xt7tb27ps50v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tb27ps50v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-11-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1992 1992 1992-11-18 2020 true xt7tb27ps50v section xt7tb27ps50v  





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NOV 18 1992






Junior Jamal
Mashbum leads a
fresh squad of
I Wildcats against
’ their first oppo-
nent of the 1992-
93 basketball sea-
son tomorrow at
Rupp Arena. The
T ‘ Cats are a young
team in search of
a new chemistry
— and a national
The Kentucky Ker-
nel's Special Sec-
tion “Basketball
'92-'93“ is inside
today's newspa-







‘in love’
with UK

By Graham Shelby
Senior Staff Writer



\k'hen (‘harles .\Iartin Newton
I‘irst stepped on the [PK crunpus
some 4()-odd years ago. he “inst
fell in line with the school."

the love. he says. didn‘t leaye
in the decades that have passed
since his days as a Wildcat.

(‘,M. .\'ewtoti said it was that
feeling that led him to mum to
Lexington to take a job he never
thought he‘d want.

“I never thought I‘d come back
here." he said. “I never thought I
would be an athletic director."

The man who spent more than
30 years as a coach agreed to
leave his beloved bench ottly alter
"I was convinced that I was not
only wanted btrt needed."

Needed to bring pride and (lig-
iiity to art athletics program and a
basketball team stripped oi~ those
two qualities by an NCAA iny‘es-
ligation turd subsequent sanctions.

As a teen—tiger who first visited
UK in the heyday ol~ Adolph
Rupp. Newton said. “I was kind
of. overwhelmed by the basketball

I-‘orty years later. the awe
turned awl'ul as the NCAA ex-
posed corruption in every comer
ol’ the btiilditig .‘ewtou dribbled
in as a player



JAMES CHISP “ti" o u“

Athletics Director C.M. Newton holds a job he thought he‘d
never want at the school he 'fell in love with‘ 40 years ago.

"I was embarrassed by what
happened in the basketball pro-
gram." he said Izuibarrtisscd
enough to return and try to bring
sortie semblance ol respectability
back to .\Ieruortal (‘olise llIll

(hie of his l'irst nioyes in that
direction was luring nien‘s has;
kelball coach Rick I’ittno away

limit the .\'ew York Knicks
.\'ewton said he liked the New
Yorker because I’itino shared

ruany ol Ins philosophies .iboiil

iiirislcr toacli

taunt .iiid because "lies .I

Hi ttlIII\k. \ewtori‘s .tlui.i iii.it
tr is not the only Itaskt II~.tI| entity
with claims to IlIIIl

\rnong other It bs. It, currently
ls i‘lt‘\IiILllI \‘I I \.\ Ii.t\I\e’II‘.III
.iiid had quite .i |i.iiid in selecting
the members ol the Ilitani Ie.uu

See NEWTON Back Page



~.....i....rr... «~‘.


New interpretatio
test their merit. Co
”Jennifer 8' is an un ‘
uninteresting movre.
Page 3.

Politics should be put in
perspective when dealing
real problems. Column. Pag
The Clinton-Gore presrdentia
campaign presented conflictin
messages regarding the coal

industry. Guest Opinion. Page 4.

Because of an editor‘s error. .
graphic in Monday's Kentuc
Kernel incorrectly listed the
national governing body to
fraternities, It is the Natio
lntertraternily Councrl.

Partly sunny today;
Partly cloudy tontgh
between 35 and 40
tomorrow; high n-




By Graham Shelby
Senior Staff Writer

’I‘liomas Aaron heats the question
and grows silent. IIis brow liiiiows
iii a look ol concentration as the
president of ()mega I’st I’hi. a lus-
lon'crtlly black social lraternity.
tries to answer Iiow I‘K‘s black and
wlntc grecks can come together


“'I'hat‘s so hard." he says. shak-
ing his head.

