Page Two

The old fellows away from the UniOf
"Enclose full (payment of pledge to
to see the growth of the versity fell this as deeply as do you
stadium fund and hope this may help
University and hope it will be the most boys there, I am sure.
"I am enclosing check for dues and push the good work to a more rapid
successful year in its history." E. L.
Pres., Kentucky Division, Kernel, The best of luck to the Boost- completion." Strauter Harney, farm-

Alumni Notes
Editor Alumni
Detroit, Octo. 27 (Last Satur- day Regular) dinner, Dixieland
Inn. 'Business meeting and elec- tion of officers.
New York, November 13. (Sec- lunch- ond Tuesday Regular)
con. Cafe Savarin.
The word "magnanimous" has a familiar ring to those who know the administration of former President Barker. It is a characteristic attitude of
alumni and the undergraduate body.
The alumni club in Philadelphia in
arranging a great rally of Kentuckians
October 27 when Centre meets Pennsylvania renders a generous tribute to
a staunch rivla and adds real strength
to its own organization from getting
these exile Kentuckians in the habit of
working together, no matter what institution their Alma Mater.
A fine idea of the spirit of undergraduates is conveyed in the gesture
of the Wildcats in pressing the football trophy to the Generals of Washington and Lee after a thrilling game.
Such an act stamps this a true Southern institution. It makes for understanding and the fullest friendship,

Farmers Union, 501 Security
Bldg., Lexington, Ky.

I tertiary

Alumni Secretary, has written Professor Anderson:
"The Campaign Committee never
thought of persuading any alum mm to
give juat in order to have a star before hit name and we should feel na
gain for the contribution of a man
brought in for such a reason. Other
schools in similar campaigns have had
twenty to fifty per cent of their alumni
contribute. Why should we not take
pride in putting on record our result
if we can make it better than thtttn
Our entire committee agrees with
you heartily in your objection to using 'a star' as a club to force cnortibu-tionBut can't every man give
something? It is the spirit that counts,
whether the amount is $1 or 91,000. If
you will suggest some other method
to make for 100 percent enthusiasm
we shall be very
grateful. There are others who have
misgivings about the present plan."
Let us hear what some other Alumni
have to say on this imatter. The
Alumni Association should dictate the
wav its affairs are run.

I hope every ticket wis
taken and the late ones had to hold
on the side, provided I am not one
of the late ones, and somehow I have
a guilty sort of feeling." G. Lee
Enclose check for dues.
Bardstown, Ky.
keep the good work up. Hope to be
in Lexington the last of this month."
Thomas E. Earle, manager Masiil-lo- n
"Enclosed find check for dues inGravel Co., Massillon, O. Address
cluding Kernel. My brother, Sue K.
738 Commonwealth Avenue
Gilcin F. Meadors is director of Hicks, and I arc (practicing law here
Manual Training and Athletics in the and have been since our graduation
from Kentucky in 1920. This city is
city schools of Clarksdale, Miss.
near Graysville, the home of Virgil
Johnson, who obtained Iboth the WildRobert E. "Bob" Mattingly and W. cat mascots that you have had there.
H. E .Hicks,
W. "Pete' Owsley '17, were visitors in Yours for Kentucky"
Lexington Saturday, coming over for Dayton, Tenn.
the Washington and Lee game with
the Wildcats. Both were enthusiastic
The wedding of Garnett J. McKen-ne- y
over the prospects of the University
and Miss Theressa Lipps was soland the "Greater
paign and expressed their willingness emnized at the home of Mrs. J. A.
to help bring in a hundred per cent Lipps, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 3, 1923.
membership from Marion county. Mr. Mr. McKenney is in the Agricultural
Mattingly is with the Lebanon Car- Extention work of the Experiment
riage and Implement Company, and Station. After a wedding trip East
Mr. Owsley is manager of the Marion they will make their home in Lexington.
Lumber Company, Lebanon, Ky.
"We arc starting off very nicely
"Ticket iplcasc," is the brief and expressive message that accompanied here with five U. K. alumni on the
staffMiss Edna Snapp, H. L. Beckthe check of Walter C. Jetton, priner and D. C. Duncan, all of '22, Monroe
cipal, Tilghman High School. Padu-caBaulch and myself of '21. Three othKy.
ers, Miss Alma Stephens, Messrs. T.
K. Fosch and Mracus Taylor, have
Enclosed find check for dues and been students at the University of
incontribution to the Greater Kentucky Kentucky. We arc watching with
campaign fund. Have been looking terest the development of the Univerforward to the Kernel, thinking my sity. I am enclosing check for dues
dues were paid and when I looked in and a subscription to the 'Greater
today's paper to sec what the 'team' Kentucky' campaign.
"It was sad that a game played so
did and couldn't find it, I was lost. It
was also a gentle reminder. Sorry I nicely as the one in Cincinnati should
cannot make the check three or four have such unfortunate results." Geo.
figures instead of what it is." Paul H. Gregory, teaching in Holmes high
D. Brown, Causins Manor, Bel Alton, school, Covington. Ky. Address 605
Greenup street.

