· College of Agriculture and School of Human Environmental Sciences  
program. (See the College of Education sec- FAM 554 Working With Parents --·...--····-··---·····-.-·····..· 3 ment, sourcing, marketing, and merchandis-
tion in this Bulletin for additional information FAM 555 li°$‘°"”8 C°g‘“'“’° in of consumer oods and services in the
iiy · · · Develo ment in Children 3 · · ·
X- regarding admission t0 the Teacher Educa- P ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ domestic and mtemational marketplace.
_ . Pro am ) FAM 557 Infant Development .................................,.... 3 The curriculum challen cs students to think
Oli mm gr ` EDP 202 Human Development and Leaming ............... 3 _ g
CT S EDC 317 Introduction to Instructional Media ............... l creatively, to lcam research and problem sOlV`
chool Requirements _ _ · · · ·
_ _ _ L, d ,, E t, { mg techniques, and to interact in team efforts,
;m EDS 375 ln 0 uc on to duca on 0
HES 100 An Introduction to Professions in _ _ . . . .
cr . . Exceptional Children .,...............,............................... 3 while gaining knowledge of the merchandis-
· Human Environmental Sciences .........................,,...... l _ , _ _ _
HES 400 Come {sin Human Environmental EDS 5l0 Early Childhood Special Education ............... 3 mg pr0cgsS_ Students ggm awareness of the
ii EDS5l3Le llsu S c alEd cato 3 ‘ · ‘
to Sciences: Integration and Application ........... .. ...,....... 2 EDS 516 P _ga_ T cz; hp Yl U l ll ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘'‘‘‘‘ " lIllZ€l'l'€l3tl0IlShlpS ofpeople, technology, and
_ One course in Human Environmental Sciences, ouisidethe ""°'p °s ° ° ‘lv'°l materials in the dynamic social, economic,
iss student’s majorprefix ..............................,.................... 3 Managcmemand insiiiuciion " `‘''''‘''''''''`'''''‘'‘‘'‘'''`''‘‘' 3 and global environment Of the mcrchandjy
mt EDS 530 Moderate and Severe Disabilities ....,............. 3 _ _ _
ial subtotal: School Required Hours ............... 6 Us 510 Childrmps Literature and Related Materials   3 ing, apparel and textile industry. Course work
m. Unlvorslty Studios Requirements Hours FAM4l l Student Teaching in includes a strong business component, inter-
ra) see “Universlty studies prngrnma on pages 7n-74 rnr Early Childhood Education ........................................ 6 action with professionals and field experi-
hc me complete University Studies requirements. The EDS 459 $*00000 Tmhing lll SP0°l¤l Ed¤00*l0¤ —···-···~ 6 ence. Intemships are a required component of
,1 c courscslisted below are (a) recomended by the college, or Subtotal: Major Hours ................. I ............. 64 the program, which can lead to permanent
(b) required courses that also fulfill University Studies _ professional placement- Faculty encourage
nd areas. Students should work closely with their advisor to Free Electives md t l,t· · t· · - d t I. d
il- wmplctcthc University Studies Program requirements. Electives should he selected by the student to lead to the S ·€ll pa lclpa lon lll lll ·llS VY‘$P0¤$° C
CC minimum total of l 28 hours required for graduation. p1'OjeCtS related to meI‘ChaI1Cl1S1I1g and p1'0dLlCt
Courses marked with an asterisk (*) may also be used to Mlnlmum Elective Hours 6 development.
msliy U"'V°ls"y S·00··=0 li°°l""°m°"ls' ``''''`''``''''‘’`````'''''`'' Each student must complete the following:
11- Orulcommunrcmun TOTAL HOURS .......................................... 128 I U I ·
ats com isi Basie nieiie Speaking ............................. a l. C¤mplete University Studies require-
lle Soclal Sciences m€ms'
ZS- PSY l;)2l;1tr0:duction to lésyclgolggy ........................ gl Minor in Family Studies 2_ Complete the School requirements
1at FAM ntr uction to ami y cicnce .................. 1- t
. . An student interestedinaminorinfamil studiesshould is cd bciowi
ng Humanities y y . . . ,
HIS 108/I 09 History ofthe United Smeg file an application with the department priorxc entering the 3. Complete 128 credit hours with ammi-
;S_ _ Tnreugn 1865/sinee l865 ..,......................,............ 6 l"°g""“‘ mum 8l`¤d€·P0l¤l al/cfage 0l°2-0-
vc R°°°'“'"°"‘l°‘l ‘°‘l“°"°°‘ Mlm)? Requlremenls 4. Complete the required curriculum in
ml premajor Requirements Hours FAM 251 Personal and Family Finance ........................ 3 the major program.
WOM 18] Basic public Speaking ________________t___t_____ii____ 3 FAM 252 Introduction to Family Science .....,.............,.. 3
ful NFS lm Human Nutrition and wellness _i_________ii_________ 3 FAM 255 Child Development ....................................... 3 School Requirements
ro- -
En iiisil loo i"°l°d"°"l’" l° lisy?h°l°gy ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘ 4 Minor Electives Has 100 An Introduction to preressisns in
FOC lol lmli°du°ll°"l° S°°'°l°8Y ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘'‘‘ ' 3 Twelve additional hours in Family Studies from the Human Environmental Sciences ...........,.,................... l g
l`AM lm l"lli°ll“°l'°ll l° l following with six hours at the 300-, 400— or 500-level: HES 400 Concepts in Human Environmental
00*0 C0000000 00000*00 ··; ······-— ; ~·—··-·······--··—-······-»- 3 FAM 250, 253. 254, 256, 354. asv, sas. 509, ssa, 554, Sciences: Integration and Anpiieanen ...........,............ 2
WAM 252 l"ll°dll°ll°ll l° Fllmlly S°l°"°° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 3 563 One course in Human Environmental Sciences, outside the
HY *000 200 $··=¤*S¤*¤¤¤ A Fm in H¤¤·¤¤ ludsmcm ·--·-·· 0 A serdenrs major pienx ...,......................,....,.................., 3
l6 * Sllbl°l“l· P'°'““l°" l'l°“"$ ························· 22 DEPARTMENT OF Subtotal: School Required Hours ............... 6
an .
