



Subscribe for

Edited by

Published By And For University Alumni

And Help the Association

"For Goodness Sake" Use


Lafayette Coffee

Alumni Assn.


"Mountain Rose"



of those Alumni who seemed
to think that the Indiana game Miss Nancy Webb Innis and
Editorially we feel like patting spelled disaster for the entire season Mr. William C. Shinnick Are
in Lexington,
ourselves on the back this week. We for the Wildcats. It was a game that
Thursday, October 14
also have a strong inclination to yell, every member of the Alumni Associa"We told you so." Last week, if you tion of the University of Kentucky
should have seen. It would make you BOTH GRADUATED IN 1917
remember, we prophesied a much
football team to face the Gen- better members and even more ardent
The marriage
of Miss Nancy
erals of Washington and Lee. Not backers of the University of Kentucky Webb Innis of Lexington to Mr.
only was that prophecy filled but in in its field of endeavor.
William C. Shinnick, of Chicago,
reality it was run over. We not only
was solemnized
Thursday aftervastsent in a football team that was
noon, October 14, at the home of
ly improved but we sent in a football
South Mill street
COME ON HOME the bride onBoth Mr. and Mrs.LexingShinton, Ky.
team that played football vastly suSpeaking of football games calls nick are graduates of the University
perior to that of the Generals. We
will not attempt to go into details to mind thoughts of the homecoming of Kentucky and members of the
concerning the game for they will be game. No graduate or former stu- class of 1917. Only the members of
the two families were present at the
found in other columns of The Kernel, dents of the University of Kentucky ceremony.
The house was fittingly
but we do want to give you a little ever wants to miss a Kentucky-Centr- e
decorated and an altar was arranged
game. Most of them never do if it in the parlor.
idea of what you missed.
is possible for them to get to LexingMiss Katherine Dishman, a student
The Kentucky spirit that has helped
ton or Danville as the case may be. at the university, played the wedding
the students and teams of the UniverThis year the game will be played in music. The bride was escorted to
sity of Kentucky through many a deLexington. We will meet our tradiE.
feat in the past was more in evidence tional enemies on home ground. the altar by her father, Henry She
Innis, who gave her in marriage.
Saturday than at any
at the game last
Those who saw the game last year was met at the altar by the groom
the writer has ever witnessed. Each
will be back to see a repetition of the who was accompanied by his brother,
student, Alumnus and friend that was
Those who missed last Mr. Frank Shinnick, also of Chicago.
present at the game was filled with
Mrs. Shinnick is an accomplished
will be doubly anxious
spirit; never before did the cheers ring year's fracas
graduate of the University of Kenone this year.
loudly and encouragingly, to ie present for the
tucky, leading member of the Chi
out more
enjoy the game, the dance Omega sorority and of the Junior
everybody yelled and cheered and You will
aftrwards, seeing your old friends, League of Lexington. The Alumni
pulled for the team.
your old profs and teachers and the Association of the university made
We of course have to conceed to the university campus. There are lots her a life
member for her valuable
one point victory but
Generals their
work when the funds were being
of things that call you back.
to quote one of Kentucky's leading
Along this line allow us to drop raised for the stadium, and she has
newspapers, "It took a whole army of
been a member of the faculty of
just a word of advice. You had bet- Lincoln school for several years. the
Generals to skin the Cats and the
get those seats now. You know
skinning was the thinnest in history." ter
Mr. Shinnick also is a graduate of
they always
the University of Kentucky and a
What we really are trying to say how much in demand
