4 Twenty-seventh Annual Report of the
Administration to succeed C. B. Wilson, September,
1914. .
P. E. Karraker of the University of Illinois appointed
Assistant in Soils, Department of Agronomy, to succeed
S. C. Jones, November, 1914.
RESIGNATIONS. Within the same period, the following
resignations from the Staff of the Experiment Station have
been accepted: ยท
James E. Mastin, Assistant Food Chemist, Department of
Food and Drugs. Resigned January 1, 1914, to take
charge of the food laboratory at the Mississippi Experi-
ment Station, Agricultural College, Miss.
L. W. McElyea, Assistant in Hog Cholera Serum Adminis-
tration. Resigned February 1, 1914, to take charge of
a commercial serum laboratory at Mason City, Iowa.
G. C. Routt, Assistant in the Department of Animal Hus- A
bandry (Beef Cattle, Sheep and Swine). Resigned .
April 1, 1914, to take up work in tobacco for the British
Government at Ottawa, Canada.
B. F. Scherffius, Tobacco Expert. Resigned May 1, 1914,
to take up work in tobacco for the British Government
in Ceylon.
C. B. Wilson, Assistant in Hog Cholera Serum Laboratory.
Resigned September, 1914, to pursue post-graduate work
in the College of Agriculture, University of Iowa, Ames,
B. D. Wilson, Assistant Chemist, Fertilizer Department.
Resigned September. 1914, to pursue `post-graduate
work in Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.
S. C. Jones, Soil Survey, Department of Agronomy.
Resigned November 15, 1914, to accept a position in the
Agronomy Department of Purdue University, Lafayette,
E. W. Mumma, Assistant in Charge of Hog Cholera
Serum Production. Deceased, December 4, 1914.