li TIME ()F MATURITY OF ivhich wz? Before gecoiid-gegerzitinix `
arvae o ie co mg-mo could
APPLES AND THE become fully grown, the percentage
_ CODLING MOTH of woriny fruit was less than 5 pei-
PRQBLEM cent. Two of these blocks received
__ __ A _ A   _ ` only a single spray application for
Atfltlfi fi‘~2E§2$£€“i»{‘$ll;".i;lé’l’{i§§§"t£§lt§£li ¤<><*1¤¤g-¤¤¤th ¤<>¤¤··>:
ment Station, June, 1944. It contains SDYBYZ and DOUG ot lllCSC l)lOCl»{s `
sound information that applies tn Ken- roooivod the usual uumbey Of €.m—]y
tucky as well as to Ark1insas.—Editor.) Spray applications. By isolutinh `
Early production is froquontly these plantings of t}Lll'ly \'2ll’lCT.i(·>, t
used as e means Of eeml-O] Of l.ll€_COClllIlg-lllOlll problem had beet;
multiple-generation insect pests at- i*"0ldCd- On thc 0lh€l` hand, _i¤ I
tacking annual Crops It is not orchards where early and late varii-- 1
usually recommended fm. the COW ties `xxiore `mixed, the problem ti; 2
§g;€<;{s§;l;S¤<;jj1\¤¤p$;§E2;`;s*‘¤it; “"l`§“l,i$FLZ d$i“2Ell—l‘v tai at-tail-S. S ¤
` *   ` . me which ripen before a majoritv ti" `
be a means Of avmdmg COdlmg`mOth worms of the third generation have 4
1¤JUFY Hm?] Should bc `
isolated from those maturing late in and reduce spray costs. V
the season. If, however, early varie- Early production as a means of
ties are interplanted with late varie- codling-moth control may be even `
ties, the infestation is renewed each more useful when planting home
spring by moths which developed orchards. Since home orchards are P
the previous fall as worms in late seldom adequately sprayed, when Q
fruit in the same orchard. Since they are composed of mixed plant-  »
ripening fruit is particularly sus- ings, they tend to produce little ~
ceptible to injury, the infestation good fruit. Limiting the planting to
on early fruit may be heavier at early varieties only would make
harvest than that of the unripo late spraying for worm control unneccs~ .
varieties around it. sary and should result in greater
In blocks under observation where production, since the codling-moth ·
all fruit was harvested by mid-July, problem is removed. -
. 8 2