Kentuc/cy Agriczeltzwal Experiment Station. 43
` Total number hogs not reported ....,..... 5,032
‘ Total number herds reported _....,,,_..,, 1,339
Total number herds not reported .....,,r_. 139 ·
Total number hogs lived __........,. .. 47,815 91.49’z
Total number hogs died _._____....,1..... 4,450 8.51 Q
Serum Depots.
i In order that swine breeders may have serum available on
short notice, serum depots have been established in the fol-
lowing counties:
Hopkinsville, Christian County ---G. C. Richardson, in charge
Henderson, Henderson County .._, P. D. Brown, in charge
Versailles, Woodford County ..,,,. O. F. Floyd, in charge
1-larrodsburg, Mercer County. ..... J. C. Gentry, in charge
Richmond, Madison County ...,,.. T. H. Collins, in charge
Franklin, Simpson County ,r..,,,, H. K. Gayle, in charge
Clinton, Hickman County ,__,,,1,_ Ellison Nall. in charge
Bandana, Ballard County ._......, T. C. Ogden, in charge
Smithland, Livingston County .,,,, L. C. Menard, in charge
Louisville, Jefferson County ......_ F. E. Merriman, in charge ‘
At these serum depots considerable amounts of hog cholera
serum are kept in cold storage ready for immediate use by
farmers and hog raisers in their respective localities. ‘
These various depots provide immediate service to the
swine breeders, and in emergency cases permit the serum
to be had at a moment’s notice. The results of this expan-
sion have been very effective, and serum depots will be
established in every hog raising county as the situation
warrants it.
In connection with our hog cholera eradication work, it has
been noted that the lack of shelter and sanitary conditions
under which the hog is kept, in some instances, are deplora-
ble. We have issued circulars pertaining to this subject,
given lectures, prepared popular newspaper articles, et cetera,
in bringing this to the farmers’ attention.