xt7t1g0hxc30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t1g0hxc30/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2005 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals 2005 Advertising Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers text 2005 Advertising Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers 2005 2019 true xt7t1g0hxc30 section xt7t1g0hxc30 ' » ,. .-.-. .I~-.:v.I-.==..-«,'..u. :.-..,»:;I.;: s; III'.I’..:'.I'I.‘;:II .” ' ""-;.‘I'I:.-‘-I" ""'--4-I-I':”‘._". " “ , I , , , ...-I3 «In; . I' %
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 Page 2 - 2005 Advertising Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers _
WEEKLY Another good layout. News, Keith E. Bratcher, Lynn We really like the way the text flowed
’ 5 Third Place - McLean County News, Saffran - around the artwork.
CLA S S 1 Holly Hayden, Lynn Saffran .
' * " - " Category 17 - Classified Page/ Category 2 - Automotive
Category 1 - Department/Discount/ Category 8 - Real Estate Section First Place — McCreary County Voice,
Jewelry Stores First Place - McLean County News, No Entries Suzanna Martinez .
No Entries Keith E. Bratcher, Linda Durbin Great color. Good detail and inviting.
Great color. Category 18 - Special Publications Second Place — Berea Citizen, Kristi
Category 2 - Automotive Second Place ~ Bath County News No Entries Johnson, Shane Seals
First Place - Bath County News Outlook, Tisha Mitchell Ad catches eye with curvature of
Outlook, Mary Johnson, Tisha Third Place — McLean County News, Category 19 - Best Use of Color tree. Great detail.
Mitchell Holly Hayden, Lynn Saffran First Place — Bath County News Third Place - Citizen Voice &: Times,
Good use of content, good structure. Outlook, Christy King, Tisha Mitchell Earline Arvin
Second Place - McLean County Category 9 - Clothing Stores Second Place — McLean County Different than most auto ads. Clean
News, Keith E. Bratcher, Linda No Entries News, Keith E. Bratcher, Phil Trivett and simple.
Durbin Third Place - McLean County News,
Different use of fonts would have Category 10 - Multiple Advertiser/ Keith E. Bratcher, Linda Durbin Category 3 - Hardware/Appliance
made this one better. ”Sig” Page Stores
Third Place - McLean County News, First Place — Bath County News Category 20 - Best Ad Series First Place - McCreary County Voice, .
Keith E. Bratcher, Lynn Saffran Outlook, Tisha Mitchell First Place — McLean County News, Suzanna Martinez ,
Second Place - Bath County News Keith E. Bratcher, Phil Trivett Clean layout, nice use of color.
Category 3 - Hardware/Appliance Outlook, Michelle Perry, Tisha Second Place - McLean County Benefits communicated clearly.
Stores Mitchell News, Holly Hayden, Lynn Saffran Second Place - Springfield Sun, '
First Place — McLean County News, Third Place - Trimble Banner, Staff Shorty Lassiter, Kim Hupman
Holly Hayden, Linda Durbin Category 21 - General Miscellaneous Good use of color, good reproduc-
Second Place - McLean County Category 11 - Creative Use of the First Place - McLean County News, tion, makes for good eye appeal.
News, Keith E. Bratcher, Linda Newspaper Holly Hayden, Lynn Saffran Third Place ~ Springfield Sun, Shorty
Durbin First Place - McLean County News, Second Place - McLean County Lassiter, Kim Hupman
Third Place - McLean County News, Beck Glenn, Stephanie Flowers News, Keith E. Bratcher, Lynn Clean, good color shows how entire '
Keith E. Bratcher, Lynn Saffran Second Place - McLean County Saffran home and yard can benefit from
News, Jessica West Bratcher ACE. . .
Category 4 - Financial Third Place — McLean County News, Category 22 - Sporting Goods/ 1....» .
First Place - McLean County News, Beck Glenn, Stephanie Flowers Athletics Category 4 - Financial
Holly Hayden, Linda Durbin First Place - McLean County News, First Place — Henry County Local, .
Second Place - McLean County Category 12 - Entertainment/Dining Holly Hayden, Lynn Saffran Tiffany Clark - ‘
News, Keith E. Bratcher, Linda First Place - McLean County News, Second Place — McLean County Great adll Very effective use of text
Durbin Holly Hayden, Cheryl Horlander News, Holly Hayden, Linda Durbin and photos.
Third Place - McLean County News, Good layout. Second Place - LaRue County Herald ‘
Keith E. Bratcher, Linda Durbin Second Place - McLean County Category 23 - Special Events News, Melissa Nalley, Max McLeod
News, Holly Hayden, Linda Durbin First Place - McLean County News, Great use of fall colors. Direct and to
Category 5 - Professional Services Keith E. Bratcher, Lynn Saffran the point. Good job!
First Place — Bath County News Category 13 - Special Sections Second Place - McLean County Third Place - Leitchfield Record,
Outhok, Tisha Mitchell First Place - McLean County News, News, Holly Hayden, Lynn Saffran Alice Farstad, Jenny Searcy
Neat concept. Staff Green and white perfect use of
Second Place - McLean County Great looking! Category 25 - Best Newspaper color and strong bold text. . '
News, Holly Hayden, Lynn Saffran Second Place - Trirnble Banner, Staff Promotion
Third Place - McLean County News, Very nice. First Place - McLean County News, Category 5 - Professional Services
Keith E. Bratcher, Linda Durbin Third Place - McLean County News, Beck Glenn, Stephanie Flowers First Place - Leitchfield Record, Alice
Staff Second Place - McLean County Farstad, Jenny Searcy
Category 6 - Food, Drug, Liquor Good layout. News, Jessica West Bratcher, Excellent use of graphics and copy
First Place — Bracken County News, Honorable Mention - Bath County Stephanie Flowers make this ad compete well with other
Susie Hargett News Outlook, Tisha Mitchell ads on the page.
Very clean, very nice. Great look, nice layout. I like your -‘ ,. 2‘ g Second Place - McCrear Count ..
Second Place - Bath County News paper. WEEKLY Voice, Suzanna Martinez Y y .
Outlook, Tisha Mitchell CL A S s 2 Small ad stands out with heavy com-
Good use of color. Category 14 - Group Promotions ' ’ petition on the page. Great designfl
Third Place - McLean County News, Certificate of Merit - McLean County Category 1 - Department/Discount/ Third Place - Tompkinsville News, '
Keith E. Bratcher News, Holly Hayden, Lynn Saffran Jewelry Stores Sonja Carrow "
Good food ad. First Place - Laurel News Journal, Very Clean and functional, gets the
Category 15 - Holiday Greeting Ads Randy Robinson, Eric Dishon message across. Well designed. -
Category 7 - Furniture First Place - McLean County News, Great picture and use of color!
First Place - Bath County News Holly Hayden, Angie Chinn Second Place — Laurel News Journal, Category 6 - Food, Drug, Liquor
Outlook, Tisha Mitchell Eric Dishon First Place — Henry County Local,
Good layout. Category 16 - Agriculture/Lawn and This ad flowed very well. Tiffany Clark
Second Place — Bath County News Garden Third Place - Grant County News, '
‘ Outlook, Tisha Mitchell Certificate of Merit '- McLean County ‘Jane Ashley Inman, Janet McKee ’ ' V V ' " h ' ' 'Co’ntin‘u‘e‘it‘o'n Pfig’e‘4 .
~ . ' “ . > 4' ‘ . ‘ .2 .— ‘. -_.~. -._~ ~- r-_»_-;, .‘T'rif.’ .-::—f:

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