li losses from orange rust have been how, when and where pruning is is
heavy. Ozark Beauty, a variety of done are all important factors. Fur. {iu
some consequence in Arkansas has thcrmore, the effect is proportional X ta}
had no orange rust but has suffered to the severity of the pruning. an
from winter irgjury and is not cx- lSinc$ soil and the fiertilizers used , bi-
ceedingly fruit ul. a so al`ect tree growt , pruning and A oc
The Eldorado plants were se- tree nutrition should be maclc to ta
cured from a well-known nursery supplement each other. The aver- . ca
and were, of course, supposedly true- age soil in Kentucky is low in nitro- in
to-name. The lot, however, con- gen. and fruit growers universally ra
tained a considerable number of use nitrogen fertilizer to stimulate be
unfruitful plants. At the first har- growth. Pruning also stimulates lu
vest these plants were marked with growth but it does so by reducing
stakes. Each year. since that time, the number of growing points, Su ` m
the same individuals have failed to that those that remain receive a ` bi
produce normal fruit. All berries large share of nutrients from the . gi
on these plants are abortive and soil. Thus, pruning invigorates a oi
contain only 2 to 10 drupelets. Such tree, but makes it smaller than it 14
plants are worthless and, should would have been. il
they occur in commercial plantings, In starting off young peach and is
would seriously curtail production. apple trees, the grower is anxious ‘
It has been suggested that these to produce top growth to fruiting “ c.
might be affected with a fungus dis- size as quickly as possible. To do ~ (Q
ease that interferes with pollination. this he will make the soil as good ii
° If this is the case, the disease had as possible and prune as little as liv e
not spread either to regular Eldo- can during the early years, and still t*
rado plants alongside or to any of develop the form and framework
the other varieties. Similar samples that is desired. Of course, the ` s
of berries have been sent in from only time a definite tree form can  · p
other Eldorado plantings in Ken- be developed is while the tree is 1 y
tucky and reports have been re- young, and some pruning is neces- t
ceived of commercial plantings that sary to do this even though it does i
contained a high percentage of reduce the size of the tree some- l
plants behaving in this manner. what. t
. Normally, the Eldorado is an ex- During the past decade most fruit x
cellent variety over a wide terri— growers have followed this practice ` (
tory and those selling or distribut- of pruning as little as possible while * i
ing plants should know that they the trees were young and until after A (
have only the fruitful sort rather bearing began. The result has  i_
than a very undesirable mixture. meant a marked improvement over
The rust rating of Eldorado in the older practice of severe pruning
. the table is subject to the following during the formative period, and .
question. This variety is normally the trees have borne earlier and A
highly resistant to rust and, due to larger crops. -
the close proximity of the plants After the trees reach mature size `
and the intermingling of roots and and are bearing well, pruning can 3
sprouts, it has not been exactly de- be practiced to maintain vigorous  -
termined whether all the rust is in fruiting wood and desirable tree `
the Eldorado or the unfruitful mix- size. Sometimes, the trees become
ture. too tall for economical spraying and .
_____ harvesting. There is no general ‘
SOME THOUGHTS ?·?i‘i°§“%§S$t ii.é".R8;`id‘i§gg“ .?·1"i2§F"`l
i. . . gt
ON PRUNING tree can produce more bushels than
A. J. OLNEY a smalltgree. However, if oge ob} -
serves e cro s in a num er o
Pruning is a subject that never orchards, he will be impressed with  
fails to interest fruit growers and the idea that bushels per tree is not ·
any discussion about it almost al- the whole answer to the problem of
ways results _in_ arguments pro and making profits. Worms did most dam- A
gon, because it is not a simple mat- age this year in the tops of tall trees  
er. because s ra s did not reach them .·
The effect pruning has on the effectively? axid the percentage of i
growth and productiveness of a cull fruit was too high. It is un-  
tree depends on many things. Health fortunate to have the fruit in the *2
and vigor, kind and variety, and top of the tree go bad because this  