Hard because the two
hayc basic. historical and [‘IlIItir
sophical dil lcrences

Hard because eycn wttli Ilie re«
tuni ol his lraterriity to campus this
semester. the eight black sororities
and fraternities still total less than
I00 members. while their white
cotrntcrparts tally more than loll”

Hard because the black organi/a-
lions refuse to play what many or
their presidents say is a numbers
garlic to collect enough members to
rival those assembled by the

Now the question the ITK iltIIllIll‘
tstratioit also must answer tiiay be
complicated ltirthci .\Iariy ol the
black leaders say' they want to loriii
their own lortnal goycrnnig body to
attend to needs they say the current
system ignores


“'I’he system doesn't work hit us
It WIII never work lot us." \aion

(‘tirreutly. the l'inyersity‘s I’ati-
hellenic and Ititcrt'raternity councils


\ i

m: {77.71"
goyein .ill greek otgani/auotis llIl-
dei their respectiye umbrellas IIus
arrangement riinst be tethouglit. he
said. to iclicye the leelirig niany
blacks hate that their agendas .ue
tiol important. to esotcisc “this big
iis-agaitist-tlieni leeliug that so
many ol us liaye ”

Iliat ltelnig ol .ilieuatiou coriies
lioni pressure some blacks say is
placed on thent to be the agents of

integration. "We‘re always sup
posed to contorm We‘re always
stipposcd to change." said Kim

.\layo. president ol Alpha Kappa
Alpha social sorority.

Black gi‘cck organt/alions eyist
under the attsprces ol the .\'ational
I’rui-Ilellentc (‘ouncil Mayo said
she would like to see all .\'I’Ilt‘
go\ crtittig board here at I 'K.

”It’s needed. II Ior nothing else.
so we. the black greeks. cart work
together "

Representattyes ltotrt lIIt .\'I’II('
groups itleritilicd their organi/a-
tions .is being primarily deyoted to
countinnity particularly
scryite geared specifically toward
the bltitk toniuiuinly

Ioiiy I’ollard. secretary and tietis»
urei loi .\Ipha Phi Alpha social Ira-

sc‘l \ lt't‘.


By Tyrone Beason
News Editor


Amid the sea of Malcohii .\'
hats. 'I‘-shirts and movie posters
is a mtui who many people are
only beginning to understand.

Certainly. director Spike Lee's
cinematic portrait of the slain
black Muslim leader further will
enhance the general public‘s
knowledge of him. But. once the
Malcolm X media blitz subsides.
will people still want. or care. to
carry on his legacy?

'l'wo black lIK students yester-
day said the responsibility ol‘ pitt-
ting to work Malcolm X's philos-

ophy ol' progress through
heightened sell-awareness lies
with black communities across

the country

I‘qually important to this lllllI.t
ll\'L‘ witliiit the black coiniuiinut
they said. is the recognition on
the part of whites that race pride
is not an obstacle to niipioyiiig
race relations. biit an asset

"Malcolm X told people to be
Iiey'e Ill ilieinselyes .iiid litt tlieiii
selyes up," said I’aul .\Iullius. .iii
linglisli sophomore. “It doesn‘t
seem that hard lor other ethnic


Spike Lee’s ‘Malcolm X’
a taste of things to come

groups to
But. when
black people


do it. it‘s
It's a tear on
the part ol
whites "
Howey cl.
Mullins indi- MALCOLM X

cated that tear

is at times instilied because sotne
blacks will turn pride irito pre|u~

"'Ihrit's not to say they don't
dcseiyc to have that lcai because
black people do get angry. and
they do become prejudiced" lie
s.l|tI. tliottgli "no preiiidice is ins-
IlIIttI ..

lilack prciudice is a concept oI~
tcti associated with Malcolm \
because ol his liery' oratory
aimed at whites and his steadl'ast
commitment to securing equal
iiistice tor blacks. lhe association
is erroneous. said Kcuueth Ilo~
ward. a marketing lllllltll

".\lalcoliii .\' is very turstindei
stood in the white Ctlll‘lllllllllly‘. I

tlntik people are scared ol‘ what
they ‘ re ignorant about." he said.

Another misconception about
the black leader. who was assassi-
nated iii 1965. is that he went to
his death a stem believer in racial

When he travelled to Mecca.
Saudi Arabia. in I964 and wit»
tiessed the wide may of peoples
gathered to worship lslarnic Al-
lah. he became aware ol‘ the inti-
nite possibilities available iii a ni-
eially diverse society.

(Ttilttire. for Malcolm X. be-
came a unitier. where once it was
:i barrier.