brilliant student, a member of the
in the scattered "piece," is that we are.
Write the date down and make it Kappa Sigma fraternity; the Lamp
have 'one moite football team this
year. The game Saturday should be a point to be in Lexington on Novem- and Cross; the Canterbury Club;
president of the Strollers, as well as
enough to dispell the doubts in the ber 20.
taking part in their plays, and editor
of The Kentucky Kernel. He is the
son of Mrs. Edward D. Shinnick, of
o Square, Caldwell, New Jersey.
O- John James Fitzpatrick is Euro- Shelbyville and Chicago, and is now
pean Manager of the Armstrong Cork on the staff of the Chicago Tribune.
The bride and bridegroom will go
Company of Pittsburgh. He is living
at Avenida de Miraflores, 34 Apartado to housekeeping in Chicago, having
an apartment in readiness for their
Lawrence Edward Brown is an en- 51, Seville, Spain.
arrival. They were remembered with
gineer and manager of the Petree and
John Milton Foster is assistant pro- a large number of handsome gifts.
Dorr Engineers, Incf for Argetine fessor of machine design and applied
They will be at home after Noand Brazil. His address is Rio do mechanics at North Carolina State
Rosiario, 89-- 1 Rio de Janerio, Brazil, College at West Raleigh, N. C. He vember 1 at 1841 Jarvis avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
S. A.
is living at 5 Hope street, Raleigh.
Stephen Emory Caudill is resident
Frank Thorpe Mills is president of
Come Home For Homecoming.
engineer for the state highway de- the Miho Company of 717 Syracuse
partment of Alabama. He is living street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
at Winfield, Ala.
Meet While
H. Lee Moore is manager of the
Frank Finley Cawood is general Pittsburgh office of the Buffalo Forge
manager of the Lena Rue Coal Com- Company. He is living at 705 Flac-cu- s
pany, Three Point Coal Company and
road, Ben Avon, Penn.
Three Librarians Gmduates of
Evarts Coal Company. His address
Albert Brown Phister is a mechanUniversity Meet at American
is Lenarue, Kentucky.
ical engineer with the Watsworth
Frank Clark Dugan is director of Watch Case Company of Dayton, Ky.
Library Gathering
the Bureau of Sanitary Engineers of He is living at 115 Tower place, Fort
the State Board of Health of Ken- Thomas, Kentucky.
Miss Margaret Kipg, '98, librartucky. He is living in the Thierman
is owner of ian for the University of Kentucky
Richard Spurr-WebKentucky.
Apartments in Louisville,
attended the American Library AsAvory Earley Ewan is with the the Mammoth Garage in Lexington. sociation meeting which was held
and, Grocery His address is 259 East Maxwell this year in Atlantic City. While
Greenville Hardware
Company of Greenville, Kentucky.
there she met Mfss Susan Akers,
John Frank Grimes is a dealer in
1909, and Miss Pearl, Hinesley, 1909,
automobile tires and accessories at
Collins is chief of the field both graduates of the University of
501 West Main street, Lexington, Ky. department of the Burley Cooperative
Kentucky and at present in library
Edward Hugh Lewis is with the Marketing Association and is living work.
Illinois Central Railway Company at 603 Boonsboro avenue, Lexington,
Miss Susan Akers is an instructor
and is living at 640 Magnolia street, Kentucky.
in the University of Wisconsin LiJackson, Mass.
engin- brary School and also field visitor for
James Ray Duncan is sales
William Eugene Mosby is engaged eer for the Carrier Engineering Cor- the Wisconsin Free Library Comin the building construction business poration of Newark, New Jersey. He mission.
She is living in Madison,
His address is 8129 is living at 320 Mt. Prospect
in Chicago.
Cottage Grove avenue, Chicago.
Miss Pearl Hinesley is librarian for
Lauren Snyder O'Roark is employThomas Evans Earle is head of the
ment director of the Bell Telephone production department of the Lake the Roanoke, Virginia, public library
is living in Roanoke.
Laboratories of New York City. He Shore Sand and Gravel Company of and
