Priests.-Literary Golden Days.-"The Meddler".-
Previous Journals.-Strenuous Sports.-Earnest Study.-
The Professors.-Religious Life.-Veterans of the War
Period ......... .130

                   CHAPTER XVI.
    Looking Forward and Backward.-Father Abell's
 Golden Jubilee.-Visits of Bishops.-Examinations
 and Commencements.-Fast Trains.-Removal to
 Bardstown.-Father   Russell.-Last Class  at  St.
 Thomas'.-Deaths.-Dismissals and Lapses.-"A Hole
 in the Fence ...........   .............   ......... 141

                  CHAPTER XVII.
    Changed Conditions.-The New Life.-Contrasts.-
Vain Longings.-Father Abell and Dr. Pise.-Sylvan
Studies.-Surroundings of Old St. Thomas'.-Diverse
Impressions.-The Angelus".-An Orphan Asylum . -
Buildings Unsafe and Abandoned.-Decay and Dis-
appearance of the Buildings.-St. Thomas' in 1905.   151

                 CHAPTER XVIII.
    Going to St. Thomas'.- First Impressions.-The
South.-The Seminary.-Father Chambige.-The Pre-
fect.-The Students.-The Professors.-Some Human
Traits.-Death and Grave of Father Chambige.-The
Debating   Society.-Recreations -Food.-Spiritual-
ities.-Pranks.-Excursions.-The Servants.-The Sis-
ters.-St. Thomas' not Preternatural .......... . ........ 163

                  CHAPTER XIX.
   A Retrospect.-Changes.-Their Cause .-Pioneer
Priests and Pioneer People.-Heroic Times and
Heroes.-Learning Among the Clergy.-St. Thomas'
to the Front.-Growth of the Church.-Giants and
Their Successors.-Roll of Honor.-Special Claim for
Remembrance.-Dignity of the King.-Judge Not .     176

                  CHAPTER XX.
   Provincial Seminaries and Diocesan Seminaries.-
Revival of St. Thomas'.-Fatal Deficiencies.-Some
Good Points.-A Modern St. Thomas'.-A Religious
Advertisement.-Sacred Ground.-A Vocation.-A Long
Road.-Successfully Traveled.-Humble Beginnings -
Signs of a Vocation.-The Poor Boy.-Prayers for the
Priesthood.-The Court of the Temple.-A Word'of
Thanks.-Finis  ...................................  186