I Lexington Community College  
‘     . S . . . -
A.A.S. with a major in APPLICATIONS OPTION Cl'S’;I7U"T"”‘;' YP .
COMPUTER INFORMATION CIS 170 Introduction to Database Design .................... 3 d mx A mlnlsmmn ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 3
— . . . CIS 220 Systems Analysis and Design .........,............... 3 an _ _ _ _
.0_     mptIOI’\SkII'I CIS 290 information Systems Design CIS 218 Advanced Unix Administration ................... 3
. | ·
0. PP |Cat ONS, etwor · and Implementation .......... 2...l ..... I ............................... 3 Approved Level H Network Technology
ng Technology, and Programming ApprovedAppl1cations Specialization .......................... 9 Speciauzatlonsw,
an   Approved Management Course .........,...I...................... 3 _ _ _ _ _
il This program includes an Applications op- Approved Accounting Course ...................................,... 3  
· . . t
non, a Network Technology Option, and a SEIIJIDIIII . .,.............., . ,... . ........... , .................................. 24 4 m   _ Imc cry
zn- P _ t_ _th { Services Administration .,,............r.............,............ 3
nn rogrammmg op ion, wi U a core 0 courses NETWORK TECHNOLOGY OPTION and
!c_ common to all. The core includes a general CIS 260 Nétwurk Hardware Installation cis 262 Windows 2000 Dnecmny Sennees t
' cduC8.I1OIl C0mpOI1CDI central to H COll€gl3t€ . Infrastructure Design .......................,...................... 3
On d t, d tc h , 1 co , _ tu and Troubleshooting .............,.............,.....,,............... 3
— n an DICE. rses iv s -
nd L uca l0_ d   _ f U _g mg CIS 269 lntemet Protocols .,.....................,................... 3 Approved Level I programming
dents an intro uctlon to In Ormatlon Systems, CIS 292 Designing Network Solutions ............,.,.......... 3 Languagesn
in eomputerapplications,program development, Approved Level I Network Technology CIS I 40 Javascript n Javascript and nw web   3
Q,. md ¤¤¤W<>¤<¤¤g· ¤¤¤*¤¤·¤g tw I¤¤=m¤t- In S¤=¤·=·*·Z¤··¤¤ ···~———~-—---~·—····--··—---—·-·—~··-·—----<~----···-·»······ 6 as .43 COBOL I ..,.I.........O........,..........r.,.lI...,....r.,..... 3
" addition to core courses, students take Spc- Al’P"’Y°$’ L?"°"°"‘N°‘W°'kT°°""°‘°gy cis ms pen iz pen Fundamentals ...........I.........,....Ir.I.. 3
eialty courses for their selected option. ASp°°'allz§t'?"j ‘‘‘‘‘   ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘   ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 2 CIS 148 Visual Basicl ..........................r.......,.....,........ 3
ts The Applications option emphasizes sev- $:::2;; cnpunB anguagc curse ''''``'``'```''`''''`''   CIS I49 Java I; Java Fundamentals ..r....4-..,................... 3
. 1 eral aspects of microcomputers-system con- " ` ````''```'''''` ` `'```'`' ` “''`''“````````''' ' `'‘'''`'`''`'`` CIS 171 SQL I ..; ..... . ......t..........................,.., V ,,,,,,,,_,_,_,,_ 3
. i ngumnon, applications software, end-user PROoRAMMiNo option CS "5 '"“°°'"°"°" ‘°C°'“*’“‘°’ *"°g"*’""“"g -········· 3
. 3 documentation, and training. Students com' CIS 170 Introduction to Database Design .................... 3 Approved Level II Pfogrammirlg
pleting this option are prepared to work with CIS 220 Systems Analysis and Design .................,....... 3 Languages**
