Best Copy Available




Details of the Game


This play by piny report of the Gilb pot 1 yard. Covington punted
game Is Riven throiiRh courtesy of the out of hounds on Tennessee's
line. McEver fnlied to Rain. Tonnes-se- e
Kentucky Theater.
wns penalized IB ynrds to their
First Quarter
line. McEver went off
Tennessee won the toss and Forqucr tnckln for 35 ynrds. A pass, Hack-ma- n
kicked ofT for Kentucky from the sideto Alley, failed. McEver lost
line on nn five yards at end. Hnckman Rot 1
lines to Tennessee's
attempted onside kick which failed. yard. Witt punted out of bounds on
Hnckman went out of bounds for 2 Kentucky's
yard lost. Hnckmnn pot 2 yards over
Gilb mndo five ynrds nt center.
right tackle. McF.vcr made 7 yards Brandt rcplnced Alloy for Tennessee,
mound left end. McEver fumbled but Hcrndon for Hurr. CovinRton punted
recovered for one yard nnd first down to Tennessee's
line. Homer
Tonnes-se- e
mi Kentucky's
made G yards through the lino on a
took time out. A pass, Hnckmnn fumble. A pass from Hnckmnn wns
i Allev. was knocked down by Spicer incomplete. Horner sneaked 3 yards.
and Tennessee wns penalized 15 yards j Witt punted to CovinRton on the
for holding. Witt made 5 yards nt
line and he returned 10. CovinRrijjht end. McEver not 7 ynrds over! ton Rot one yard. Gilb got another.
Witt punted to Covinuton Covington punted out of bounds on
left Rtiard.
but Kentucky was offside and wns Tennessee's
penalized f yards. Gilb intercepted
McEver dashed 28 ynrds to KenHackman's short pass on Kentucky's tucky's
line. Hnckmnn failline. CovinRton Rot fi ynrds ed nt center. A pnss from Hnckmnn
over center.
to McEver was incomplete. Dodd went
. CovinRton recovered a bad pass in for Hnckmnn.
Spicer broke up
from center for a 7 yard loss. Cov- Dodd's pass to Hcrndon. Tennessee
inRton punted M ynrds out of bounds wns penalized five yards. Dodd's pass
line. McEver was knocked down by Gilb.
on Tennessee's
Kenfailed at left tackle. Hackman made tucky's ball on their own
line Kentucky
first down on Kentucky's
was penalized 15 yards.
in two plays. Kentucky took time out CovinRton mndo G ynrds at ripht end.
when Dees was hurt on the play. A Gilb Rot 1 yard. Covington punted
pass, Hackman to Alley, was complet- to McEver on the
line nnd he
ed for 24 yards on Kentucky's
returned it G yards but Tennessee wns
Hackman went out of bounds penalized 15 yards for holding. Mcand Tennessee was penalized five Ever fumbled and Gilb recovered for
yards. Hnckmnn failed to pain.
Kentucky on Tennessee's
Tennessee was penalized five yards A pnss from Covington was incomfor offside. Witt's pass to McEver plete.
was incomplete and Tennessee wns
Covington made 3 yards. A pass
penalized another five ynrds. A lone;
from Covington to Spicer netted 5
pass, Hackman to Hurr, was incom- ynrds more. Gilb failed nt center
plete, over the Ronl line. Kentucky nnd it was Tennessee's bnll on their
put the bail in play on her own
line. McEver fumbled
line. Gilb mndo 3 ynrds at right nnd Williams recovered for Kentucky.
tackle. CovinRton punted to Witt on Covington's pass was intercepted by
lino and he reTennessee's
McEver on Tennessee's
turned five yards. Hackman fumbled Fuller
Bean replaced Tripp and
nnd Gilb recovered for Kentucky on Johnson and Tennessee. McEver made
yard line. Gilb failed
4 ynrds at guard. Score, Kentucky 0,
to gain. CovinRton Rot one yard. Tennessee 0.
CoviiiRton's pass to Toth was caupht
Third Quarter
out of bounds and called back. CovDees was unable to stavt the second
inRton punted out of bounds on Tenhalf. Forqucr kicked off to Alley on
line, but TennesMcEver made 14 yards at left end Tennessee's
on a double pass. Hnckmnn lost a see was pennlizcd five yards and For
yard. Witt made 3 yards off left tac- qucr kicked off again, from an onside
kle. Witt punted out of bounds on kick.
Forqucr kicked to Hackman on his
line. Toth Rot 2
and he returned to the
yards over left guard. CovinRton got own two-yar- d
line. On the next play Witt
three ynrds at left end. Covington
punted to Kentucky's
punted to Witt on Tennessee's
line, and he went out of bounds on Gilb made G yards through center.
Gilb hit
line. McEver made 3 Covington made 3 yards.
yards at right guard. Hackman on center for a yard and first down his
line. Witt intercepted
hidden ball play got 4 yards. McEver own
went over center for first down on Covington's pass on his own
A pass, line. McEver got two yards at left
Hackman to Witt, was good for 7 guard. Hackman lost one yard. Witt
punted to Covington on his own 30
yards but Tennessee was given a
penalty for roughing. Williams yard line.
Covington lost a yard at right end.
and Colker replaced Dees nnd Rose
Toth lost another at the same place,
for Kentucky.
Hnckmnn made 4 yards. Witt lost Covington punted to McEver on his
line and he returned 2.
two. Witt punted to Spicer on Ken- own
line. Kentucky was yards.
Witt lost two yards on a
penalized for offside. Covington fail lateral pass. Witt made 3 yards
cd at right end. Covington punted to Hackman fumbled and Horner recov
line and ered for a two yard loss. Witt punted
Witt on Tennessee s
line to Covington on his own
lie returned to his own
Kentucky 0, and he returned 19 yards. Gilb made
as the quarter ended.
3 yards at right guard.
Tennessee 0.
made another at the same place. CovSecond Quarter
punted to Witt on his own
McEvcr's pass was grounded. Dru-r- y ington
line and he returned 8 yards.
stopped McEver for no gain. Hack-man- 's
On a lateral pass, Witt to Hugg to
pass to Alley was incomplete.
made 16 yards to their
Tennessee was penalized five ynrds. McEver, he
line. Hackman's pass
Witt punted to Kentucky's
Horner made five yards
line and Covington returned 3 yards. fell short.
right tackle. McEver made three
CovinRton Rot 3 yards at left tackle. at
at the same spot. Witt punted out of
bounds on Kenucky's
Covington's pass failed. Covington
punted out of bounds on his own
line. Johnson went in for Toth.
Johnson grounded McEvcr's pass. McEver made nine yards at left end.
Horner made 4 yards through tackle.
McEver mndc three more. Horner
went off tackle for three yards. McEver made 3 yards through tackle on
a reverse play. Ball on the Kentucky
line as the quarter ended.
Kentucky 0, Tennessee 0.
Fourth Quarter
Witt's pass to McEver completed on
line, but the ball
In Dry Cleaning as in everyis called back and Tennessee penalized
thing else, we all want QUALA triple lateral pass failfive yards.
ed to gain. Witt punted to Kentucky's
line and Covington returned
And this is just exactly what
Gilb hit left guard for five
4 yards.
wc pride ourselves upon; our
Kentucky penalized 5 yards
shop is entirely modern and
offside. Decker goes in for Horfor
our employees are exner. Covington made 3 yards. Gilb
perienced and capable in every
faked through center for first down on
line. Kentucky penhis own
respect, our delivery service
alized for offside. Covington made a
safe and sure IN 0 T II E K
long end run. Gilb hit cenyard on a
WORDS WE HAVE A QUALter for 10 ynrds. Gilb got 6 more on
line. On an atTennessee's
tempted forward pass, Covington was
rushed and lost 1G yards. Gilb hit
center for a yard.
Covington punted to the
lino and McEver returned 9 yards.
Rose went in for Brown.
made two yards. Horner made a yard
at tackle. Two passes from Hackman
were incomplete and Kentucky took
the ball on their own
Covington fumbled but recovered for
loss. Covington punted out
of bounds on his own
line. The
ball was recalled nnd Tennessee pen"Cleaners That Satisfy"
15 yards for holding. Gilb made
212 S. LIME
five yards off tackle.
Glib hit center









