd up by our men who did remarkably and his story telling was simply ex- vtbrmei Speakers and Speakemsses
and that eu State But towards the well playing the`.·· opponents as they cellent. wm Speak aug clubs wm sing; all
latter part of the eeeead hglf Qhig did. Hart scored largest for State, In fact, we found him a most excel- vm Combme U} one mumwdiuous
Wesleyan seemed to euteelaee eur dve making four lilflculz shots. Both lent man along all lines, and believe Jubgee as 8 mtmg honor to me °°u°`
and the game ended 3g-24_ All {hg guards played w.».l throughout the that he cannot be excelled upon the U`y_S féqlel"
men played well, {hg gpgctgtgpg ye. trip, mak°ngg their rr-en work for all platform as an entertainer. We hope btrainwg ever?} neva and _l?'b°rmg
marking that not only was that the met not The final score was 3‘> 21. that it will be possible to have him to the tutteét °t their capacmes the
hardest game Wesleyan bag had {big it might be menttcrcd that this is with us again another year. OPGS that will b°_h°ard °° that 8},6
year, but the eteaeet guarding they the team that bent Georgetown Col- Gov. Manship was entertained while mug Cermmly wm have Sémethmg
have ever seen. Line-up: Harrison, l€g€ 99-9. this year'. Among a. host here at the home of Prof. MacKenzie, worthy of the Occasion and It is an`
eentep; Marx and Hart, fgpwgrdg; of Kentucky followers Messrs. Gra- who is an old friend, and after the Cumbem upon every Student here to
Gaisgrl and Preston, gu3,rdg_ b€l‘, Bild Ridd, ,12, RBSDGSB ,].4, M8.l'X· lecture the 0I‘3tO1‘ WHS giV€I1 8. dill- S€€_that' the general public knows
The next game played was at West- m¤€U€I‘ ’15, H8I‘t ’08, \V8.§/ne Plummer ner at the Phoenix by Prof. Mac- of it and _lf possible 8'tt€udS' No
Ewing, where they played Otmrbom V12. and u host of whew Kennel Those present Were, Prof. such extensnve demonstration has hap-
University. In this game it seemed Although our team didn’t win games F- Pant And€¥`S0¤· Prot- R- H- Sv¤hr· Dened in me megmry of man, sim?
as if some hoodoo was camping on on the trip te was guccgggfu] mee- Judge Henry S. Barker. Major John me death °t him m “"h°S€ h°“°r “°
tho hools of tho Ky. quintet. Even much as the improvement shown and Skoin. Prof- A· S- M¤¢K¢¤Zi€· Gov- Shan Speak' smg.°'°d pl"' .
though the game was played in a the game pat up against stronger Manship, Mr. Jack Murray, and Mr. P°°tS wm reclm their mspimd
ruthrr Small ¤n¤¤¤- with no ontoioo mms. ws so disgrace to me a w. E. maven, ot Lotnsvnte. rue *‘h>’¤¤€S· story ¤<==§¤‘t wm throh for
lines and under collegiate rules, State close game and every game was close Student b°dY heartily thanks Prot- the IOW Ot comm`) and au the while
Started in with n rush. throwing has- and hard fought. Not one or those R- H- Snohr for his efforts in <>¤t¤b· we wm bf? S`? Smjmd ?r°rP wmwut
kets from every angle and guarding teams can eay gratee men are ··qdit. lishing this Lyceum course, whereby that we “   mel miie “° me in the
well and though the score at the end ters_" Every man plgygd hard myd such a dehghtful entertainment was best cmmut On [hh Side the Gulf Of
of the flrst half stood 19-11 in favor gave forth the bggt in mm_ The {C]. made possxble. M°¥i°°‘ _ _
of St,8tB, Otterbein Came back   lowing [QQ!] made the trip; Cf)aQh Saturday Bight. February 18r at 8 'lhreu let us   Feel lt our   to
a rush and won out in the last few lddmgs’ Manager Bum), Captain 0.010ck, Mr. Walter Bradley Tripp, show the honor ot our presence not
moments, tho more standing 42-29. Galser, Preston, nsmssn, mn, nm, P¤·of~=>¤¤o¤· or Dramatic Art in the Em· °?"." ‘° me "‘“*°"°· "°"‘S °“d ‘““`
Barnett went in at right forward in Barnett, Beatty and Kimbrough. €*¤`S0¤ Collrso of O*`at°t`Y· B°¤t°¤· will %ma“S’ but [0 the country aud. its
Hart’s place and played well. The render Shakespeare’s "Twelfth t°Tu"d°'?‘ Pet Ps bum with me mes"
rest of the team played hard and fast. . Nlght." "[ pammlsm my Om- history and its
Captain Galser’s arm was injured in This number wil be held tn the h°"°°S‘
the first half so badly that he couldn’t ATTENTION, SOPHOMORE8! Sayre College chapel instead of the —"_"’*°*""`_'
lift it but set a flue example to his State l7lltV€l'Si{)' chapel. Prof. Tripp THE UMOON LITERARY SOQETY
men by gamely sticking it out the ———-— comes to us with excellent testimon- HOLDS GRAND MBE-nNG·
rest of the game. The line·up in this lals and you cannot afford to miss ———-—
game W3.B, Harrison, center; Gaiser, All Sophomores are earnestly re- hearing him. The distinctly personal Judge Barker, Dr. Patterson and Prof.
and Preston, guards; Barnett and quested to be at Spengler’s Studio element which Mr. Tripp brings to his Gordon as Speakers.
-. Marx, forwards. · Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock to work at once makes him one with —-——
The third game was played with have the class picture made for the his audience, so that he never gives Last Saturday night the Union Lit-
the Men’s Club of Christ Church. Annual. the impression of talking at his hear- crary Society was gratified beyond