.. vi ..
State Supervisor. Messrs. Joseph Gurganus and George Baugher, editors,
made the recheek in October 1959. Hr. Harry P. Hoskins, editor, did the
research work for the Historical Sketch; and Messrs. Robert P. Arnold and
Abraham Freeman, editors, did the legal research work for the essays, un-
der the direction of the present State Supervisor. Mr. John C. Simmons,
Assistant Project Technician, and Mr. Gurganus edited the entries, which
were arranged in final form by Kr. Simmons. The indexes were also written‘
'_ under the lattcr's supervision. ` ·
` Mrs. Julc Wykle, Miss Bevvie Hill, and.Messrs. F. A. Kenney, R. P.
McAdams, and G. W} Buck, under the supervision of Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston,
Assistant Project Technician, were responsible for the essays and the ·
l final editorial work necessary for the publication of this inventory.
— Stencils were cut by Hrs. Lucille Vairin, Kiss Sallie Dickinson, and Mr.
Charles Hockenjos.
The Kentucky Historical Records Survey wishes to express its sincere
appreciation to Miss Mabel S. Brodie, Editor in the Survey's Washington
office, for her careful editorial analysis; and to hr. Dan Lacy, Assistant
Director, Historical Records Survey_Projects, for his valuable suggestions.
Grateful acknowledgment is made to the officials of the Hork Projects
‘ Administration in Kentucky for the use of mimeographing equipment, to Mrs.
I Jouctt Taylor Cannon, Secretary of the Kentucky State Historical Society
in Frankfort, for her assistance in supplying the project with special
i historical information; to Hrs. Emma Guy Cromwell, State Librarian and
Y Archivist, and Judge D. D. Dowell, Circuit Court Clerk of Brockinridge-
County, for supplying our editorial staff with volumes used in the com-
‘ pilation of inventory material; and to the Filson Club, Louisville, for
A its generous cooperation in the use of its library; Without the coopera-
tion and interest of the officials of Breckinridge County, this volume
could not have been written, and we appreciate especially the assistance
y given our workers by County Judge Reuben J. Bolling; Circuit Court Clerk,
y Judge D. D. Dowell; and the late Arthur T. Board, former County Court
· Clerk, and his successor, Hrs. Arthur T. Beard.
I Forthcoming volumes of the Inventory of the County`Archives of Ken-
—` tucky will be issued in mimeograph r¤¤¤l55¥"f?ZE distributionite governmental
E offices, libraries, and historical societies in Kentucky, as well as to
’; selected libraries and depositories in other states. For a list of pub-
lications of the Historical Records Survey in Kentucky, see p. 391. Re-
’ quests for information concerning particular volumes should be addressed
‘ to the State Supervisor, 550 South Fifth Street, Louisville, Kentucky.
  (°&,,é’g  X A? #5,.%
” Clifford R. Rader
‘ State Supervisor .
— The historical Records Survey Project
Louisville, Kentucky
, September BO, l94O