Ilis willingness to allow a
traus‘t'orniation in his owti belief
system is one of his greatest con-
tributions. said (‘hester (iriindy.
director ol' the ()l'l‘ice ol' Minority
\tudent .'\II.’III'.\

“\\'ithui lns hie is .i message ol
change .iiid the idea ol personal
(itiiiidy said. Malcolm
.\‘s translorniatiou should teach
people that “you don‘t have to he
a \icltni, that through scllv
II‘LIIHIUI'IIIilIlUIl )0“ Lil” l'I\L‘ ilhtHL‘
your t‘II‘t'llllIinllltt‘\ "

Ilie Ii‘aiislormatiou

See MALCOLM X. Back Page


I)“ K'C\\



Financial aid won’t compensate
if tuition increases, director says


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


like ruariy other iristiltitions or
higher education. .\laysy'tlle (‘ttlll'
uinnity (‘ollege has its share ol stir
dents who lace a dillictrll time loot
mg the bills ol attending college. its
student goyci'nuicnt president said

\\ itli so many students struggling
now. Iiurke the
IIIIlI'.‘ lIIt‘ sItItIL‘ItIs Ilt't'tI ts lit Lice .I
tiiilioii hike

Ieiesa stud. |.ist

".\ lot ol lherii .uc haying trouble
.illotdiug.‘ it now,” [Strike s.lItI “\
lot ol them are Liking oiil loans they
can‘t allotd to pay batk IX‘t.llI\k'
they don’t qualily lor IIII.lI|\ i.il .iid ”

lint .\Iriysyille and other \IrlIk tt‘I
lece sttideiits may lace tusr that nest
ycai Io deal with picytous budget
cuts and .i possible tutiiie redutlioii
I.isl wt'tk

in slate


tIltItilst'tI .l

plan to tttctcttsc ltttltoll lot Kett-
tucky colleges at the state (‘ouucil
oti IIiglict detrcatiou meeting

I ‘nder the plan. tuition at cornmu»
nily colleges would go up Soil a
year. while tuition .lI regional titii
would increase by “It
I'K arid I'rit\erstly ol Ioursyillc
students would pay \Itlti riiore iti


Harry [K students would lritt se
challenges lI tuition
raised. said Iiobby II.iIscy. tIIIt‘tltIl
or student lnianciril .iid

IIl‘lI\ ‘.\tlt‘

\Vhilc tost ol education may list.
letleial .rid .iclually will j'o down
I‘t‘tdllst' (.llliL'Ik'\\ Ilrts lt'iIIltt‘tI IIlt‘
.trriouut ol uioucy ayailablt to stir
dtnts through I’ell (nauts IIaIscy

Ilie net itsulr. lie said. is that stur
dents will Ii.i\e to llllll to alternate
sonitcs ot ieyeinie Ill;ll|lI\ eertnie
iobs .iiid Milli}: out loans

"Anytime ttiittoii otitpasses the
economy. students have sotiie prob»
lerns. and they iU't‘ torccd to work
more and borrow more." Ilalscy
said “The bottom line is that slur
detits are being saddled a little more
heavily with loans and work. w hile
giants are going to remain constant
or hate sonie slippage ”

|lioiiin Sltltl is not a tremendous
amount ol money in piopoirion to
the current cost ol higher education.
IIalscy said “c\ery little bit hurts "

I’etc Noyeuibcr. president ol the
I'ls' Student Government .\ssik‘lil‘
ttori. said he knows students who
would hayc serious problems deal
ing with a ttiitiori hike Ilul hc add»
ed that the increase could be -|\I\illl-
trigeotis. tl used lor the tight


"I think it's wrong it it's done

See TUITION. Back Page

INSIDE: Historical differences separate black, white greek systems





JAMES CfllSP Korn- Sta"


Like many others at UK. Thomas Aaron. the president at Omega Psi Phi social fraternity. is not
sure what can be done to bring together black and white greek organizations.

tertitly said his ttt‘gllllI/lllltlll and
black groups iii general "try to giye
all our energies to the black coni-
muriity "

lliat goal. pltis the groups siii.ill-
cr we. are reasons why the Nl’lll'
groups are hard to bird at many all-

grcck events. Still. Mayo said, "it's
not that we don‘t want to work with
people "

