ETV facility on Cooper Drive) and Mr. Forgy recommended approval of the
recommendation made in FCR 3.

       On motion by Mrs. Blazer, seconded by Mr. Griffin, and passed,
FCR 3 was approved. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

       T. Lexington Banks Designated as Depositories

       Mr. Griffin, acting as Chairman of the Finance Committee since Mr.
Hillenmeyer's retirement from the Board, said that the Finance Committee
had made a study of the banking requirements of the University and its affili-
ated corporations and proposed a rotation of bank accounts for a five-year
period in accordance with a schedule submitted as part of the recommendation,
a copy of which was made available to the T rustees and is included at the end of
the Minutes. Mr. Hillenmeyer and Mr. Griffin had personally discussed the
rotation schedule with the president of each bank involved and had received
their endorsements of the schedule.

       Mr. Griffin moved that the Board of Trustees authorize the banks
listed in the recommnendation to act as depositories for University of Kentucky
funds and affiliated corporation funds for the period April 1, 1971 through
June 30, 1976. His motion was seconded by Mr. Pence, and passed without
dissent. (See recommendation at the end of the Minutes.

       U. Student Code Revision Committee

       Mr. Griffin reported that the Student Code Revision Committee had
received some suggestions for revisions in the Student Code and had these
under consideration at the present timne. A final report will not be ready for
presentation before April or May.

       V. Hearing Committee Report

       Mr. Clay said that the Board had heard a presentation by Mr. Mike
Campbell, a student, at the January meeting in which he recommended that
any student who had acquired 300 signatures (or an agreed upon number) be
permitted to present his petition to the Board directly without a preliminary
hearing. Mr. Clay asked what disposition the Board wished to make of Mr.
Campbell's recommendation.

       Mr. Griffin responded that he had been informed that it would be a
relatively simple matter for a student to acquire 300 signatures on any issue
within a matter of an hour or two over the lunch period in the Student Center.
From a practical standpoint, the Board could easily find itself involved in