Less Interest in St. Thomas'.-Defection of Father
Coomes.-St. Thomas' as a College.-Again a Sem-
inary.-Its Possible Closing.-Peter J. Lavialle.-Death
of Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds.-Death of Bishop David.-
Teachers at St. Joseph's.-Classics at the Colleges.-
Vocations Growing Scarce,-Priests of the Period.-
Series of Vocations in Families.-Eloquence of the
Clergy.-Quartet of Kentucky's Distinguished Sons ....... 90

                   CHAPTER XII.
    Reasons for the Decline of St. Thomas'.- Debt.-
Loss of Dr. Kenrick.-Absence of Bishop Flaget.-
Lack of Harmony.-Affliction of Bishop Cliabrat.-
Plans of Bishop Spalding.-Father Hutchins in
Charge.-Debt Cleared Off.-Father Lavialle,-Appoint-
ment of Father Chambige.-Noble Band of Priests
from Europe.--Last Call for Outside Help,-Pastors of
St. Thomas' Church ................. .................... 101

                   CHAPTER XIII.
   French Missionaries.-Incident in the Life of
Ilishop Flaget.-Sketch of Father Chambige.-St.
Thomas' Opened, Domestic Arrangexnents.-Its First
Years.-Growing Prosperity.-Increase of Stud ents.-
Stronger Faculty.-Students from Other Dioceses.-
Prospectus of 1854.-New Building,-The Early Stu-
(lents.-The Survivors.-E. M.Bachmann.--First Pre-
paratorian .......... ............1.1. .......0........... 110
                   CHAPTER XIV.
   First Provincial Council of Cincinnati,-Provincial
Seminaries.-Theological Seminary at Cincinnati.-
Preparatory at St. Thomas'.-A Vanishing Genera-
tion.-Personnel of the Faculty.-Changes.-Father
O'Driscoll.-Withdrawal of the Cincinnati Students.-
War Times--Dangers,-Morgan's Men;-Execution of
a Soldier.-The  Sick  Confederate.-Sister  Mary
Louis.-Father Cooney.-Other Incidents and Incon-
veniences.    .          .......... .. ..... ..... 120

                   CHAPTER XV.
   Search for Contraband,-A Sick Boy's Imagitia-
tion.-Strenuous Life.-Unity and Diversity.-The
Debating  Society.-Characteristic  Names.-Chatty
O'Brien.-Saxon and "The Bully Times".-Soldier