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5 Wim a planned gift, you create a legacy that will not only K · ’V `  V 7 · V l
 · benefit UK, but also help turn students’ dreams into reality. »._» NV A Y. A  .  4- V
Q   Scholarships provide students with no way to finance a college , t he _ A
  4, _4 _ education the opportunity to have a rewarding and fulfilling career. °
  ‘4i’_ .V For other students, they ease the financial burden that may stand V °
gf ‘’i'~ 1   _4in the way of completing their degrees. p ` Q   · . V
  pi A planned gift can be set up in the form which best suits yotu·V   A ‘ ' ‘
  Y `V financial and philanthropic needs.
V ° ` '· it , ·*P'5¢·*`:·>·*—·».·
l  ;i ·_`V 4 l Several popular types of planned gifts are:  
  • Bequest and Estate G1fIZS - after providing  ·‘  ;s;s:,<; ¤. *i ‘ j jijg-g·e.»;_{ .
  4 foryourloved ones, you can designateagift A   V ‘  "   ` "   t ·  4 `A   4 »   ____ y p_   W 3.  . _ A __._ g3_ · ,=··»   n
 `§ _ to UK. Charitable bequests can include cash, *  ` ° = ¤+=»4.¤ —     L .  V A ` ` ‘VV ` °     A` ' ` J  ·*  · l
  SCCLlI'i{iCS, I`€3.l estate O1' O[l`l€I' Pi'Op€1‘Iy. ’Tl"1€y   4 ·· · 4A . i
~   may b€>3. specific pCI'CCl'lI3g€ Of·yOL1l' CSIQIC, O1‘ [l1€ ) V.  
 V?   part remaining after fulfilling other bequests. Z __ _ _
  `   t °‘`’ t ‘ r · · 44 44 44   . .·· ·· .
  ° Life Income Gifts - enable you to make     W f
  ¤ gif *0 UK While mM¤g ¤¤ i¤¤<>m<= For his-     4 »   ;..       s i 4.    » s  4 —  ~< .4   ·—‘=~    
  Bcn€Hts include state and fcdcral tax A   e **¤•*— _·’~;s·"; 4. ~· .'€ *1*:3. ;;g*’;" ··7‘   ·; if · . · ` _ 27* ~ 2 »·. _-,; ,.<~>_ii.E;:_·~—~-j,;?»q•··-~ 4_ I · VW 54 ,`/Rv `
 V V deductions, increased income hom low yield f    ~a ·   ..  4. .. . ....  ,»    _    _, _ __ _ ’ _ A
_gY2·9V4*_ stock, and possible avoidance ofthe capital gain ··-·  `  ·*`· ·   ·-J—  » ~ ‘    4 4»..   . .    . V,_,` _ V _ _. l A 1 ·AA lA A AA V   · i       ‘ `
  tax on gifts of long term appreciated property A A V A V VV V 2;   —?’?’   4 A AV ·
~ · • Charitable LeadTrust— allows you to shield _  W ____’   U A 4g    A ```'
4   more of your assets from taxes and make a     ?     ‘ 1  A      `l` i     V  ‘ " ‘ ` ‘   ’·  -~ -» 4·   . .. ,
. 4_ V _ ""' ’F A ‘ *
current gift to UK. Payments are made to the I . r 4 · _, .. . _,  4 _ .   _   _ .4   ..- , ... .4 —
. . . ‘>·— -44 4.4.   _ “    
UHIVCISIEY FOI El CCYIQIIII l`1l1ITlb€1' Oi"y€k1i`S. TllCil, ` V ‘  · · ”’    ·  ""' """`VA" .   ‘ 4. . . i · :;· ·   - _ .   L 4 .
the principal passes to your heirs at greatly _ V      
l`€dL\C€Cl   2ll'l(l estate [HX YRCCS. p       ’
FOI` l'IlOl`C illl"OI‘ITl3.IiOI1 OD l'lOW YOU C3!} COHU`il)U(€ [0   of Dcvcl°pmcnt_ _
_ ,   Stutgill Development Building
th€ f`L1[l11‘€ Oi"l.lI]lV€i‘Sl[y Oi-K€U[UCl(y, please COHIHCK iZh€ Lexington    
V A D€V€lOPm€m Office-   (859) 257-59I l or (8()0) 875-6272
EstateAndGiftl’lannin @emai|.ukv.cdu
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