In account with the United States Appropriations, 1913-14:
Hatch Fund. Adams Fund.
Receipts from the Treasurer of the ·
United States, as per appropria-
tions for fiscal year ended June 30, ‘
1914, under Acts of Congress,
approved March 2, 1887 (Hatch
Fund) and March 16, 1906 (Adams
Fund) .._._. 1 _______________.1,, $15,000.00 $15,000.00
Exi»m~ini·ruuns. - ___-_-F V
By Salaries111 , 11111. __11_________ $8,620.86 $12,187.91
Labor ._..1..____________1. ' 1 1 1, 246. 42 458. 25
Publications ,___ 1 ____________ 485.70 _______._.
Postage and Stationery 1 ______ 671. 85 37. 60
Freight and Express ...._. 11 70. 60 30.01
Heat, Light, Water, Power 111 511.47 106.39
Chemicals and Laborat’y Sup. 1 400. 32 805.01
Seeds,Plants and Sundry Sup. 1 195. 70 151.12
Fertilizersu 11___ 1111111111   1 ._.__ 1 ____..__.
Feeding Stutfs ____ 1 _________ 1 11....... 265. 48
Library ,1 ____..1________,___1 648.17 315.37
Tools, Machinery and Appli. 1 393.71 61.70
Furniture and Fixtures 1 1 11111 881.90 54.80
Scientific Appar. and Specimens 80. 77 147. 75
Live Stock 1 1111111 1 1 11111_111 1111 111111 197.60
Traveling Expenses 111111111 1 145. 95 166.11
Contingent Expenses 111111 1 20.00 | 4.00
Buildings and Land 1  1 1111 1 626.58 { 10.90
Total 11111111111_1     11___1 h$15,000.00   $15,000.00
We, the undersigned, duly appointed Auditors of the Cor-
poration, do hereby certify that we have examined the books
and accounts of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment