542 Bulletin. N0. 187.
July 24, 1 70 collected Sep. 23 c,c_c_ 120 collected
" 25 ,,,1,110 " " 24111 70 “ `.
" 28 ,,   " ‘“ 26   40 "
" 29 215 " " 27, 1,,.1 90 "
Aug. 3 120 “` " 29 d__.,_ 85   A
" 4   80 " ‘“   80 “`
`“   158 '“ Oct. 2, 1_v_, 40 ““
" 15 1 70 “ " 3 , 1 10 "
““ 18 1 75 " " 4 ,1,,,1 23 `“
" 19 1310 ‘“ " 511,, 60 "
Attention was given during 1912 to the parasites and other
enemies of the corn worm; lout the broods were looked after
also with a view to completing data with which I was not
fully satisfied. Pupae kept over winter and collected in the
field November 1, 1911, emerged in the Insectary from June
17 to 25. Another small lot collected November 3, 1911, and
kept in the window, emerged as follows:
1. June (5, P. 1/1.
2. “ 1, A. M. ».
3. " 8, P. M.
4. ““ 1, A. M.
5. “ 1, A. M.
6. " 8, A. M.
The following additional records of individuals pupating in
the fall of 1911 and emerging in the spring are of interest,
together with those already given, as showing how the period
of hibernation of many individuals is extended into the sum-
mer months, tho pupation begins at about the same time as
with others which emerge in June.
l{i·:uly l`¤»r|¤11|¤:\tio1i. Adult cim·i·1!¤·¤l.
1. Oct. 11, 1911 July 16, 1912
2. " 11, 1911 " 14. 1912
3. " 11, 1911 " 19, 1912
1. " 11, 1911 " 20, 1912
5. " 11, 1911 " 19, 1912
6. " 11, 1911 " 18. 1912
7. " 11. 1911 “` 1, 1912
8. " 7, 1911 June 21, 1912
9. " 7, 1911 " 21, 1812