Trait ers Express.

ing, Paris, Ky., R. F. D. 7.
"Here's check for first payment on
stadium fund and hoping for theearly
completion of the best stadium in the
south' and success to the team in all
its battles this fall." Louis A. Riedel,
Fertilizer Laboratory, Swift fit Co.,
Wilmington, N. C,
"Enclose check for dues and the
Kernel. Just must have it to keep up
with U. K. I am teaching Science in
the high school here. Misses Laura
Hubbard and Virginia Reeves of the
class of '23 are also teaching in the
high school and Misses Mabelle Nel5
and Margaret Jameson
arc teaching in the graded school."
Thomas C. Herndon, Middlesboro,
Ky. Address General Delivery.
Robert Hayncs Barr is a student of
the University of Pennsylvania. His
address is 3611 Locust street, Philadelphia, Penna.
"I am mighty anxious to get the
Kernel and am glad to hear the Wildcats are winning their games. I saw
Maryville vs. Tennessee and the former outplayed them all the time and
would have won had it not been for
three slight errors. Maryville has the
stronger line and Tennessee is better
at passing. Hope that the campaign
quota will soon be reached and that
'Kentucky' has a great year.' J. Casper Acrce care C. A Norman Hatchery,
Knoxvillc, Tenn.
"If my subscription arrives too late
tor the first copy of the Kernel to be
sent on date, send it with my second
copy, as I simply can't miss a one. My
best to dear old U. K." Lorraine
Monroe, teaching in public schools of
Louisville, Ky. Address 1706 Tyler


Betwixt Us
Mrs. Charles C. Kay, nee Bell Clement Gunm is vice president of the

Resolutions Passed at First Luncheon
on Death of Price McLean.

Alumni. Association. Last year Mrs.
Kay spent the winter months in Lexington, her two youngest children at
Mrs. Kay has
tending school here.
six children, Clarence, Edith, Claribel,
George W.
Florence and
Claribel Tcvis Clay graduated from
the University of Kentucky in the
class of '21 and is with the Mutual
Life Insurance Company, New York
Citv. Mrs. Kay's address is 484 Park
Place, Springfield, Ohio.

Alumni Club of
"The Kentucky
New York city, held its first luncheon
of the season at the Cafe Savarin at
noon, Tuesday, October 8.
"Although the attendance was not
large, we were very ifortunate in having Herbert Graham with us, and enjoyed discusing the news of the University.
"No business was discussed as this
was only a
but it wa9 decided to continue the
noon luncheons on the second Tuesday of the month."
"At the meeting resolutions were
passed on the death of Price McLean
and a copy sent to Prof. S. A. Boles,
director of physical education. The
resolutions received from the secretary 'follow:
"The news of the unfortunate accident which, took from Kentucky one
of her sons, was received in New York
with the deepest regret.
"As secretary of the Alumni Club of
New York, I want to express the
sincerest sympathy of the members of
this organization, to the University,
the football team, and especially to the
family of Price McLean, who lost his
life in the service of his Alma Mater.
"D. L. Thornton, Jr., Sec."




a check for the 'Greater Kentucky' campaign which is only
a slight expression of appreciation for
what 'Kentucky' has done for me. I
regret that circumstances will not

'I am enclosing


"Enclosed find contribution to 'U.
campaign.' Sorry it
K. Stadium
can't be more. However, I am a 'regular fellow' and you can count me in
on any need of 'Kentucky's future.' "
J. Pope Kelly ex- -, Snowden &
Co., Breckinridge, Tex.
"I am enclosing check early for I
do not want to miss the first copy of
the Kernel. Yours for a bigger and
better University of Kentucky." C.
O. Mattingly, principal High School,
Warsaw, Ky.
Registrar "Name?"
Student "O'Henry."
Registrar "A. B.?"
Student "No, Pat."
."Rastus, Ah thought that you wuz
gwine to name your baby George
"We done decided that 'Mirandy'
wsa better suited.
Boost the advertisers.

