.. 2_ -
Casey County Chamber of Commerce (Continued) `
Normal Civic Activities: Cooperation on roadwork, parks and airport.
Defense-Activities; interested in Auxiliary Police, Air Raid Kardon Service,
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Aux11iary·F1re rrotection, Sewing and PT©j&T&L1OH_Of_SUTglC&1 Dressings, Led
Cross Assistance, Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals, `Library
· Service, Collecting Books, Conswner Protection Activities. V _ V
Local Publications: None. · _, _
4 /
CASEY COUNTY LIBRARY CCHHITTIR, o/o Hrs. B. Butcher, Liberty. Founded 1939.
Qhairman, Judge M. L. Sharp, Liberty. Secretary, Hrs. Beulah Brown, Liberty.
elephone 9lO4. Terms indefinito.° __ ‘ _ · »- ·--·»»,- . ·.·- )~-~y -a
Membership: 5. Open to all citizens of Casey County interested in the improv—
oment and material advancement of the Public Library of Liberty. »---~~ -—
Cmmuittoos; Equipment, Mrs. Bert Butcher, Liberty. " ;¤>-—- ~ —— »`-· - .
Purpose; Providing of proper facilities for operation of library. z
Normal Civic Activities:' Service to the oublio and su orvision of the librar . I
______________ _____~______· ___‘ _`_____~_ L P V.
Defense Lotivitios; Interested in Entertainment, Library iervice, Collect- *
im, Beers, Discussion Leaders, Public Speaking. _ V . M.
; Locel Publications; None. _ L
CWAFTSiAi`LODG]»#l22, F. L A. H. (Grand Lodge of Kentucky?. & A.L.),~o/o·S.
E. Jeffers, Liberty. Founded 1855. Lester, John “Q “hber, Liberty. Secretary,
S. E. Jeffers. Terms expired_Octobor, 1942. ° . ~r~ ~ - ~ - -T-~
Membership: 90. Open to male citizens of good character, voted on by member- A
ship. .h L ’ . 4. J
Committees: None reported. *· 1, ‘ _ · -
Purpose: Fraternal and social. y ,
y Normal Civic Activities: Cenirdl welfare. 1
' Defense Activities: Interested in Auxiliary Police, Auxiliary Fire Protect-
ion, Led Cross Assistance, Public Speaking. * ‘ ‘ "
Local Publications: None.