AKA Iias been one ol the most
actiye organizations. participating
iii the Sophomore leadership Re-
treat and sponsoring last month's

(ireck l'iiity I)iiiuer

Mayo said the UlllVL‘l'sll} arid the
white groups need to understand the
black groups“ smaller membership
numbers (AKA is currently the

See GREEK. Back Page


 1W 7. “5'9""- '.
'. -i"“\ ‘.
+‘J:.II 5‘

Kentuckv Kernel. Wednesday. November 18. 1992




Mills scores 24fin‘ UK
in first exhibition game


jjt. rlrI \l.t\'e‘) l\‘L'CtI errlletlt'tl

By Jimmy Yates trourt

\ \ - I \ -
COniflbUllllg Writer ‘ {Nultl .llltI «It Iterl rrrrl r.t \r\l\
"I teeI \erjt eontrdent rrvlrt no“

men thonelr trr_\ \lrot\ .lI\ not till


llre I'K 1 .rd} Knn \rnek u out
until the end to entire nun} \\rrlr .1
‘l-‘H \retorj. met the llune.nr.nr
NJIIUILII lerun Izr~t nrelrt .rt \le
rnoutrl ('olrverun

;\ erond ot rrliont (”I \\.r\ tr..rr
ed to it plrxxrettl llilllvlltle'l tlr.rt \r

rue ' \.nrl I\'e‘erl. \\Ir-r Illl\\\'\l "
\lnrlx Irrrltr llle lteltl

'Ilrrt .l\ I.n ;r~ runnure the or»
rurrl tIr‘»‘~II lt‘ltll‘i‘ trllt'lr\\_ I III jjel
Itth.‘ IIIlIkIl I‘k'llk'l N

Ilre Ind) Kntx “till .I ~‘ H
lexnldl Ir.rll
trrrre In the


[le’x .tlltl \e‘erlllll

lezrdehrrne— lrrrll, the

D ., Ilunernrnn
I l\ \.tllrrlt.rl\

it'lzrtr‘hl runrped out
rt or

ID .I \t‘ue‘ll-

\\.t\ IMPP)
\xrth lrer
te;un\ et»
tort ur the

HM e\ln FANNING n; 5:»,

point Ie.rd
‘.\tlll .r little
more tlrtrn








lntron ot the


whhttll . lilo? tl...' .-I " ‘.r.‘ r l r

'I '.\.r\ IltrHl [‘lerrxerl ‘.\rtlr Int [

t ‘. , . ,, I.

rlr.rt .ue WI" rn IIlLl» tnrrl ,e r y r M X r. t I
L'.l-e ut‘. \.tlrl I,rlrrun' ‘1 I‘ it rn‘ , ‘ r ‘ “I y
L ‘ . I‘ ‘t.
i'llI \ ‘\\lllll'll ‘~‘~.I~ I‘r‘r“ \ I r , ‘ I} L‘
It \t’lll. rlt‘ tutllr .l ~\IIr M . h
rrlrrx \\t II..|\I. L'H'rl deer .t r. .1 t ‘ k i

l I . a *\ rt r ‘r i
trv‘etr ‘ r

‘, ‘ guru. turn! .kluts rrrtl-roer: r“

tlueelrrrlx l\.rl\ \\«‘I\tIIIlrI‘*lI _

Irtt'l et'llltl

I‘Ie treurw

.\eruor tenter It'kel\lt .\InI\ .\.r~ “.‘\lo\r rrrterrrnrozrrr re rrr»
k‘lILtllw III‘I‘It \\lllexll'l ‘l illlrI \\I\\I| II II» Irrre .I III
PUIIII~ttlnI lorehonnrh «t mat n. In .rtrrl rln ne .ert

[Hutu {Mrwehu I.rtrtrttr'_' ~rrtrl

,Iruuorx |edr.r l l‘etltdrt rind Ien
ruler (no prtelred in I? .rnd It!
porntx. re\peetr\e|_\

”Ille‘k \Iltl .r i'tltltl ltrlr "\ llIII" I‘U»
Ply HIM lr

lruuurie look to lllrt‘lrue rut-\r

UK center Karrr Koach and Hungary's Susanna Gerencser
trqht for a rebound last night at Memorial Colrseum The
Lady Kats won the exhrbrtron. 73-70.