The marriage of Miss Mildred Porter to Arthur Price Shanklin was solemnized Tuesday, October 2, 1923, at
the home of the bride's parents in
Lexington. The bride is a graduate of
permit its being much larger." Jas. the class of '21 and the bridegroom reM. Nciding, care the Cleveland Trust ceived his B. S. Me'ch. Eng. in 1922,
Co., Euclid and E. Ninth Sts., Cleveand now holds a position with the
land, Ohio.
Carrier Engineering Corporation, 750
"You know a fellow can' tdo other Frclinghuysen Ave., Newark, N. J.
than do without a few meals when you
Miss Anna Catherine Hendricks is
put it .like you did in the letter to teaching in the high school, Pikeville,
'Dear Al' so here's a little. Sorry Ky., and asks that her Kernel be sent
of its size but hope it helps" Paul
Staff, there.
Harris, Jr.,
"Dear Al: Enclosed find pledge for
Presbyterian Churches, S. S., Second the "Greater
with check covering first payment and
and Broadway, Louisville, Ky.
Am ashamed of being
We wish to correct an item in the dues for
October 6 issue of the Kernel. R. so late but my best wishes are with
Brooks Taylor has severed his con- 'Old Kcnucky.' I want to come down
Carbon for the game with the Generals and
nection with the National
Company, April, 1923. He is now yell Rah! Rah for Kentucky, once
general superintendent of the Specr more." O. F. Threlkeld, Dept. of
Carbon Company, of St. Mary's Pa., State Roads and Highways, Old
and is doing consulting engineering Landing, Lee County, Ky.
work, maintaining an office at Suite
"Am enclosing check to get my
327, 253rt Euclid Ave.. Clevclend, O. name on the list early for I would
His mailing address is Box 233, St. hate to miss a single copy of the KerMary's. Pa.
nel. I am still nvith the Western Electric Company, but have been trans16
ferred to New York and am resident
Armiel Carman, who for two years engineer on the Hanover
'4-has been principal of the Athens high Switching Exchange." Wm. D.
233 W. 107th St., New York
school, Fayette county, was a visitor
Mr. City.
in the Alumni office last week.
Carman married Miss Jessie Clark,
October 21, 1917. They have one
child. Mary Clark Carman, aged four
years. Mailing address. Lexington,


ex-2- 4,





William Adolphus Duncan received
his B. M. E. degree at the University
of Kentucky in '97 and his M. D. at
Yanderbilt University in '03. Soon
after (beginning his practice he entered the Medical Corps of the U. S.
Army and continued in active service
until 1920 when he was retired with
the rank of Lieutenant-Colone- l,
is a (practicing physician and surgeon
at Russellville, Kentucky, now with
Mrs. Dunin Forst Hotel.
can was Miss Sue E. Ellis. There are
three children, William, George and
Mary. The family reside at 749 So.
Main Street


cx-1- 5,

23-2- 4.



One of those whose record as an
active member of the Alumni Association shows an unbroken line, is
Paul Sterling Ward, who received his
Mr. Ward has been
B. M. E. in '98.
located in Cincinnati practically ever
since he graduated. For several years
he was manager of the Eureka Manufacturing Company. From 1917 to
1919 he was connected with the Standard Parts Company of that city, and
;ince 1920 he has been with the Triumph Manufacturing Company, 3400
Spring Grove Ave. He married Miss
Rebecca Monroe Ashton in 1901. They
have one child, Gene Ashton Ward,
who is a student in the University of
Ky.. R. F. D.
Kentucky. The residence address h
1645 Cedar Avenue, Cincinnati, O.

Professor H. C. Anderson, '97, head
of the department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan, has written the Alumni office expressing his opinion that it is a 'bad
plan to place a star in front of the
names of those who have contributed
towards the stadium "fund as is proposed in the new Alumni Directory.
In this letter Professor Anderson
"It makes no difference to me
whether I have a star in front of my
name or not. I personally think that
the star is a mistake, as I know of a
number of old graduates who, due to
financial difficulties, have not been
able to contribute and for this reason
it is rather small of your committee
to, in a way, humiliate such good people still further.
"Such contributions as I will make
next year will not be made just to get
star in front of my name but will be
made became I lovt the old University and feel that I should help it
In reply to this letter and by way
of explanation for any who may have
tins same opinion Herbert Graham,

"I am glad


One Year






Frclinghuysen Avenue,
Newark, N. J.

Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia


to make "Every day a good day"
with the help of the following Kentuckians
J, I. Lyle, '96
E. T. Lyle, '00

L. L. Lewis, '07
M. S. Smith. 'OS
R. L. Jones, '12
J. R. Duncan, '12
K. R. Taliaferro, '13


Carrier Engineering Corporation


Vivian Richard Pfiustag has been
with the Hercules Powder Company
One of the "regulars" is William ever since receiving his degree. He
fr Tnlmcrm T.l.n.n
is located at Hudson, Ind., P. O. box
teaching ever since receiving his B. 210.
Ped. degree and for several years was
located in Alabama. He is now prin
cipal of the Consolidated School at
T. Elli sPeak asks that the Kernel
Bagdad, Shelby county, Ky.
be sent to 1974 Olive St., Baton
Rouge, La. He is with the Standard
Oil Company of that city.
"Be so good as to send the Kernel,
which I thoroughly enjoy. Above all,
Mrs. E. Oppen-heiinsend the Directory."
"The morning papers surely bring
107 Fran(Goldye Lazarus),
sad news to all the friends of the Uni
cisco street, Mission, Tex.
versity m the death of Price McLean, t


Dues and The Kernel


J. E. Boiling, '15
H. Worsham, '16



J. H. Bailey. '20
W. B. Thornton, '21
N. O. Belt. '22
A. P. Shanklin, '23
