Breckenridge, John H. Morgan, William Preston,
"Cero Gorda" Williams, Roger Hanson, Joseph H.
Lewis, Basil W. Duke, Simon Boliver Buckner
and a host of others of field officers, who won
renown on many a battle field, and by distin-
guished public service as citizens of the State after
the war had ended. But far more to be hon-
ored than these are the private soldiers who
marched, and endured, and suffered hunger and
cold, with no hope of reward, except duty well done,
in defense of a great principle. What service have
they rendered Kentucky since the war They have
made honorable, law-abiding, upright citizens. They
have filled with credit, honor, and distinction to the
State, every office within the gift of the people, and
in no instance has any suspicion of dishonorable
action attached to their official conduct. The judi-
cial ermine of the State has been honored by the
manner in which Confederate soldiers have presided
over the courts, and even the bench upon which you
sit has been honored by their presence upon it, wit-
ness the renowned services of William Lindsay,
Thomas H. Hines, James H. Hazelrigg, and others.
  When the last gun had been fired and their shot-
riddled flags had been furled, those war-worn veter-
ans turned their faces toward the places where had
been their homes. The soldiers of the Federal
armies also commenced to return to their homes,
but how different the home-coming to the men of the
two armies. As the Federal soldiers reached their
homes they heard drums beating, bands playing, saw
the whole populace out in holiday attire, the build-
ings covered with bunting, and the people shouting
Hosannas of Praise, and the Government standing