
University of Kentucky
   Balance Sheet
   March 31, 1959


IV. Plant Funds:
   A. Unexpended Plant Funds-
      Reserve for Plant Req' s.
      Plant Appro. Balance

$ 6,660,599.85
  1, 748, 410. 29

     Total Unexp. Plant Funds              $ 8, 409, 010. 14

B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds-
   Funds Balances            $   669,523.86

Total Retirement of In-
   debtedness Funds

C. Invested in Plant-
. Bonds Payable
  Due to Other Govern. Units
  Net Investment in Plant

     Total Invested in Plant


$ 1 1, 248, 000. 00
  1, 9 5 0, 000. 00
46, 8 23, 407. 9 6

60, 021,407. 96

Total Plant Funds

V. Agency Funds:
     Agency Funds Balances

$   188, 397.86

Total Agency Funds

$69, 099,941.96

$   188,397.86