
University of Kentucky
    Balance Sheet
    March 31, 1959


I. Current Funds:
    A. General-
       Reserve for Dept. Req, s.
       Reserve for Inventories
       Reserve for Aux.Enterprises
       Other Liabilities
       Appropriation Balance
       Unappropriated Surplus-
       Division of Colleges
       Medical Center
       Agr.Exp. Station

$  65 1, 535. 50
   43,921. 00
   52, 666.20

   4, 390, 09
 182, 860. 28


Total General


B. Restricted-
   Outstanding Check Liability
   Restricted Funds Balances

$    6,415.94
2, 274, 106.03

Total Restricted

2, 280, 521.9 7

$7, 351, 513 30

Total Current Funds

II. Loan Funds:
     Principal Balances
     Expendable Balances

$   79, 241.81
    42, 617. 74

Total Loan Funds

III. Endowment Funds:
     Principal Balances
     Expendable Balances
            Total Endowment Funds

$  121, 859.55

$  228,42. 41
     6, 398.44
             $ 234.,640.85