Miss King spent considerable time
is living at 14 Ralph Place, Morris-towNorth East, Pennsylvania.
with Miss Akers and Miss Hensley in
New Jersey.
Jake Harmon Gaiser is secretary Atlantic City.
Joseph Bryan Shelby is a sales
Com- and treasurer of the Fels Parts Comengineer with the Driver-HarrCome Home For Homecoming.
pany of Harrison, New Jersey. He is pany of Brooklyn, New York. He is
living at 34 Butler place, Brooklyn.
living at 307 Wyoming avenue,
Marion Myrl Harrison is chief
N. J.
Evans Layton Snuff is service and chemist for the Miller RubUer Com- fornia. She is living at 1708 Truxton
sales engineer for the Combustion En- pany,, of Akron, Ohio. He is living at avenue.
Frank Davis Cain is chief engineer
gineering Corporation of Atlanta, 334 Marriman road, Akron.
Georgia. He is living at 55 Hunt
William Coleman Harrison is a of the St. Bernard Mining Company
of Erlington, Kentucky. He is living
minister and is teaching in the
street, Atlanta.
Baptista, Rio de Janerio, Brazil. at Madisonville, Kentucky.
Sherman Harry Stivers is a memRobert Leslie Jones is assistant
ber of the Interstate Commerce ComAlvin Hovey Colbert is sales enginHis purchasing agent for the Carrier En- eer with offices at 1047 Conway Buildmission of Washington, D. C.
address is 305 Mills Building, Wash- gineering Corporation of Newark, N. ing, Chicago.
J. His address is 312 Mt'. Prospect
Mrs. Arthur W. Huckle (Innis
Carroll Gholson Taylor is a special- avenue.
is living at 301 College aVenue
William Septimus Taylor is deari Rock Hill, South Carolina.
ist in Joint Stock Land Bank Securities and is owner of the firm of C. G. of the College of Education of the
Willis Ewing Hobson, is a mine
Taylor and Company, 27 William University of Kentucky. His is livstreet, New York City. He is living ing at 235 East Maxwell street, Lex- superintendent and is living at Pond,
West Virginia.
at 593 Manor. Land, Pelham Manor, ington, Kentucky.
Lee Hunt is an assistant professor
Raymer Wendell Tinsley is with the
New York.
bureau of investigation of the Unite'd of education at the St. Lawrence UniHis versity, Canton, N. J. His address
Arthur Carlton Ball is general States Department of Justice.
secretary of the Dairy Products As- address is Box 125, Oklahoma City, is 43 Judson street.
Joseph Paul LeMaster is head of
sociation of Kentucky and is living Oklahoma.
the dairy division of the Clemson Col1913
at 2166 Baringer avenue, Louisville,
John Parham Barrow is president lege of Agriculture, Clemson College
Wallace Clifton Duncan is manager of the Transylvania Printing Com- South Carolina.
William Muir Lane is connected
of the Lamp Manufacturing Service pany and is living at 246 South Hanwith the American Heating and VenDepartment of the International Gen- over avenue, Lexington, Kentucky.
Elizabeth Bedinger is teaching in tilating Company of Philadelphia. His
eral Electric Company of New York
City. He is living at 8 Orchard the High School at Bakersfield, Cali- - address is 821 Summit Grove avenue,
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.
Lulie Elizabeth Logan is assistant
State Home Demonstration Agent
with the Extension Division of the
University of Kentucky. Her home
$3, alumni dues.
Encloced find check for
address is Leestown Pike, Lexington,
$50, life membership
Jesse Isadore Miller is an attorney
at law and federal taxation expert
with offices in the Commercial NaDegree
tional Bank Building, Washington, D.
C. His home is 14 Oxfort street,
Chevy Chase, Maryland.
Daniel Whitaker Perry is teacher of
Business Address
Bible at Bethel College, McKenzie,
Tennessee. His address is 223 Ston'e-wastreet.
John Wilson Porter, Jr., is a chemist with the American Steel Foundar-ieof Granite, Illinois. His address
(Give maiden name of wife, date of marriage, names and
is 4405 Florris Place, St. Louis, Mo.
ages of children).
Sylvan Stewart Price is an oil geologist with the Dixie Oil Company, of
Tulsa, Oklahoma. His address is 704
Mid Continental Building,