Indientrll ehtrrlnrtr .rtnI

tIrlifrl. \‘I "I‘tlhlrl

I I\ return\ to .retrorr ,t‘.'.lIIl \lon-






tlrr‘. rutlrl .d IIIL
< rnxnderxnt ' 1'

.r-‘.rrn~t Ilrt

llre I .rd} l\'.n\ open their \er
\on Ilte I .renrnxt .\I.n~h.rll :rt
the trlIl\etllII






Off Campus students may pick
them up at 120 Student Center.


Knight scoffs at those
who call IU favorite


Associated Press


Bl.()()t\lll\'(i|t)N. Ind m In-
write.’ Don‘t rnrrke Bob Knight

lhe Irrdrrurrr eorreh. the rn.rn \\ith
the perpetual \eoul. Irrrx out) to re-
rnernber rr ten other )emx when Ills
Hoosiers went into It tournrrnrent
rind \\ere \rrrpnxed h) underrated
opponents In the tirxt round.

"Axsunlplltllh on the part ol urdr-
\rduzrl pl;r_\en or tenrm t\ otten llre
:Jr'errtext r‘otrdliloek there I\ to de\el»
opulent." \rud Knight, \\lroxe
tour‘th-rrrnked rerun opem the \e;r~
xorr \Vednexdn) ruehr trerunxr (llrro
\hlle) (‘orrterenee ehrunpron Mur-
rrr) State In the pr'exerrxotr NI‘I

In todro‘x other tuxt round
games. ir‘x Srenn rrt Ilorrdrr Srrrte.
Wagner :tt l'ulrrne. Indrrrnn Stzrte ttl
lowzr State. (ieoree \Irrxon rrt l'e\-
:rx-l-l Pam and St I ourx tit l’('l AV
l‘he trrrrrl tirxt round erunex :rre
'I'hurxdrr}. \\rth |)el;r\\;ue :rt Seton
llzrll .rnd 'l'ennexxee ;rt Ruteerx.

Indrzurrr. 373 :rnd .\'(‘.v\.r\ xerrutr-
nrrl loxerx to e\enturrl ehrrrnprou
Duke Irrxt \prrnet retrrrn tire lull or
[\nt-tuue \trnlerx \Inrrn} \t.rte
tl‘ |1. Ir.r\ [\\o \I.IIIkI\ Ixrtk [tour
.1 null .rjjrr

Ilre \\urner .xrll I.l\\ \IIIILI In
I.nre or \\trener in Int \\\I‘II\I round
I zrrln: rrreht tot .r lurtl. rrr ilrt \‘ttrr
lttr.rl\trl \\ s \ vrl «>1r\.-v “

’Iieurx‘ re,r:r~'rt 1e Irrox: It re
Ille‘ IIIIKIeIIIt‘I' H Ix’.tt't't\ \\l.|\Il \\wll
Idetn \.lltI "But [he entire .r;:.rrn\r
Irnlr.rrr.r I\ it IIe‘IIlelIlIl’l|\ opportunr
I,‘ rnrd tlrnlltu-Je "

.\ltrrr;r\ \t;rtt‘ \\lrrelt “turned up
out: .r ”J ‘H \Ielrll} Ill .rn e\lnl‘r
tron .‘renrnxl .r pro terrrn tr‘orn Slme‘
run .\londtr\ ruelrt. hrrx \\on the
xtrzuelu ()\( lllle\ ttlltl r~ l;r\ored
to nrrrke rt \r\ in it to“

Indrrrnrr. \\lueh trnrxlred \eeond to

llluo .\'t.rle In the llre len I.r\t xerr-
son. bezrt \thlete\ In \etron Ili-
Itlh‘ Monday ruglrt

"We're looking toward to play-
III): in :r grezrt basketball :rtrnox-
phere." I dent \tltl ot ,\~~ernl\l}
llrrllt “here the IIr‘tI\l\l\ \\ere urr
beaten I.’l\l jxe‘ttt' "l‘rn eonlrdent
\\e'll eornpete hind. .rrrd | teel \\e‘ll
le;n‘n \orne tlung~ .rbonr our\el\e~ "

