2 Twenty-seventh Annual Report of the .
work of agricultural extension within· the State, and has
necessitated the reorganization of the worklof this depart-A
ment in a spirit of cooperation with the United States De-
partment of Agriculture as provided for in the Smith-Lever
Act. In the reorganization of the work`of this Department,
Dr. Fred Mutchler, State Leader of the Farmers’ Coopera-
tive Demonstration Work in Kentucky, has been appointed
Superintendent of Agricultural Extension and within the
period covered by this report, the extension activities of the
Experiment Station and the College of Agriculture have
greatly increased. Among these various activities may be
mentioned the following:
Demonstrations in the cultivation of ordinary field crops,
experimental orcharding, including demonstrations in prun- r
ing, spraying, the reclamation of old orchards, etc., truck
gardening and the growing of small fruits, the care of lawns,
dairying, demonstrations in the feeding of beef cattle, the ,
raising of sheep,` hogs and poultry, the care and use of
manure, the erection of silos, drainage demonstrations, the
removal of stumps, animal diseases, improved agricultural
implements, fertilizers, boys’ corn clubs, cooperative market-
ing, roads, agricultural meetings, including agricultural
chautauquas, movable schools in agriculture, agricultural
trains. Hundreds of persons witnessed the pruning and
spraying demonstrations conducted during the year, and a
large number of orchards were inspected.
Among new lines of work, may be mentioned that of rural
or agricultural economics, the purpose of which is threefold
to give instruction to students in this subject, to study
problems in the production and marketing of various agri-
cultural products, and to conduct social surveys of various