MQRE ABOUT DDT ishslibjcct to tempkeratures some}
  P. O. RTTCHER In-Zug?§L`€ °FJf“EeEt§,%.“r€r§é“?Ei-
  There- is a great dcal of interest lnwtng tnhln g1V€S S01n€_ Qt tht?
W ,,1, lllc pall Ol. llult gl—Ow(»l-S. m thc f‘l'l£il`ElCtDl`1StlQS of the varieties as .
M new male,. l al DDT (dlchlm-O- shown in this planting to date;
Q- diphcny_1-tricnlcntocthane>. Interest D To MD DD _ Dm D
W is especially keen since lead arsenate Dt ’#*'“‘-·—?l"  Orange
I`; spray schedules did not always give _ Winter Rust p,°_
an good control of codl1n_g moth this Va"°*>' sigglmc 4Re- ductivity
.l·- l>HSt §€?¤5C§>Y;   _nlc0t1nc products _   _ U__ ___5j@¢¢ l__
. were rar o o ain. - .. .. , _ . .,
  In the midwest, the Vincennes j{l?,i:l,lld"   l},;"'uQ;ll
H, fruit insect laboratory of the Federal l·;arly 1larv··sr llar-ay Aletlitirxilligll
at Bureau af ERt<>m¤*¤¤y amt Plant tiiftttrift ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ’ tiiiittii {itil} ?§2§$""“
  ‘l.l,§"‘i.’%"r‘3ii* *312%.‘*‘i;;*"§rO‘§§é‘f$Li 2* ·`‘*   ’l‘*R:lRt ltr?  
nk, S   ‘ ", ' ` Zoysen "en er igi l\Iou-rate
in the testing of DDT formulae on L---  
. apples. Their published results to _ _
lj _ date indicate that DDT is an effec- In January. 1940 and aeam rn
.m tive_spray material for controlling Jan¤nYY» 1942 this Planting €XP€t`1;
.3% codling moth when used at the rate Gnced t§¥nP€Y&t¤i`€$ af between 10
  Ol al to llé pounds Of DDT pal- lgg and 20 below zero and on these
DP gallons Of spl-ay_ There was H Con- occasions all of the canes of the_ va-
50 Sldpyable bulldmp, howcvcly in the rieties listed as tender were killed
.€j _ mite and red spider populations on to the around With 1`€$n1t3nt total
V`, DDT-sprayed trees and some un- loss of crops. The varieties listed
il, éxpljained leaf drop on Grimes   hgrély ligjclssogg clap? tgpagllgng;
‘ . O EH. \‘.’ '*l`, y
  _ Mr. Steiner`s results, while prornis- effect their fruitfulness. The pros-
hlg ‘ mg, do not_give us much hope that trate canes of the Boysen and
xl _ even by using DDT wc can reduce Y0L1ng $`¤1`1€t1€$. often €13$S€@ 35
he the number of sprays needed, Also, dewberries, have also been winter
gl. _ growers who do not use enough killed when no sub-zero weather
,1.6 l material or do not get good cover- was experienced, even when having
md age, cannot_ expect DDT or any a straw mulch covering. These
me other material to give good control, var1et1es have produc_ed a satisfac-
its Before DDT lS put on the open tory harvest only during the spring
IEC market there will have to be a con- of l94l and cannot be COHS1d€1`Qd as
ml. siderable surplus over and above reliable in this section for etther
We 7 that needed by the armed forces. home or commercial production.
VCU Too, there is much work to be done The Brainerd seems less tender than
on DDT before it can be put up in the last two named varieties but
CO_ a usable standard form by manu- has_ frequently lost so much of its
in facturers. There _ are also many fruiting wood from winter injury
lol) - QL1€St10nS Concernmg DDT’s effect that it cannot be depended upon
ky . 0n_human health and its compati- here. Where _this variety comes
Dm · b1l1ty in various spray formulae through the winter, it can be de- i
mt that need to be answered. pcnded upon to produce large
llv -—-—— quantities of late berries over a -
be NOTES ON Br-ACKBERMES l3?§a ‘§§;°°La&ha§xe‘LilL€§?pq§§r?$ 2%
plc IN KENTUCKY allowed to_remain on the vines un-
${1 W- R- ARMSTRONG lJl.“£éa“5§a ‘E§a£2£3,t,“;;X$;t
.m- A small variety planting of black- for its small sized fruit which is a
Sw ` berries made in western Kentucky characteristic of the variety. This
Vlll ln the spring of 1939 has furnished variety contained one plant that
on S0me results that might be of- gen- regularly produced fruit twice the
lng eral _1nterest to berry men. This size_ of the others_ and otherwise
peg - planting is located about 75 miles typical of the variety. However,
Any _ vast of where the Ohio River joins this plant was one of the very few
my - the Mississippi, on the grounds of of this variety to take orange rust.
er- V. the Western Kentucky Experiment As for productiveness, quality and
her ‘ S¤bStation, Princeton, Kentucky. large fruit size, the Alfred has been
The planting is on low ground that the most outstanding but the plant
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