So out Knight. .rlthouelr in uxu-
til. lle retuxe~ [t‘ \[X'etlltrle Ito“
g'rltltl llle IIrrtr\lt‘l\ \\III l‘t’ e‘\t'll
\\rtlr the retrrrrr ot (' rlhert( lretute}.
(nee (n'ulrrnn ILnnou ll.ule}. v\l;rn
lleuder‘xon .rnd \lntt Noxer. .rlone
\\rth tr health) I’.rt ( n;rlr.rrn

"It rern.un\ to he xeen '.\ll.tl lltl~
teznn \\rll he like I don‘t know.”
\rud Knight. ~t.rrrrn:_r Ins 22nd _\errr
Ill lndirtntr mth .'r 4\(\vl(\ll reeord
ttlltl his 28th year in eorrehrng o\er-
.rll \rrith gr 58X: Ill rnrnk

(‘herurey .r Iritrr‘i'r-}e';rr xtttt'ter'.
led the llooxten ;n I‘o porno .r
erune lust xerrxon turd goes rrrto the
etunprugn \\rth 1.533 enreer ptlllllx

Brute). rut Indrzrnn high \ehool
Ieeend \\Iro \trll hasn't |r\ed up to
the huge e\pet‘t.rtron~ Ire ltrorrelrt
Mtlr lurrr t‘.\o \\.ll‘ .tL'r' rn.r\ In the
ke§ to Irr«lr.rn;r \ \ll\k\“

\lrrrr;r\ \ttrle \ onlx returnrrre
\t.rtltt~~ .ue 'utrt-|~ Ittrtrl \lIetr
.ln- rein-Jed I" in youth rr‘tnrrt

r.r\l \e.rt rl‘-‘ ‘\I.rll|I\e i.|l||lr‘lr

.Irr- .rrIrItrl r ‘ ~ ‘Irt 'r' W”; \llr'lr
neurt lite rx’nterx r~ renter.
\\Irere ow rrrrrror .\Irelr.rel Lunex rs
\t.utrn_-.' rrr pltrtt oI Vortex lorrex.
the tr.rltotr \ rehonndrne Ikrltlk'l l.r\t


\t I rrrrrx entirt it I (I \ ‘»‘~III lie
the trr\t tor ne‘.\ \\Ithll (huln
\poorrlrour Illlktl to replne Ix’relr
(rr.r\\}er .rlter tlre Ilrllrkern \\eut ‘-

3‘ V
_ ‘ l.r\t \etrxon

Marlins, Rockies build teams in draft





Associated Press


\I \\' \(llx’K Ilre ('olotrrdo
Ix‘oeltrw \\ent tor plneh \\rtlr rnruor
Ierrene expernnte .nrd the IIorrd.r
,\Irnlrn\ \xent tor \outlr _\e~terd r} :rt
rlre \t.n' or txrxtlxrll'x tu\t exrmn
\ron \II.III ill I“ \earrx

rotor rrlo rrxtd rtx Irr~t eight rirekx
tor [\Irmr arrrlr wine rn.nor Impur-
mrrtrrerro \t.nlrn}: \\rtlr \tlrrnt.r
rrelu II.tIIrIel Ilrl‘-llI .\rerl Next York
\nnktex tlrrrd l‘.’t\e'lll;lll ('hzu'lre
II.l:~t\. \Irlxxrrnkee uelrt-hrurder
I).ruen IIrllllI‘eN \.rrr Ilreeo ontlrelrl
er Ierrrldl Ink turd le\;r\ outlrelder
Kenn l L k ‘\ 1 ‘... . t t
the xiiiniliii‘tls “hit'h \llt‘k't't‘tlillL‘ ”HAN“ ,Ulm MK”. I M. .Hm i‘ilmii ~ ii oiiit-i mil lxiiotxii iiili.itiii .llilsllt ‘\\\‘l|ll .I\ xxcil .l‘ l
‘ I i t \
llllll\ llill\l llllllt'll y . llil|i\ icxi wl lilt ll‘llil‘i Lllt'lll .llltl iiix ll
1) . [i .l l‘llliil \\t)|li.lll llt' «l l‘t'tll tillt'\ l l .
ii 't'ltll/\'l "ll\\ll 'I ll] ‘* ll‘it' v i 1 it‘ \ll‘ ' ii "iii it vii
‘ k “ [k “ lioiiiiij: Iioiii .i Iliuiili} lll\[lllllli'll lint iii.ii.ii ~iiiii. nit Hi .| «i til, ”‘ | \“l k ‘ '

Robinson \Ck‘llh to \\:iiil lll\ llL'\\ lil" .llil\i
liliii ".leiinilei' S" to lime in place
if! llllll genie. men it it lllt‘illh
llllllllk‘klllg other films in the pio-

Alltl) (iilrk‘lil slurs its Sgt John
Berlin. the \lL‘rL‘tll)‘plCitl. humi-
out detective whose Wile left him
because he ptiitl more attention to
:i intii'tlei ll]\'C\llfJilll(lll Illitll to

loi the \iehl iiiip.iiietl. litit-im
Roheilxon ii 'iiiu iliiii‘iiiniii litit
llil pi‘mitlex lll\ only lk'iltl\ lll lllk‘
(use .tiitl could ptnxlhI} he the lit‘ii'im |\ \l.iil.tti li‘. .t iit‘iwii \llt'
iietl ilileiitletl \iciiiii. lll' "leniiiiei \.lllll1li \xi. lll\l itt‘lxx ol ”\iltlitc
5'” \‘l lllt' l .lllll‘\ H

\l.|ll'\‘-\ll i1~~l.x-ii\j\itii\ii\|\ \lllll
iii "\iiii'it \\|iilt‘
iciii.tit " \[Ii'llitl “the. ill '.\hith

L” in M“ “m“ \iiiiii liiiit \ ~iil‘xtijiit‘nl llllt iiii.
l.|ll\‘ll‘ |'l .lil t‘\l\illl‘,‘ \illl" .llt' \i‘ll
~~itit'i.ii "liillii ill .il i:.i\l llii‘lt
\ilttt'~-\l|ll lii:iii lllL' oiii‘iii.ii

\lllllt'lllllt‘\. llll\ is iljJJlll mil» .1
lll.ll[t'l ol opinion; liiil in \l‘lllt‘ \.l\
k‘ l.ilei .ll|l\l\ .itliiiillx li.iii\ttiiil
lht lllljflllJi in L‘llllt'l pit-settling: llit‘
lllillt'lldl III .I l‘t'llt‘l \\.i_\ oi in llllil
ill" \t‘llltllllllj..' lll il lh.il llit- i'll"llliil

\Vliiil lollous I\ it inixiiiiileheti
collection oi horioueil plot l\\l\[\
.‘llltl L'\Cll[\ .i\ller iiihhiiig the oil
liceix li‘oiii the plt‘\lllll\ iiixesti»

_ ., _ , | , L‘illltllh the \\l't\lli’ tun. lleihii
lit ll.lll\lt.r\ limit 1 ox .‘\ll:.‘LlL\ ~ .. . y- - _ h“! Wm H! ”my” M” H ~. WI
, , _. ~, . , - tiliitkh hetoinex it \thpetl lll lll\ ‘ ‘
to it \lllilllkl ( .lllltllllltl lonn \ poi - ”My.“ I“ m Hm“ ”I H l i|i~ H,”
(Mil (”\L‘ ‘ ‘ - . .

liee lorec. hoping: to eseiipe llll\ lilt

HM \t'tl|t\ 1li.il .iit oiigiimi .iit'
li‘\l\t‘l:~ Illli'\\ll loet'lhti, \lllllt
lllllt\ lll.ll\lll_‘f no \L‘|I\t‘ .il .iil

lli \hoil iiiiil.ilioii |ll.’|\ ht‘ ll|\‘
.iilixl illilll l L‘.\‘ll lL'.lll/t v.19 lhi i.

li'l .miiiijiit \l‘ll\|ll\l «unit »»1


\lll‘Mtllltlll '.t'i\ii>ii~ iii «in: i.

()h\L‘\\ll)ll loi lll\ uork (ll course. H" l'I'“ "W" 33”“ \li'd'hlhi‘ /’ ’ ’y ' " \ "V " I‘ ”If" " \i-Ii“\ iili 'ii..ii|\ \Hlllt'll .lll-l jk:
llL‘ (lilt‘flhl gel lll\ \\l\ll h.‘ ""‘l“l"'?' [“h“ Mi‘lk“"kih ”1 ' , " "’ ‘ ' ' I” ” " "v l" ii»iiiitii l~. iiih Him in |.iii Aim.
”1" “N -\‘ \l i‘\““\'- 4‘ "VIII?“ “I” l' ‘H ' " \iixlti l.lllllli‘|llll|t \i.iii H l‘lli :lit



ilxiilx iiiiiit'ti Il llllt .I liii



Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday, November 18. 1992 - 3

Off the


l)_\l.iii.ilm .xiolt \|| \ltlllj' liit
\VJlkllll‘b‘vti.“ l‘lll ilit‘ \llltllt‘ ‘.t'l
\lt‘ll it‘toi iiti in him ili‘iitlii\
\\lill ll‘x iiixjiintiil oil boil |ll\|lill|
.iiiii \llllllllltllli“ iltjllltl fjllll.“ “oil

1\ t‘oiixiiii‘iiil in |ll.lll\ iii in‘ llit
tlt'liiiilnt' \t'i ~iwit iii iii.il mitt!

ix't'teiiilx iii. \ \et' L'llll.lll\|
.\litii.it'i llt'tl't\ ii‘iimt'il ill\ \qi
\lttli oi lii_ \i'li" .lllil l'.‘ \.l\\ lil lo
Illt iiiiii~ \\ll.ll l llli'll"ll| ‘.\.i\;ij\ic11\
l.l|ilt |.l|il|l|i‘li Ni ii on ll\ hi. it
k'itlillll” "ix’.illli .lllil lliiiii ”

\il‘fl» l «ltlli l in llt‘tt lllt ll.‘ \kl

‘ll‘ll l\ “mil. i‘t‘t llln illt‘ \i‘ll‘ ~‘..l

‘~\t'.ll\ lo l‘t't'lll ‘~\l[li i'l lh.il i .‘F.
lllllsltl.lli\lll[\ l\ mull lo l‘t"‘lll \\ illi

ll'x |li\l lh.il lli iiii~ him; loi \iilllk
l\.i\\lll llit lllt‘iiii‘il\ oil ‘iliii iioi
l\‘\j‘1llltlll>lll\ t‘\\t'llll.ll xiii Illi lll.l|
wit}: .lllrl it.itl in ii .‘.liillll illkll

mi: siti. .li'il ‘l nil i__ ii 'lltll
l ii~iiiil . lii

lii~i..iii iii 1 l ‘ ii
i‘ i ’ i i l

i'i ‘l \
i~l|\‘ tli‘lilh .liun liii 1l1;i'»,l
l~ ii.il

\l.i~"tl liiiniim w! wt
l\ iinitiiduidi lwi i.i~ juiilttiinit
iiiltlj'iiilhiwi ii: iii. mill .\1!
\i ii \l‘iii"i_il i ‘2 Hit i; \\i» «f
~litl, \iltl llli'ii‘ll iii~ ltti‘lilili
‘.'»\l li‘.lilt |".i- ilit 124‘ l'\‘ Eli it


Cover tunes tested by various
interpretations by other artists

is \i'ill\lllii‘.‘ ll. llitlt lli.il |li\i ‘.\-.'l!l


“i’iiijih iii.» lill t"..llllj‘lt' \llll
\t‘lll||l\ '.:‘.. .llii: .ilif‘l‘x .lllll ill“.
iieiili'ii .lll.l .ili liiqsi' \t'.il\ lllll
il \l\'\\ \i '\\.iii‘t oi Ilii \\.I\ ll l\
piil l\"'\'llitl l‘\t iivt‘ ol lht ll Il‘=ll
tlllll.ll|\ll\li \i‘lilhl oi lIl.ll Ullilllll“

ilit ii. it i, .9 tin. til i’iijiit
||.i/. \l.liiil\ ill‘ iiiiilti llllllilj‘li Ill
lk'li‘kldl'x‘iw low ll ‘tt'il «it l‘l )\


wi‘li'li l\\«‘lil‘ttl

Il\ \_ iii. tiltil. itlli lll\
\lllii ' i"ll.lll\l
it“.: ~_.il~ .l'”

ii\iiilli~ iii ilill“«ill.llltl \.i‘.

iI till i l\.' i;.;. will llii|\i iii,.ii llll‘
[t\i‘|illli' .i l\ in .ll‘