1 •.  Lk ii » . `
  'l`he bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Griswold Bouriit,  
  of New York.  
I `, . ,_,._.  if
    HUTCI~lCl{AFT—GRAHAl\f. ·  
§ ¥ Miss Lucy K. Hutchcraft, class of 1906, of Lexington, Kentucky, and D;  
  r Robert Graham, of Urbana, Illinois, were married August 30th, 1917. Boil; g- 
3 were formerly members of the Station Staff and the University of Illinois i>  `
  to be congratulated upon securing them both, when expecting only one. ’
l —-—-—-—0..»——-— -. 
3 DEATHS.  .
  I ‘ _ WALLACE V. SMITH, ’13. A
l \Nallace V, Smith, formerly professor in animal husbandry at the University  [
I _ of Kentucky, died Thursday, October 25. Mr. Smith for the past few year,  ,
· had been in the Government service as market inspector, He had been train-  
l » ferred to the Denver oftiee from Wvashington only a few months ago. lrle it
3 ¢‘ survived by his wife and one child.  ·.
i The body was brought to Lexington for burial.  
· < .  5 ]
l T