8 Twenty-seventh Annual Report of the
8. The study of clover bloat or tympany of the rumen in
cattle and its cure by means of formaldehyde, urotropin
or hexamethylene-tetramine. Dr. Healy.
A number of these investigations have been completed
during the past year and note-worthy progress has been
made in all of them.
The State appropriation of fifty thousand dollars per
annum, for the benefit of the Kentucky Agricultural Experi-
ment Station, approved March 11, 1912, also provides for the
carrying on of various lines of experimental work in agricul-
ture. Among the subjects of investigation specifically men-
tioned in the act are the following: Field experiments to
determine the character of the various soil types represented
in Kentucky and the best methods of cultivation of the same;
experiments in orcharding and in the cultivation and market-
ing of fruits and vegetables, remedies forinsect pests, studies ‘
in plant breeding and variety tests; such investigations as
are calculated to develop the beef, pork and mutton interests
of the State, including the economical feeding of meat—pro-
ducing animals and their preparation for the market; studies
looking to the development of the dairy and poultry interests
of the State: the rearing of calves and the experimental
study and investigation of various animal diseases; studies
looking to the development of the horse interests of the
State, and lastly the production and distribution of hog
cholera serum, in the attempt to control and eradicate hog
cholera. In conformity with the purposes of this act, field
experiments have been carried on on a number of soil types
throughout the State; soil surveys have- been completed in
two counties of the State and numerous analyses of soils
have been made in the chemical laboratories of the Experi-
ment Station. As already pointed out, studies have been