vm- SQME RASPBERRY lighter in color and have made less
mrs CULTURAIJ STUDIIQS growth than where the manure
mu, ALTMAN alone was used.
[yo}     W
`Olll A planting of Latham raspberries, 'l“l’l° l
."l made in 1932, on thc EXP€i`1m{3¤t Seven Years Results With Nitrogen
llllg Station grounds has been carried Fertilizer and Muichiiig on
lou through seven years of iesti under Latham Raspbgyrjgg
  "l*’l°P‘“g ““€h2"£¤°5ii%l£`§ ‘€2,i§3s?5Zi ‘” 1**** °"*°S P" mw
son p ica ions. . . * . .
lfall of an application every other year Planted lll Spllllg °f 1932
{pig of fairly fresh strawy manure from ” " ' "   " "
i·ci·s the Experiment Station _Dairy Barn ·i·,-,.,,u-,,0,u,
or and was used at an Estimated rliiic --tm..—f(.---..—
ns. of fifteen tons to te acre. e ._ .
fatl ‘ manure was applied over a strip   ‘
im. approximately two feet wide and lrgii 5 l :. I
est- l covered the full length of the rows. will, , {{2; l $4 1 *g< _ ·;
ieen When the application was made, the l `E1 _ i ig I g ; ig
tical ° straw was about ten inches deep izggt -5; v gi 1 E5
con- i and since it was applied every other i if 2   ; i i   jj
For year, the material was fairly well Eg E;i·;i E- ; E;
lded . decomposed before time for its re- gg gg: _.g_   gc
ther . newal. Nitrate of soda was used as 22 Zzé V xl; _ zi Zz
~v _—r the source of inorganic nitrogen. r · i*mr···i——·*?‘"
CK ‘ All treatments were in duplicate t  
_, V , with an untreated row left between _ 19324 
pl‘l_l_ all treatments and the duplicate 1940 127, 88__13§;J$2___iji6
  _ treatments were separated by seven " 1§4ri ""'2()6j*Q§~ Tgg ggi 112
‘l‘l_l I rows in all cases. The yields for 194,,   *36. ‘2*5*_H)t‘§;_*@
  the past seven years are given in lgiiiécea .~-9-3-s-Wfi),-T6}-Ei;-41
_ _` ~ Table I. All similar treatments are __ _ Uni ___ ,V4*_v__i_,
$:5 averaged for each year and the 1944 29 34 18 13 17
\  · figures obtained for the buffer rows "”§%=*” 'V 4,.”"’*""‘*i;’{f;i;_r,i
  l were an average of eight rows for Al-,6}-8-gg-A-MQ      
. ' each season. _ _ .
Fun"; 4 The most Sighihaaui ihiha Shgvvn The heaviest application of nitrate
mm ` in the average yield of the different of soda 1`€?$ull~€d iu Succulcut gm“'Yh
treatments is that the rows receiving Ott which the budS_w€l`€ klllefl lll
zhinc . tha haavv mauuya njulch aiuua com great numbers during the winter
t$tctl  ‘ sistentlvv produced. by far the iutd also during Scmc Of the yeals
wis- 2 greatest yield of berries. Inv onlv cane kil1ing_was quite severe; as
Ubi`?  · two years out of the seven did the “'u$ thc cusc lu 1940 alld l9“l2· Qth€"
ell as yield from anv other treatment ex- plots also suffered some from winter
brict  T ceed that ot" the hcavy mahuru injury in 19jiO and 1942. A Study
 i plots. ` of Table I will show that the light- .
· ro-  ‘ lt is interestin¤ to observe that in c$t uluclc appllcallcu Of 286 Pounds `
. ‘ny ll  Only Ong vgay   [hc qgvgu   the pCl` 3Cl`€ plL1S lTll1lCll g€l1€I`Hll§’·g3\'C
;§3ml`  ` heavy mahum mulchiplus niuooen the highest yields of any nitrate .
from · cxcced the yield of the hoggvry plots except for the heavyhyiildfing
paris u manure alone and that diirprauco years of 1938b aiid 1939t.* Ttii iimei
uiuc; _ was not significant. The application lows “ cle G ll Gcll lea E ‘