I microcomputer-based systems in business and CIS 290 i¤f<>m¤¤¤i¤¤ Systems D¤Sie¤ cis 243 conoi. ii ...O..........I..,........s...._....,.................. 3
V 3 lndustry. and Implementation .......... 1 .........,..............,.............,,. 3 cis 245 peri ii; peri and the Web ______________4_____'___________ 3
· S The Network Technology option provides Al°§r°V°g liv? I *’;°S’¤"*m¤¤g La"g““g° 3 CIS 248 Visual Basic II ................,...........r.,...........,...,. 3
I . 8 Oll C OTE .......... . ................ . ........   ............... ·
. the concepts and Skllls needed to Set up, Y 4 CIS 249 Java Il. Java and the Web ............................... 3
. A . . Avvmved LMI H Fr¤zr¤m¤¤¤g L¤¤z¤¤s¢ »·---·-------·· 3—4 cis 271 sor n .........................s....................I..s........,.. 3
V _; '“i“mam- and expand nctworkétl colnputcr Approved Level I orll Programming Language . ...,... 3-4 Cs 2i5 intmducnnn to program Design
zo >Y$*°m$· EmPl9>fm°¤i °PP°mm'l*€S include Avnr¤v¤d M¤¤¤2.¤m¢¤t Course ···----~··-----··-·-··~-·----·~»---· 3 Abstraction, and Problem Solving ........,................... 4
€mVY‘I€V€l POSIUOUS In Installation and ad" APPY°V°d P-¢¤¤¤¤ti¤c Course ···-···----·~········~----····- · ······· 3 CS2I6 Introduction to Software Engineering .............. 3
ts ministration Oflocal at-ea networks in medium Subtotal ....,,.....,....................,,.............,................. 24-25 ' I h
- I to large businesses and organizations, and as Appmved sénptmg Lénguages
· I computer network administrators in small Course Choice Lists CIS 140 J=·V¤S"·¤**·l=·*’¤S¤*·¤t {md [hc Web ’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘ 3
. 3 bunmesscs CIS 145 Perl I: Perl Fundamentals ............,,,.....,....l.,.... 3
» I I ` . . . Approved Accounting Courses** _ H
ti Phe Programming option provides stu- , , , Approved Technical Courses
I dents with an introduction to at least two ACC 2m Financial Accounting! `````'`'`''A````````''`'``'``'*``' 3 ACH 100C t t' D t I 3
V I ~ · I     Managerial Uses of V OHS TUC IOIIA OC\.|lTlCIl S ..........,...,,.,..........
rwrammrng 1¤¤g¤¤g¢S wth at least ¤¤¢ of Accounting Information ...............,.......,.............,....... 3 ACH *85 C°m¤"‘°¥·A·d¤dDm“*¤g‘ ; ·-·-··-—····-_ - -··——···—~- 3
V 5 the languages Studied at the intermediate level. A d M t C M CAD 100 Introduction to Computer-Aided Design ,..... 3
_ 3 Students completing this Option are prepared ppI’0V€ ahagémén OLIFSBS COE I99 Cooperative liducation. CIS ......................... 3
3 nw the nt lc I .tiO ,n C0 t r ro- BE goo Sn-i;]]lBusin5s5 Management ______________________,____ 3 ET ll2 Digital Logic Circuits ..........rr........................... 4
3 y _' F ry- Vc pos! n I » mpu C p BE 283 Principles ormanagement ........................,....... 3 ET 256 Microprocessor F undnmentals .......·................. 4
l I; lel‘ll“mmg· . h I · BE 287 Supervisory Management ................................ 3 GIS I20 lmrcducllon I0 Geographic
40 For m0I'€ |¤f0mTaU0¤, VISII the C0mPUY€T BE 29i Rgtnil Management ____________ _ ______,_,____________________ 3 Infomation Systems ...........,............................i........, 3
no information Systems program Web site at: QT ioi Quality Management Principles ___,________,____,_____ 3 IMD 126 Introduction to Desktop Publishing .,.....,....... 3
