viii                     CONTENTS.

  CHAPTER                                                 PAGE
  XXXIV.-MNary Rogers         ............ ......... 240
  XXXV.-Gertie at the Hill      .        ................... 246
  XXXVI.-After Four Years       .        .................... 256
  XXXVII.-The Travellers        .. .................. 261
XXXVIII.-Colonel Schuyler Interviews Godfrey     .    .     27;
  XXXIX.-Colcnel Schuyler Interviews Gertie      .     ............ 282
      XL.-Robert -Macpherson Interviews Gertie ............... .   288
      XLI.-A few Details of that Summer in Hampstead .......... 293
    XLII.-The Sail on the River .........   .................... 297
    XLIII.-The Course of Love does not Run Smooth .        ........ 304
    XLIV.-Godfrey and (;ertie     .        .................. 307
    Xl V.-R(ohert Macpherson and Colonel Schuyler  .   .   313
    XLVI.-Godfrey and his Father    .       ................. 315
    XLVII.-Waiting ............ ............................ 318
  XLVIII.-Giving in Marriage ..............       .................. 320
    XLIX.-Mrs. Doctor Barrett              .       .        323
        L.-The Storm Gathering                      .........330
        LI.-The Storm Bursts ...............      .................. 333
      LII.-The Battle between Life and Death     .    .     343
      LIII.-Colonel Schuyler and the Secret     .     .      348
      LIV.-fIlusband and Wife ...............       ................ 336
      LV.-The Search in London .............        ................ 364
      LVI.-Gertie ..................................... 372
    LVII.-In New York         ...................... 375
    LVIII.-Gertie and the Story ............................... 384
    LIX.-The Story in Hampstead .......    .................... 391
      LX.-Edith and Gertie.        ................................397
      LXI.-Godfrey and Gertie ................................ 401
    LXII.-The Wedding         ...................... 403
    LXIII.-Mary Rogers' Letter to Edith ...................... .    411
    LXIV., and Last................     ................. 419