24 Twenty-seventh Annual Report of the
Number of Agents reporting work with Sheep ...4..........e... 3
" Demonstrators .....,............_....._........ . .... 7
" Sheep in Demonstrations ._........._..._............ 262
Number of Agents reporting work with Hogs ,..e__............. 9
" Demonstrators .....e.e.......,s,........   e..,..e.., 63
" Hogs in Demonstrations eeee . _......___........_.,._. 2842
" Hog pastures started ____.__,,,____....ss,.e_,_._..   72
" Acres in pastures ,_.. - .....,_.._.._,,,__._._......... 1525
Number of Agents reporting work with Poultry ____.,,,,_, . _____ 5
" Demonstrators _.,,....,,,,,_...._____.._........eee. 51
" Model Poultry 1·1ouses built _,,,__________,_,,,,___... 20
REMARKS: 1n one county 8,000 guinea eggs were given to
the farmers by a firm of poultry dealers. 2,000 guineas
were raised from these eggs and they will be kept on the
farms for breeding purposes. ‘
Number oi` Agents reporting work ,,,.___. . .,_.,_.__e,_...,,,,,, 7
" Farmers influenced to take better care of manure -_ 857
Number of Agents reporting work with Silos ._,__ . _._,_,_,,,____ 12
" Silos built in 1014 due to Demonstration Work - ..... 207
" Silos reported either of tile or concrete ,,,,__,,.___.. 44
Number of Agents reporting work on Drainage ,,,,________,,,,, 8
" Acres drained due to Demonstration Work,. - ...._,, 3,895
Number of Agents reporting work with Stumps __,,_,,,,,___.. A 3
" Demonstrators . , __. ,,,,,______,,__ , __._,, ., ___ 11
" Acres from which Stunips were removed _, ._,., e eeee 152
Number of Agents reporting _ .,,____... H , ,,.. _ _____, _ 15
" Hogs Inoculuted and Vaccinated due to Demonstra-
tion Work ,,,,_,. , _,,__,_______,,__A___ 11554