www_uky_edu/LCC/C[S_ l I · ' · M IMD 226 Advanced Desktop Publishing ...................... 3
Approved Applications $p¤¢l¤|¤Zatr¤nS Adtimtmai cis comets) iexeeptcis 103] ..,,...li..i.. 1-3
I I core Ppodugtlvlg sgfmnm Syggiglizntign Additional CS Course(s)
I 3 IMD 235 Advanced Word Processing ...................,... 3 [€X¤€P¥ CS 100 amd CS lol] » ··--·~-··-·--··-------·--··-»--»· 3-4
I 3 General Education Credits cis 234 Advanced Spreadsheet Applications ........... 3 Approved Accounting Courses ---...·.......~».·.........»».»....·. 3
I 3 ENG 101 Writingl .,........,....r_,....,................................ 3 CIS 236 Advanced Database Applications ..,............. 3 **0r other courses approved by Computer Infomation
mo 102 writing II ................................,..............,...... 3 Svstm I"°g"*"‘ C°°'dim"°'-
3 MA, I O9 College Algebra _______________4‘_______,___________i_____i___ 3   »Studcnts may not usc one course to fulfill multiple require-
3 Urn!CommunicationCourse .................... . .................... 3 CIS wl SQLI ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘‘ 3 ments. _
I M Interaction   ....................,,..............,......... 3 os 27* SQL M --»·-···-·-»A··»--4--»···»··»·--··-»··---V····-·····--·-- 3 n3·§;;g;";l;g;;y  Us 2*°<"°°E *°° ‘°~*m=**·m¤m
.·,,, ·· · 36Ad dD b A I` ’ ................ 3 `
I IILFlhii,c/Ilumanities/Foreign CIS 2 Vance am asc pp {Camus .0n|y CIS und CS courses in which a student eamed a C or
Tl Slnnnggtaggleuisiurse ...................A........................... . ....... g Approved Level I Network Technology better (or Pass) may be uscd to fulfill graduation requirements.
1 Pfemajor Requirements   A,A,S, with a major in
CIS IOS Introduction to Computing ___,,,,___,_,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,, , 3 CIS Zi I Windows 2000 Professional and Server ...... 3    
3 CIS I I0 Operating Systems Concepts ,,,,.,,,, , ,,......,,,..... 3 and  
CIS I20 Program Design .,...................,........................ 3 CIS 2 I 2 Supporting Windows 2000 This pl‘OgI'HH`1 pl”€p8.I‘€S SIUCIBHIS to fl1nCfl0l‘1
I CIS B0 Microcomputer Applications __,_,,,,___,,,,,,,.,,,,... 3 N€¥WOI`I( IDIIHSINCIUFE .....................   ..............   3 as dental hygienists On a dental auxiliary team
M . _ under the supervision of a dentist. The cur-
3IOr Requlrements   . I . I d Ourscsi en I d t,
cis isn inlerneneehnnlngies _____ _ _______________________________ 3 CIS 281 Routing and Switching ...............................,, 3 HCS! lfmlllc lllclic _ ng cr? ii Illia lin
CIS I60 Data Communications and Networking .......~·· 4 and _ ` an m_ én a yglene as require _ y C
ET I]4 Compute, Hendwnre Maintenance ___________________ 3 CIS 282 Advanced Routing and Switching ...............r 3 Commission on Dental Accreditation, The
"*PDf0vcd Level I Programming Language ____ _ ______________ 3 NOTE: Students pursuing the Cisco Specialization should prog-[gm provides comprehensive educational
Approved Technical course(s) ......,.......,.......,............,. 3 "l‘° '“'F° CIS 283* w'd° Am N?“""Tk D°S‘g'I ”"d M“""ge` experiences through lectures, clinical and re-
Submml 49 ment, in order to complete their Cisco Certified Network _
...................................................................... Annnnnnn,n,(CCNA)n,en,,n,,i,,,,_ lated study in order that students may apply