Chicago Alumni Club, luncheon
third Monday in each month in the
Men's Grill, Marshall Field Co.
Washington Alumni Club, luncheon October 20, University Club.
Buffalo Alumni Club, meeting
second Saturday in each month at
Chamber of Commerce, Seneca and
Main streets, 2:15 p.m.
Homecoming game and Alumni
dance, November 20, University of




Herald and is a former student of
the Universiy of Kentucky and a
member of the class of 1919. Mrs.
Underwood before her marriage was
Miss Eliza Piggott and was graduated from the university with the
class of 1919.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Whitney Kemper at the Good Samaritan hospital in Lexington on October 1. The baby is called Charles
Kirk Kemper for his maternal grandfather. Mrs. Kemper before her
marriage was Miss Georgene Kirk
of Paintsville, Ky. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Kemper are former students of
the university and were members of
the class of 1926.
Come Home For Homecoming.

Former Student Here
Col. Robert A. Burton
W. & L. Game



Col. Robert A. Burton, president
of Ogden College, Bowling Green,
Kentucky, was in Lexington last
week-en- d
to attend the Washington
and Dee jgame. He spent several
days at the Phoenix hotel.
He is a former student of the University of Kentucky and a member
of the class of 1892.' During his college career he represented the university in several oratorical and athletic contests. Since leaving the
university he has become one of the
most prominent educators in Kentucky.


Come Home For Homecoming.

Graduate Is Speaker
Dr. Arthur Lovenhart, '98, Talks
Before Institute of Politics
Dr. Arthur S. Lovenhart, '98, who
is now with the University of Wisconsin was one of the principal
speakers at the closing session of
the Institute of Politics, at Williams-towMass.,
on August 25. Dr.
Lovenhart is an authority in the field
of medicine and a member of the
He spoKe on the future of chemotherapy and declared that therapeutics was the most neglected field of
He urged the establishment of a therapeutic institute in this
country to devote itself to problems


which when solved will be immediate-

ly applicable to the treatment of the


Come Home For Homecoming.



Capt. A. C. Norman, '94, a graduate from the College of Engineering
of the University of Kentucky recently was promoted to the important position of Commander of the
Lake Division of the United States
Coast Guard with headquarters at
Sault Ste Marie, Michigan.
is the highest rank in this branch of
the service and is equivalent to the
commission to a colonelcy in the reg
ular army.
Commander Norman was graduat
ed from the College of Engineering
of the University of Kentucky. 32
years ago and has been in the coast
guard service 31 years.
The Sault Ste Marie News, of recent date, a copy of which has been
received here contains the following
notice of the promotion of Captain
"Commander A. C. Norman, division engineer, Great Lakes division,
United States Coast Guard, returned i today from Washington, Philadelphia and New York, after taking an
examination for captain and visiting
friends on the Atlantic seaboard.
Commander Norman returns a captain, but will not receive his appointment officially until October 13, when
the retirement of Captain H. L. Boyd,
of the Norfolk division,
leaves a
vacancy. Commander Norman will
not be transferred but will remain
with the Great Lakes division. Commander Norman has been in the
Coast Guard service for 31 years."


My Remington Portable
aoes an me worn
hnavai faitaaaaptabBiij tmyemr
problems. Maybe yosaie oath track
teampossibly yon are oat for cmr
sad yoa need att the spate tame yam
can get. That's warn the Reaaiaa;-to- n
Portable shines. It speeds Bp
your work and gives you more TiaiT
for other activities.
IUstbe bandM6tatMt,HMtt depend
able and simplest to operate of aH
portables. It weighs only SHpcraad,
net. and since the carrrise eaee ia
only 4 inches high, job caa pot k
away in a drawer waea net
Smallest, lightest; and most compact
of standard keyboard portaMaa, isk
any wonder k is the rnenjaieeif