Collegiate Airplane
May Soon Usurp
Commonplace Ford

Stars in His Last Game

(New Student Service)
That the
wheezing nnd coughing "collegiate"
Ford must not hnve its sister conveyance in tho air, Is tho warning of
Mr. Edward P. Warner, assistant sec
rotary of tho Nnvy In charge of aviation. Mr. Warner In nn address before the Third Intercollegiate Aviation Conference nt Yale, pointed out
tho danger of flying with nny but
trustworthy planes.
College .men are bcglnmng In take
to tho air in appreciable numbers.
The Hnrvnrd Flying club nnd that nt
the University of Southern California arc two of tho most ndvnnccd student groups. Tho latter already owns
several planes. European students,
however, surpass the Americans
flying. One of tho speakers at the
in the
conference cited n
Rhone River section last August
where 400 planes were entered. Eight

Rehearsals for "The Cassilis En- Easement Arc Held Nightly;
Second Night of Showing to
Be Set Aside for Greeks.
for the forthcoming
Guignol presentation "The Cassilis
Engagement," are being held nightly
and all indications point toward a rare
treat for students nnd patrons when
the curtnin rings up on the evening
of December 10. Director Frank C.
Fowler has chosen the cast with pe
culiar kecness nnd promises nn excellent portrayal of character roles. Miss
Caroline Speyer, who has a lending
part in the piny, hns recently be
come favorably known to Lexington
nudjenccs through her singing nt the
Strand theater and sue win no count
attract many who know of both her
histronlc nnd vocal powers ns she also
is scheduled to sing in the piny.
An increnscu stngc crew is like
wise hnrd nt work on n stage set
which will rival the setting displnycd
in. "Hay Fever
in elaborateness.
model set is also being made to be
displayed in the window of n down
town store along with sketches of the
set made by art students which will be
put on exhibition in the business dis-

