Q   When the party was assembled Dr. McVey was escorted to the platform by .l  Mg;]
; _l Dr. Boyd, and Dr. Patterson introduced the guest of honor to his future assg. · hea;
. { ciates and students. ·
  l A In his brief, pleasant address Dr. McVey complimented the State of ‘ can
  , l Kentucky and said that his ancestry were of Fayette County. He remarked that _Z  ~ amo
  — the opportunity of addressing true Americans was somewhat different from  
`» , speaking to men and women of many races as he was accustomed to do in " 
V North Dakota. Hopes for pleasant relations in the future between the studems € (im
l - and himself were expressed by the President is optimistic terms and the assem. .  gw?
Q ‘ bly was assured that all the power, influence and ability he possessed would be I Wim
l . . gladly given for the benefit of the University. Dr, McVey created an atmos· Q to E
E t _ phere as companionable and delightful as could be imagined and his address   amt
_ impressed his hearers with his strong personality. “  
  { After meeting Dr. McVey and hearing his talk, the guests chatted informally 5; mai
  for an hour or` more and enjoyed refreshments served by the members of the  , MSO
X T Associations. “   That
  Couweu. Oneixivrzen. ii  ldfa
{ Saturday moming, Sptember 15, was devoted to a meeting of the Council, i  fam
·   , _ the new governing body of the University, which was called at the request of   fmlc
{ , Dr. McVey, the future head of the organization. At present the Council corr- 1 mm
l sists of the President, the Registrar, the Dean of Men, the Dean of Womeii and  `
  · ` ‘ the Deans of the various colleges. v_ all 5
`   ` The Council will have entire charge of the government of the University V Hlll
  and the conduct of the students. The first meeting was for the purpose of per- lly
; manent organiation and sub—committees will be appointed later in the year to . lFl€l
, ztake charge of each special branch of University work. No business was taken  
` up the first meeting but each member had an opportunity to meet the new E
_ President.  
A _ Guest or rr-te Umveastrv Ceuta, Z  §l0l>
· i After spending a very busy day following his arrival, Dr. i\fcVey was guest  _ is li
l ’ of honor of the University Club at their apartments on Main Street Saturday  _ Fm
1 - night and had the pleasure of meeting many who are representative of other  V ers
, T universities of this section, meeting some of his future associates again and Illillly  y appl
{ educators of other local institutions.  . teml
. Y I Dr. McVey was formally presented to the club by County Attorney Hogan Li Pm
i V Yancey, President of the Club, and in the course of his address laid special ` Dm
! emphasis on the necessity of co—operation among all colleges and university  -·
t men in the city in solving the various difhcult problems now facing the Uni\‘ef·  ` and
sity of this State. Although no definite plans were outlined by Dr. Mc\Ye5‘,H   l0¤1
general expression of sympathy and concurrence with his ideas was heard from   tim<
many of the most noteworthy members present. ii l€T€
T The
. Aminessics Y. M. C. A. Axim Y. \\’. C. A. _ aetu
The joint meeting of the Y, \N’. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. held in chapel Sun- Q the
A day evening, September 16, was one of the most successful meetings of the }‘<‘fll· · gm