i"   —    P I r I I   V  t    —      5 ” ‘           t
r 1   i     ·       ;*? I   V.    — ·> V . t   V I .    
·      ‘   V * "it     V t i " ” i V   — V. `    
·‘V=·   . · Z · i ··>‘   V i 1 4;*  V ~ · — .3 - e i‘ e  ‘.} .» . ».=»    ii  e i
     Y  t V .             .     i V F . V VV_   .      i »VV;_ ,   = j   i t   V V. ` T  -  i f  3 `é  ;   it `'V*“
          »      V·t      —;4:   r ,?.V;   V   4V>;      V V   V           e
l    ·’ ‘’ I I ~V VV  V  V.     ‘ .’”"      {  ’#~‘   VV   VV   ;V`   I e V  
. · V '  .  V   *  i*~*¤V -4 » - »   V  ‘‘ ’ i  ““   t it     `     I T‘   M   i K   "  ‘‘J Q ‘ V        
* V ‘   `    A ” '·VV V. ·     ·VV,·     it ‘ Y · VVVV  e -·    ( " it     V.V»    V V `F .VV»  
vga V i T ‘   . f-   it .·’   ·..s;*·4a%é. `. `       é[)·PrR“..  . —°··¥!’._;,___·; _'  ;. §,;g__,,5]_" _ `  ei; _ __;_g`    L_   _,;_;  pj. 
  ' ‘ I In fact, the technique can improve the insulating
Q, VV A4 qualities of gate insulators so that their direct tunneling
Q" e current is reduced by 10,000 to 100,000 times. No effect
!. was found if rapid thermal processing was not directly
V    M t; l applied on the. gate insulators. I
-  I` ~·‘ " In order to improve computer chips’ performance,
_,;;j;· _  I transistors’ size and gate insulators have to be continu-
V V,   ously shrunk so that more components can be packed
·.   i*Vil * into a single chip. Computer chip producers were hitting
    Ve ` a wall in downscaling the transistors and gate insulators.
  i _ · This new technique will help the chip producers to de-
   ’ ¢}g' V velop more powerful chips with low—power consumption.
iii?    ‘ ‘ Ulcerative Colitis Thera
    Drug Stops Bleeding Out _ _ PV
"    ‘ Promises Relief
Volunteers at the Jack and Linda Gill Heart Institute at Ulcerative colitis causes inflammation and ulcers in the
the University of Kentucky were the first to receive a colon, leading to abdominal pain and such frequent trips
new anti-clotting therapy. The drug and its antidote are to the bathroom that normal routines can be disrupted.
being developed for their effectiveness in preventing Finding the right treatment can be difficult, with thera-
blood clots while at the Same time pI`OVidiI1g pl'1ySiCiaIlS pies that may include steroids and anti-inflammatory
y the ability to rapidly IBVGYSC the effects ofthe blood drugs, or possibly surgery in as many as 25 to 40 percent
l thinner to help safeguard patients against uncontrolled of ulcerative eolitig patients,
bleeding. A romisin new thera ioneered b UK astroen-
More than 12 million patients are prescribed so—called terololgy speciziists may offgrlimproved lilies toiatients
“blood thinners” each year to prevent the formation of suffering from moderate to severe forms of the disease.
I clots, which can block blood vessels, causing heart at- A drug already used for other inflammatory diseases, in-
tacks, strokes and other debilitating or life-threatening cluding Crohn’s and rheumatoid arthritis, has received
conditions. Blood thinners, or antithrombotics, pose a FDA approval for treatment of ulcerative colitis after
risk of bleeding, particularly during surgery. The ability performing well in clinical trials. UK enrolled the largest
to stop the anti-clotting effects quickly could help pro- study group in North America as a primary investigator
tect patients from uncontrolled bleeding. of infliximab (brand name Remicade).
The Gill Heart Institute is one of two sites participat- The medication is administered intravenously. with an
ing in the Phase 1 trial and is the first site to use the anti- initial regimen of three doses of infliximab_ followed by
clotting drug and its antidote. maintenance infusions every eight weeks. Nearly 70 per-
This clinical trial eXaInineS the drng’S safety and toler- cent of patients receiving the drug experienced clinical
ability in healthy volunteers as well as the antidote’s response and remission early in the trial. and nearly all
ability to quickly reverse its effects. Although other new had significant results after one year of therapy.
antithrombotics are undergoing testing in the U.S., this For more information, contact the UK Division of Di-
drug is believed to be the first of its kind. gestive Diseases and Nutrition at 859-323-5575.
Powerful Chips Draw Less Power  
UK researchers have discovered a means of reducing
gate leakage current of transistors in computer chips
that will permit chip producers to continue developing
more efficient and powerful chips with reduced power
Zhi Chen, associate professor of electrical and com- _ _ _
puter engineering, found that applying rapid thermal Vlsll me Gill than
processing directly on gate insulators — used to control For more Insmum °nl'"° at .
current flow of transistors in computer chips — can dra— information about www'mc’uky'Edu/ghl
matically reduce the chips’ leakage current and corre- research taking Compiled from
spondingly the power consumption. place at UK, visit news reports about
www.research.uky.edu research at UK.
KENTUCKY Atuivini 5