Dr. Jesse E. Adams Compiles

Educational Research for
People of State

"A Study in Equalization of Educational Opportunities in Kentucky," a
bulletin of importance to the people
of the state, has just been released
from the press. Dr. Jesse E. Adams,
professor in the College of Education,
has spent a year and one half of research on the work. Dr. Adams has
from men emireceived
nent in the field of educational research, and the results of this study
concern tho educational welfare of
The foreword of the bulletin is by
Dean W. S. Taylor, of the College of
Education, and he praises the extensive research work of Dr. Adams and
emphasizes the importance of this in
formation to the people of Kentucky.
The eight chapters in the bulletin
deal with the power, efficiency, cost,
and ranking of the schools of the
state. Methods of supporting and the
ability of the various counties to sup
port the schools are presented to the
public. The problem "Is It Possible
for Kentucky to Offer Educational
Advantages to All Children?" is the
title of the last chapter, and three
concise plans for equalizing educa
tional opportunities are outlined.
The bulletins are now on sale at
the bookstore for fifty cents.
A new collection of law books, con-

sisting of all of the reports of the
lower courts of New York, has been
purchased and received by the Col
lege of Law, and tho volumes have
been placed in the law library for im
mediate use. To this valuable eollec
tion, the reports of tho lower courts
of Ohio have also been added, making
the total of 800 new volumes received,
which will facilitate the reference
work of the law students, as well as
greatly increase the sizo of the pres
ent library collection.
for first down on
Gilb failed to gain at center. Cov
ington punted to Tennesee's
line where Spicer downed the ball.
Hackman failed to gain. Witt made 8
yards around left end. Reineke substituted for Witt. Reineke made 7
yards and first down on his own 3G
yard line. Hackman made a yard
over right tackle. Reineke made five
yards off left tackle.
Reineke made first down on Ken
line. Reineke made a
yard on a lateral pass. Dodd went in
for Reineke. John intercepted Dodd's
pass on his own
line. Hern
don went in for Hugg, Brandt for Al
ley. Kentucky was penalized five
yards for too much time on signals.
Gilb made four yards at left guard
Fuller went in for Johnson for TenGilb got 5 yards through
center. Gilb failed to gain at right
Covington punted out of
line as
bounds on Tennessee's
the game ended.
Kentucky 0, Tennessee 0.

Watth Yosr Watch

Careful Watch and
Clock Repairing

Work called for and delivered
157 S. LIME

Special Rental Rates to Students

Opp. Courthouso


ber of tho club's board of directors.
Lieut. Jesse Creech, one of
Lexington Aero Club ica's foremost aces during the AmerWorld
Organization Makes Plans to War, has been elected secrctary.-Jtreasurcr of the new organization, and Jap
Buy New Airplane in
Leo, of the Lexington Municipal air
port, will be line instructor.
Mr. Duke, who is an alumnus of the
Students of the University made

Phone 1792.


U. K. Students Join




Faculty Member Is
Author of Bulletin




Monday night as usual will be formal niRht but a new feature will be
introduced on Tuesday night which
will be set aside as fraternity night.
On that occasion all Greeks will bo
admitted for tho reduced price of 75
cents, or anyone having a season tic
ket may bring a guest for an additional 50 cents.
The board of The Guignol is still
receiving sketches for an insignia for
the theater and all students artistically inclined are urged to submit their
drawing to Mr. Fowler before the end
of next week. The prize for the best
sketch is two season tickets.

hundred pilots took part, 90 per cent
of which were college men. CoHcrc
men won all of the prizes.
The popularity of flying has added
a new prohibition to the list of "thou
shnlt nots" of tho Wcllesley College
The dean's office issued
the edict that "no student while under
tho jurisdiction of the college may
ride in nn ncroplano unless permission
has been granted from the dean's office nnd the written consent of her
parents secured."
The problem of chapcronage has
not yet been settled, and is without
doubt taxing the Ingenuity of many n
dean of women.


University, and a member of tho Sig
the most of an opportunity to expose
ma Nu fraternity, said last night that
a flying complex before a group of all students in the University, who
World War aces and pledged mem- are intcrescd in aviation? are urged
bership to the Lexington Aero Club at to attend one of tho meetings.
its regular weekly meeting at 7:30
Plnns are being made to purchase a
o'clock, Wednesday night in the club
new .plane in tho spring for tho use
rooms on North Limestone. Ground
of the club. The purpose of the orschool for these students will begin ganization,
which has been incorporat once and in the spring actual flying ated, is to put Lexington on the flying
instruction will be given at tho Muni- map,
to get a real air port, and to
cipal air port.
! bring
air mail service to Lexington.
Maj. W. M. Conant, chief test pilot
at Issudom Field, France, during the
LOST A 1928 class ring with iniWorld War, was scheduled to address
the meeting last night on some of his tials F. R. Return to Kernel office.
experiences. Major Conant is a mem adv.


Wc arc in our new location and have four experkaced
Our hair cutter Is up te the
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