b are provided in the dormitories. To these good substantial board is fur-
» nished at $2 per week, payable weekly in advance. But no student under
, seventeen years of age will be permitted to room in the dormitories, unless
all of his classes shall be in the regular Collegiate Courses. Good board~
ing, with fuel, lights and furnished room, can be obtained in private
families at rates varying from $3.50 to $4 per week.
` The students who board in the dormitories are, for business purposes,
organized at the beginning of the collegiate year under a Chairman and
Secretary of their own choice, whose successors are elected on the first
Tuesday of each term, and who serve for one term. At the business
. meeting held on Tuesday night of each week, the weekly dues, $2, are
paid. The Boarding Department is managed by a Board consisting of the
, President of the College, the Commandant, the Treasurer, who is a mem-
ber of the Faculty and into whose hands all the weekly dues are placed
· when collected, the Steward and the Chairman and Secretary selected by
l the students. It will thus be seen that the Boarding Department has no
l official connection with the College authorities. The College, as such,
does not board the students, and is in no sense responsible for any debts
created by the Boarding Department. Two members of the Faculty, in
their individual capacity, assist in the management of its funds.
The necessary expenses of a student while at College need not ex-
ceed the following estimates. As a rule, the less pocket money allowed
V by parents or guardians, the better it is for the pupil. \Vhen supplies of
pocket money are kept short, the opportunity for contracting vicious hab-
its is correspondingly diminished. Students should not be allowed by
their parents to create any debts. All moneys intended for the use of the
students should be deposited with the Commandant.
For county appointees occupying a room in the dormitory and board-
ing in the common mess, the necessary expenses are as follows:
Tuition .............................. . ................... . .... . $ 0 00
Use of room and furniture ..................................... . 6 50
Matriculation ...................... . ............................ 5 00
Fuel aud gas .................................................... 8 00
Cost of furnishing 1·oom about. .............,................... 10 00
Washing ........................................ . ............. 10 O0
` Board, 38 weeks, at $2 pcr week .................................. 76 00
Books, about ......... . ......................................... 10 00
{ Total .................... . .............................. $125 50
{ Each room must be provided by each occupant thereof, at his owner-
' pause, with a good mattress, three comforts or blankets, one pillow, three
pillow slips, four sheets, looking-glass blacking brush, hair brush, clothes
, . 1. _____   T. - ..