Senior Class
Francis Joseph Murphy, B.S. in C.E...........Valley Station, Ky.
t b n
Goethals Engineering Society  (1, 2); Student Member A. S. C. E.  (3, 4); Joint Committee (4).
Murphy says, "There is no better place in the whole world than Valley Station, even though it is near Louisville". There is a reason for this which we leave to the reader to surmise. He is one of the steadiest men in the class, and is sure to succeed in whatever line of work he undertakes.
Jessie Fry Moore, A.B...................Cynthiana, Ky.
"Come and trip it as you go On the light, fantastic toe."
Grauman Marks, A.B....................Lexington, Ky.
Band (3, 4); Orchestra (3, 4).
The owner of a Dodge sedan, a senior cane, and a squirrely suit now makes his initial bow to the readers of the 1923 Kentuckian. Folks, meet Grauman. You may hear much of him from the following pages of this volume, and again, you may not. If he is hereinafter mentioned, you may be sure that he deserves it; if he isn't, he deserves that, too.