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MARY F. HHIPP CH;PTER=#25l, O. E. S. (Grcnd'Chaptcr of Kentucky O. E. S.),
c/o Irs. Ernest Cundiff, Liberty. President, Mrs. Elizabeth Cundiff. Tel-
ephone 25. Secretary, Mrs. Ernest Cundiff, Liberty. Terms expired September,
1942. h
Membership: l9ll. Open to Masons and widows, wives, daughters, mothers end
sisters of Masons. , _
Com ittces: None reported. , »· _ V
Purpose: Fraternal ond benevolent. _ _ V, _
]Fort1o.l Civic Lctivitios: iione reported- . . . ` . __ _
Defense Activities; Interested in ‘5ening_end Prepsrstion of Surgical Dress-
ihgs,`Tcc Cross gssistence, First nid, Library Service, Consumer Protection
Activities. I , _
Local Publications: Tone. L
’ iKEfQUS DOO? CLUB, c/o Hrs. H. L. Sharp, Liberty. Founded 1909. President, ‘
hrs. C. L. Sharp, Liberty. Telephone BQP5. Secrethry, hrs; [L L. Sharp.
Towns expired December, 1942. p »
Lenbership: l2. Qualifications, names proposed and voted on by members. ,
Committees; Home reported, b A _ ‘
Y Pur ose;Promotinr litcrcrv culture.
_ ..4...... “·° " . · _ . A ~ . ,
Uormdl Civic Activities; Donating books to high school library. Aids needy.
'Defense nctiviticsz Interested in Hospital end Clinical ;ssistenc¤,—Sew~'
ing and Preparation of Surgical Dressin;s, First Lid, Preperdtion and Serv~
ing of Food, Child Care, Entertainment, Recreation, Library Service, Collect~
ing Books, Discussion Ladders, Public Jtzeking, Typing and Ether Clericdl
issistnncc, Consumer Protection nctivitios. E - - -· »Y
Locul Dublicetionsz None. __ -
KDLEL'Q TIQ5IOI;HY bCCI]TY, BMPTIDT CHURCH (Southern Baptist Convention),
c/o {iss Nettie Moore, Liberty. Founded l9lU. President, Irs. K. H. Sasser, _
Liberty. Telephone ZQFl2. Secretary, Irs. Kettie Deere. Terms expire; Jan-
‘ umry, l9i5. ·
Kcmborshipz l2. Cpen to church ncmbcrs interested in.wissionsry work.) d
Cpppittppsf Personal Service, fre, D. C. Grubbs, Liberty. ` L
Purpose; Rerking For missions it home R15 abroad., » ‘ »-»-»» · ·- I
nc so H i iiLL_.___ L _ _,,p _,