Allstudentsinlntcrdisciplinary EarlyChildh00dEducat10n University Studies Requirements Hours
ll ii i muslapply,and beadmittedto,a11dberetainedinaTeacher     See “UniverS“y Studies Program, on pages 70_74 for
**5 00_~=¤00·· Progsm · 000 ·=0¤·¤l$·¢; ¤;¤·g1¤r;;v¤g AND TEXTWES the complete university smiles requirement,. ne
`O UlllVEl'Sl(y {E30 Cl' Imlnlhg   lI`l ary l OO _ _     d   th  
liducntiontobeabletoapply forcertificati0n,Students who The Dcpalitmcllt of lvlclichalldlsmgs AP' iiiiiiiiscs isi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiimiiii E .y écii egiiiiiii
. . . . . . . . . . (b) required courses that also hiltill University Studies
urcinterestedmcemticatronin Early Childhood Education parcl, and Textiles IS committed to excellence areas Smdcms Should work dose! with their advisor to
need to meetwithncertification officer in the College of as it I-C arcs Students for mel-chandism ’ i , , _ y ,
`_ 6 Educm. I ( I t. 60 [ hoursmdiscuss p p _ _ _ _ _ g complete the Un1vers1ty Studies Program requirements.
mil lil ill °°°ml° ° mg , s°m°s °l . . apparel, and textiles positions in an mcreas- _ _
state certification and TEP requirements. A minimum 2.5 _ . . Humanities (recommended sequence):
·- 6 cumulative GPA is required to he eligible to apply for lngly diverse and iechmiloglcaiWOlild‘Tcach` HIS 104A History of Europe Through the
12 admission to TEP. TEP applications will be reviewed for mg. Tcscalichi and S€liVlc€ Programs SUPPOU Mid-Seventeenth Century ,__,,__,__,,________________,,_,________,, 3
students who have completed, or will complete during the student development and contribute to the HIS 105 A History pfEnrope From the
semester in which they apply, 60 semesterhours, including economic and social w€][-bcing Of {hc Com- Mid-S5v€n{ggn[h Century to the present ____________________ 3
EDP 202, EDS 375, FAM 255, and FAM 256 with 8 gI'3d€ lt th t· d       _ _
ld' ercneesei. (seein c0r1ege,,;s.n,ean0.. seanneririis "‘°“‘”°" h1 ° “" ‘°“’ a" ° “’°l · .° Pl¢m¤1¤l‘ R¢¢1¤·r¤m¤¤ts l·l¤¤rS
ng; Bulletin foradditional information regarding state require- department Pffclis thc Bachelor of Science lll Wllllllg °0ul'$° (200 l¤v=l OY ¤b0V°) --·~··--·——··-···----·······- 3
ments and TEFL) Merchandising, Apparel, and Textiles. A mr- —c01v1 isi Basie rnbiie speskang, .........,...,...........,..... 3
lic- M _ R I t H not is also available. ` FAM 250 Consumer Issues .................................,......... 3
°l°" °¤¤ l'°m°¤ 5 °”"$ ··s0c 101 Introductory Sociology .....1.........,................ 3
FAM 255 Child Development ...................,................... 3   spsy [001 d · p h I 4
ms _ ' ntro uction to syc 0 ogy ..,.....,...........,.....
FAM ZS6 Glll‘l°“°° S”¤*°$l°S li°' · BACHELOR OF SCIENCE lN *ECO 201 Principles ofEconomicsl .,........,................ 3
FW0rk1ng with Young Children .................. l ..............-· 3     ECO 202 Principles ofEc0nomics II ........,................... 3
·_ AM260C ' l Pl ‘ ' ·
  en, enii1i.ii,i,iiiieiiii,,:ii[,ii,°li.iii ..................,....1,......... 4   ‘STA 200 S‘“‘lS‘l°s: A Fmln 00·*·¤¤l¤0¤·¤=¤·
FAM 390 Introduction to Research in Family Studies   3 The Nleliclilalldlslllgs Apparel: and Textiles nor _ _
FAM 407 Assessment ervenng Children .........,.......... 2 program develops graduates who are con- STA 29l S“*“S"°“l M°‘l‘°d ······································ 3
l l0 FAM 544 cnnni emit, in Ameneineiiidien Sumcr ¤¤d t¤¤h¤¤l<>gy f¤¤¤S¤<1 with a global S,m§}Qgj;j,,i§’,“,§,‘§,§,s‘f‘“’ “"° "° “S°" ‘° ‘“‘“" “""°"“’
iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii Oiiiciiiialfilliii Siiiiiieiiiis Stiiidy igonccpigmid dc- "MA 123 is a prerequisite to s·rA zgr
?ll' Hiiii . i. . viiiop S i S necessary or im Hsien mg Clin- Subtotal: Premajor Hours ......................... 25
ply E30l Education in Amencan Culture ,................... .. 3 sumgr and market trends, S[rargg]gS’ and m-
her FAM 552 Administration and Supervision dustry SYTUCYUYGS that facilitate the develop-
` Early Childhood Education Pro rams .................... 3
me "‘ s