22 Twenty-seventh Annual Report of the
` Number of Orchards planted under Demonstration Supervision e- 75
" Trees planted in above Orchards ................ . .,.. 13,483
Total number of Trees inspected, pruned and sprayed ............ 56,193
Number of Orchards cared for due to the influence of Demon-'
stration Work ....................t............................ 738
The Following Diseases Were Reported.
San Jose Scale, Smut Fungus, Slugs,
Oyster Shell Scale, Shot Hole Fungus, Green Aphis,
Maple Scale, Frog Eye Fungus, Woolly Aphis,
Black Rot, Fly Speck Fungus, Canker,
Brown Rot, Trunk Blight, Crown Gall,
Bitter Rot, Fire Blight, Trunk Borers,
Codling Moth, New York Blight, Shot Hole Bore,
Apple Worm, Cedar Rust, Gummosis,
Apple Scab, Tent Caterpillar, Rabbits,
REMARKS: One important point stands out prominently in
the orchard work in Kentucky, and this is that especial i
attention was paid to old orchards. We have got to prove to
the farmers of Kentucky that an orchard properly pruned
and sprayed will produce fruit that is superior to any grown
in other states. If we prove that, new orchards will be
planted without any special effort on our part.
We are proud of the showing made in orchard work, as,
after all, this is merely an incident in connection with demon-
stration work.
A great deal of this splendid work was made possible by
the hearty cooperation of Professor Carmody of the Exten-
sion Department who assisted the county agents in every
way possible. His valuable work deserves special mention.
Indirirlual Items of Iiifvresti
One agent helped his farmers to market their domonstra-
tion apples in their home town and they sold for the same
price as western grown apples.
Another agent reports No lime—sulphur solution sold in
1913%: Six barrels lime·sulphur solution sold in 1914.
Another agent reports Fifty-eight spraying outfits sold
in his county in 1914.