’ Mineral Waters. 103
It is a weak chalybeate water containing much less than
the average amount of solid matter.
LABORATORY No. 43603—Water from a well bored within
about a year, at the house of Mr. J. W. Bailey, near the
depot at Moreland. The water is said to act as a laxative
and has been used with good results by a numberof persons.
Sample brought by Raymond Walker, Moreland, in June,
1914. ,
ANALYs1SBOne gallon contains 103.0 grains of solid matter
(1.776 gram per liter) composed of calcium sulfate, magne-
sium sulfate, sodium chlorid and traces of iron, silica,
strontium and lithium salts.
It is a saline sulfated water and contains enough magne-
sium sulfate to give it a laxative effect.
LABORATORY NO. 43679 --Well water sent by T. A. King,
Moreland, June 30, 1914.
ANALYSIS’*OH€ gallon contains 44.5 grains of solid matter V
(.772 gram per liter) composed of sodium chlorid, calcium
sulfate, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate and traces
of iron, silica, iodids and bromids, potassium sulfate and
lithium carbonate. I
Bacteriological examination by Dr. Pinnellgave: Bacteria
per cc., 12400; colon bacteria, 26: lactose bile tube, 50% gas in
48 hours; Dunham`s tube, positive indol reaction in 5 days. _
The mineral analysis indicates a weak saline wateriwhich
should have medicinal value. The bacteriological report,
however, indicates contamination.
LABORATORY NO. 43695-—Spring water sent by Ed. Calvert,
Birdsville, July 9, 1914.
ANALYSISWOHQ gallon contains 169.1 grains of solid matter
(2.9 grams per liter) composed mainly of sodium chlorid,
. calcium sulfate and magnesium sulfate with small quantities