i ` their productivity so long and usual- C()l)l_,lN(} MOTH IN 1944
laéaaeed replacing every five or six P. O. hrrciihh
‘ lh"additioh to also hart ot the The worst codling moth in years, .l.
decrease in two or three of the years that s ttm “'“Y most .“`“st°"“ KC“` t ii
, oah he attributed to a rleoitlori rlo_ tucky, southern Illinois, and Indiana "v
Heiency in the amount of rainfall. *‘m°l" g""‘““`s sum Vp th" mst  
Raspberries are shallow rooted ahrl season. By almost continuous spray- ._ C
are seriously alfected if ample mt-”¥» Cvch attt‘t` thc usual 5PmY Zhi.
moisture is hot available. The ma_ schedule was completed, some grow- ·lp_
hure mulch is hot ohly helhtul ih ers came through with very clean B22
supplying hutriehts hut aids ih the crops. Others who were less for- t tig
retention of moisture as well as to ttmstc OF Stvpecd spraying tw stmh l
help maihtaih a lower soil tem_ lost their entire crop. In eastern t_
herature that is so heheheial to Kentucky, inthe hill country where liu
rashherries codling moth has never been much U
Pruning or Cane Thinning; Dm-- of a problem, commercial growerr Sth
‘ ihg the years ot 1938 ahd 1939 areas came through with another fine it;]
were selected in each of the rows CVOP Of high Quality {Wit- _ · lil
to test the effect Ot Cahe thlhhlhg _The season of 1944 started with a .  
on yields. Fifty-foot strips were big €€{1`1`Y·0\'€21` of W01`mS_ and ih01`¤‘ tit.
Selected ih tvhlch the row was hai-_ was little winter mortality. Warm Cm
l-owed to tltteeh lht-hes ahcl he weather the latter half ot May was f
oahes were removed Th other oom_ ideal for codling moth, causing them  '  
parable fifty-foot lengths, the rows tv €m€I`g€ ih UhPi`€€€’(t€ht€d hhhh  » sitl
were narrowed to fifteen inches and bers Over 3 short psrmd Of tm“`· ‘ lm
the canes in the row thinned so that DQ? tt) _th€ h0t» dry “'Cs*thCt` P"°‘ DT
there remaihed ohly ten oahes tor vailing into September, the heavy he
Each four feet Ot rah-_ The yields first brood attack was followed _1n L at
uhder these tests are giveh lh July and August by still heavier __ '.
Table lT_ The tivo year average second and third-broods. Growers - mt
shows 245 crates where the canes C€’uld see more and more “'O"‘“s ei}
were thinned out in the row and hlttmg the apples ‘~?"€*`Y (MY almost . lh
310 crates per acre where no thin- up to hsl"€st_ tt`m€» long sttst tho ar
- ning was done. In every case, there ¤<>rm¤1 sprsymg season was OVC"·  
was a sighitioahtly higher average and many continued to spray. Where ug
yield where no canes were removed lcsd stscnsts ptogwms WCW uscd ot
from the mw. it should be men- the dry wsathw Ssemstl t0 1`<*d¤.¤<·
tioned in this connection that during the t<>>¤¢¤ty Of the ¤¤‘S€¤¤¤¤1 d<-=r><2S¤tS · ,,,
these two years the moisture supply €m,d ther? was mm? OY less tOhGg“` Sl,
was plentiful and the yields from “?Jut`Y· Ftxed m°°t.m0.and .summ°" lll
all plots were exceptionally hlgh_ oil were more eilective, it more Tl
expensive, but supplies were scarce i Ol
Table II by the middle of the sason. H
lgggqggg Yields The Kentuclhy Spray Service, co- _ ra
- · operating wit spray services in
RaSpbcrry_Clm€ Thmnmg TcSt"`In neighboring states was on the job  
24 Fmt Crates Per Acre again in 1944 and warned Kentucky li.
I "r*W·——" V ·"m··* VAN HTM   growers of the serious codling moth it
Ave. of attack in prospect. It is felt that
l938& these warnings were especially
1938 1939 1939 vall/uablle this season. h b lg
_`"—_"_*`_-_" WT   '''' " uc time an thoug t will c
Catlgélsuggtalincd 240 251 245 spent this winter, wherever apple
Camas Not   men get together, on what to do
(Un runaai aio soo aio about codling moth; and there will
p ‘’‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘ be a great deal of interest in im-
"""""T`TA‘""""'4""`"T""'" ' proved spray schedules and new y l)
It is seen from Table II that severe materials such as DDT. Many will t ‘_'
cane thinning sharply reduces the spend more time this winter on ? s
yield. On the other hand, where scraping trees, screening packing   “
all canes are left the berries are sheds, and other sanitary measures.   F
smaller and a severe strain on the There is one ray of hope, at any < U
plants results. A practice in be- rate—1945 certainly cannot be any Q t
tween these two extremes would worse than 1944. Too, we are over- g Q
likely give the best long-time re- due for a season when the weather _% ;
sults. is unfavorable for codling moth.   ·
4 1