656 Bulletin N0. 189.
3 i
5 Name and Address of Manufacturer .
E and Name of Brand From Whom Obtained.
"’ l
l l`he livansvillc Packing Co., Evans-
4 v lle, Ind.
44404% 'l`·»l>acc<» Special _.____,____,____.. Manufacturer . ,___, .   ,_.,,,
44406i llalf and Half Mixture ,___,,_.,, Manufacturer _,.__,_.__4....,.....
441407l Sp ·<·ial IU', Potash ____4.._,.,.., Manufacturer __..._,,,.,”..... ----
»l¤14U8l Potato and Tobacco Grower ._,, , - Manufacturer ___...,...,...... --,-
44685, W. A. Guenther & Sons, Owensboro
4440fl lieef, Blood and Bone .__.._,., ..-- Manufacturer ....__......,.....,.. `
—1»l(iH6‘ Eldred Hardware Co., Princeton ._,.
—l44lUl Favorite Formula ...... .. ,....,., Manufacturer ..,....A........,...t
444lll Corn and Wlceat Special .._.,,..., lManufacturer ,...,. . ....,......, . .
t l
-l—\—ll2i llarvest King _,,__,,, ...,,.. ....... lManufacturer ,,,,.,,,.,.,.,.......
it-llil Iiunc and l‘ota: