Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 3
agricultural communities, with the view ultimately of improv-
` ing the conditions of rural life.
Within the past year, the work in veterinary science has
_ been greatly strengthened and enlarged,- partly by the equip- J
ment of ra new bacteriological and pathological laboratory for
the study of animal diseases, and partly by additions to the
staff of a number of trained veterinarians. Among the various
helpful activities of the veterinary department-may be men-
- A tioned a newly organized veterinary clinic for the study and
treatment of obscure animal diseases, at actual cost to owners
of live stock for feed and medicines for `afiiicted animals dur-
ing the time of treatment. Such a free, animal clinic should
grow in usefulness to the live stock interests of the State
year by year. ยท
The present Staff of the Experiment Station, including
` the Board of Control, is given on page vii of this report.
APPOINTMENTS. Within the period covered by this report,
the following appointments have been made to the Staff of
the Experiment Station:
R. L. Pontius appointed to succeed L. W. McElyea,
resigned, February 6, 1914. T
R. Pfanstiel of the State University, Lexington, Kentucky,
appointed Assistant Chemist, Department of Chemistry,
July 1, 1914.
E. H. Nollau of the State University, Lexington, Ken-
tucky, appointed Assistant Chemist, Feed Department,
July 1, 1914.
Fred Mutchler appointed Superintendent of Agricultural
Extension, July 17, 1914.
C. D. Bohannan appointed Associate Professor of Agricul-
tural Economics, August, 1914.
A. L. Brueckner of the State University, Lexington, Ken-
` tucky, appointed Assistant in Hog Cholera Serum