Mi0zeo·al Waters. 107
Chinn. Sample slightly turbid with a little ferruginous
ANALYSIS*OH€ gallon contains 78.8 grains of solid matter
(1.352 gram per liter) composed mainly of sodium chlorid,
with moderate amounts of calcium sulfate, calcium carbon-
- ate, magnesium carbonate and ferrous carbonate and traces
of silica, potassium and lithium. ' "
It is a very weak saline water.
Three mineral waters from 'Graham Springs, formerly
Harrodsburg Springs, at Harrodsburg, brought November
11th, 1914, by Ben C. Allen, owner of the property.
LABORATORY NO. 43931—Marked No. 1333From the original
spring known as the "Greenville spring" or the Old
. Harrodsburg Spring. Sample perfectly clear. -
ANALYS1S—One gallon contains 208.7 grains of solid matter 9
(3.586 grams per liter) composed mainly of calcium sulfate
and magnesium sulfate with some calcium carbonate, a little
sodium chlorid and traces of iron, silica and potassium —
This is a magnesian water and would doubtless have a
laxative effect.
LABORATORY NO. 43932eMarked No. 2—From a well about
75 to 100 ft. deep, bored by Mr. Allen about three years
ago on the south-west side of the hotel. This is supposed
to be the same stream as the spring opened by Dr. Graham
in front of the hotel and on lower ground. The water in
the well seems to fluctuate with that in the spring. Very
slight sediment. _
ANALYSIS 3~One gallon contains 197.8 grains of solid matter
(3.400 grams per liter) composed of sodium chlorid, calcium
sulfate, magnesium sulfate and calcium carbonate, with
traces of iron, potassium sulfate and lithium chlorid.
It differs from No. 43931 in containing more sodium chlorid.
. LABORATORY NO. 43933—3Marked No. 3—From a well about
190 feet deep bored by Mr. Allen about the same time as
No. 2, about one-eighth mile from the hotel, near the Perry-