Coming' Marriage of

Interest to Alumni

316 Ewing Hall


engagement of Miss Mary
of Cynthiana, to Mr.
Oliver Perry Alford of Flushing, Long
Island, was announced last Saturday. The announcement of the coming marriage is doubly interesting
to Alumni of the University of Kentucky owing to the fact that the
parents of Mr. Alford both are graduates of the University of Kentucky.
Mr. Smith Alford, father of Oliver Perry Alford was graduated from
the College of Arts and Sciences of
the University of Kentucky in the
class of '96. At present he is presi-den- lj
of the Ganford Ccjmpany of
Flushing, L. I. and treasurer of the
George S. Hall Company
of New
York City. Mrs. Alford before her
marriage was Miss Ida West Lucas of Lexington and she was graduated from tho College of Arts and
Sciences of the University of Kentucky in the class of 1898. Mr. Alford also formerly lived in Lexington. They make their home at 5
Locust street, Flushing, L. I.
Miss Lair was one of the most popular women students of the university during her two years here and
last year was regiment sponsor for
Corps of the University of Kentucky.
No date has been set for the wedding but it will be solemnized in the
early winter.


ex-'2- 8,


25-Ye- ar



7 'felong Wear Combined

send into this

with Writing Excellence
In a


point under a
PUT the Parker Duofoldyoull see this.
glass and

The two nibs are extra strong because
made of extra thick gold, so skillfully tempered that they do not have to bind together for support, each is seAsupport-ing.Tha thin film of ink instantipforms
in the channel between these nibs ready
to flow the instant the point touches paper.
To write, you do not have to shake a
Parker Duofold or spring the nibs apart.
The Parker writes immediately by its
own weight alone without pressure,
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A point tipped with an extra large pellet of pure native iridium that defies a
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And we can guarantee it for 25 years
not only for mechanical perfection but
for wear!
Step in to the nearest pen counter today and try your favorite point in a Parker Duofold Extra Fine, Fine, Medium,
Stub, Broad or Oblique.

Gaithern '14



Carl Emil Lauer



Gilbert Coleman Richardson
Herschel Russell Shelton


Non-Breakab- le

Dropped 3000 Feet

Harry Benjamin Debrowsky

Harry Daniel

135 Market Street, Lexingten, Ky.

Miss Mary Lair,
to Marry
O. P. Alford Whose Parents
Graduated in 90's


Donald Magoffin

jMdtr is sales m sfn psaHerj?
Tenia as inr as flOdumm
aatf fS monthly.

The Recognized Leader in.
Sales and Popularity

Come Home For Homecoming.

The Alumni office would appreciate it if you would
office addresses of any of the graduates listed below.
Guy Leslie Dickinson '14 .

Col-leg- io


Earl Steffy '14.

Charles William Bailey '15
Esther Mae Bailey '15


Elizabeth Fearn Eldrige '15

Parker Duofold Pencils to match Ac Pens:
Lady Duofold, S3; Over-siz-e
Jr.. $3.50
Big Brother"

The Fakkik Pin CourANr. Janisvilie. Wis.








Zechariah Pierce Hamilton '15


Melvin Hays Judd '15



riiaaWawn iT'rfraTWiariT

Charles John Petrie '15


Archie Xavier Pfeffer '15



A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas. R. Underwood at the Good
Samaratan hospital on October 11.
The baby was named Thomas Rust
Underwood, Jr. Mr. Underwood is
managing editor of The Lexington



Sweeney Coffee Co.




"Blue Grass Queen"

Capt. A. C. Norman, '94, is Made
Commander of Lake Division of- U. S. Coast



Roasted and
Packed by



lucky CtLne Feed JanA lsYezrPeinl
Lady Duofold?
Duofold Jr. fS

Parker Duofold' s

point is set in


barrel of
Permanite" lus-


trous and ligh-


does not fade or
shrink. Dropped
3ooo feet from an
aeroplane vititMt

