University of Kentucky


Seniors and Juniors of Battalion Eligible For

Captain Hoyden has been informed

The girls of the University Red
Cross Unit are asked to meet in the
Red Cross Room on the third floor of
the Education Building Friday afternoon at 1:16, dressed in white to
march in the Liberty Loan parade,
which will start at 2 o'clock at Oratz
Park. Red Cross head bands will be
given them at the University.

This is the first time the University
by the War Department that the UniRed Cross has had an opportunity of
versity of Kentucky is entitled to send
appearing in public as a unit, and it Is
candidates to the Fourth Officers'
Training Camp which opens May 16. hoped that fifty girls at least will take
The three highest cadet officers to be part Those who do not care to wear
appointed are Cadet Major D. R. Ellis, white are asked to Join the parade
also, with the battalion and University
Eminence, Adjutant and Cadet

Tllford L. Wilson, Lexington, and
Cadet Captain John S. Sherwood,
These three candidates, after
successful graduation, will receive
commissions as second lieutenants In
the regular army. The camp will
probably be held In Louisville at Camp
Zachary Taylor.
With this order was the following,
granting the University the privilege
of sending all seniors and Juniors In
the military departments who have
not had the required drill to a special
training camp for three months at the
end of which they enter the army for
the duration of the war, and also the
right to send twentyflve alumni who
have had one year's drill to this camp:
"The University of Kentucky is entitled to candidates at the Fourth Officers' Training Camps opening May
15, 1918, under ttjree classes.
"Members of the present senior
class who have taken the entire
course in military science as offered
by the University.
"Members of the senior division of
the R. O. T. C, i. e., seniors and Juniors now in college who have taken
less than the complete course.
"Graduates other than those pre
scribed in classes A and B, Who have
had at least one year of military Instruction in a number not to exceed
twenty-fivthat being the quota allotted to the University of Kentucky.
"The following requirements
govern their eligibility.


Cyn-ihian- a.


"They must

not less than


years of age.
"They must
United States.





Film and Stroller
Vaudeville to Feature


Under the auspices of the War
Committee of the University and the
Strollers, an entertainment will be given Wednesday, May 1, at the Lexington Opera House for the benefit of
the National Surgical Dressings Association and the University
film, showing the
Cross. A four-ree- l
care of wounded soldiers, will be the
feature, while the Strollers will lend
their talent in a vaudeville sketch, "A
American Troupe In a
French Hospital."
The picture is one of especial inand capacity houses have
greeted it in other cities. Numbers
of American soldiers are shown in
one scene, and at one showing of the
picture a woman in the audience was
surprised and delighted to see her son
among a group of Sammies "over
there." Perhaps some of the University boys will appear on the screen.
The Strollers announce in their
vaudeville bill, the special three star
combination, Molloy, Gay and Revill,
assisted by Spurrier, in a modern
Fred Augsburg and a
fair damsel both song and dance artists, will give "Ten Minutes of Mirth
and Melody." The black face duo,
Planck and Jackson, will be on hand,
also that Merry Monologist, J. P.
Barnes. Numbers of other foot-ligcelebrities will appear as wounded
soldiers, red cross nurses, doctors, internes, etc., while "Soulful Sam" Morton has found his right sphere in the
role of chaplain.
The seats, which will sell at twenty
five cents and fifty cents will not be
reserved, so it will be necessary for
patrons to come early to avoid the
rush. Make May 1 another big University night.

No. 27


By order of Captain H. N. Royden,
commandant, in accordance with proclamation Issued Wednesday by the
Governor of the State of Kentucky
a half holiday, beginning at 12:30 noon
Friday, has been declared, to duly
celebrate Liberty Day.
The battalion, In full dress uniform,
will form for parade at the University
this afternoon at 1:30 p. m. to partici
pate in the Liberty Parade which will
be held at 2:00 p. m. From the University the battalion will march in a
body to Gratz Park, where the parade
will 'be formed. Further details may
be found on the bulletin board at the





Royden, Tuthill and Farqu-ha- r
to Speak Next
The University War Committee, the
purpose of which is to decide and plan
whatever service the University may
render the Government, has been organized and has already begun work.
This committee has supervision over
Red Cross work, sale of Liberty bonds
and all other war activities on the
At a meeting last week plans were
made by the War Education Commit
tee, of which Dr. Edward Tuthill is
chairman, for holding three extra
chapel exercises each week, to be taken up by lectures on the war from
military and historic standpoints.
These lectures will begin Monday,
April 89.

At the first chapel period Monday
Captain H. N. Royden will speak on
the subject, "German Attack." Doctor
Tuthill will speak Wednesday on the
"Rise of Prussia." "Bismarck," is the
be on May 15, 1918, subject of a lecture Thursday morning
twenty years and nine by Professor Farquhar.
Regular chapel periods will be held
not over thirty-twTuesday and Friday as usual. The batbe citizens of the talion will attend these war education assemblies in a body.

One of the chapel periods each week
"They must have the physical qualwill be given over to the commandant
ifications prescribed by the regulations for an officer of the officers' of the battalion, Capf. H. N. Royden,
who will discuss the war from a strictreserve corps.
ly military view, explaining the va"Candidates under class A enlist for
rious moves of the allied armies on the
the duration of the camp only, and
Western front. Two talks will be made
those passing are commissioned as
by Dr. Ed. Tuthill, head of the desecond lieutenants of the Officers'
Reserve Corps under the R. O. T. C. partment of history and economics,
his"Candidates under B and C enlist who will take up the war from a

for the duration of the war and take toric standpoint.
Steps will be taken this week to contheir chances of securing a commission at the close of the camp.
sider arranging for the social enter"All applications must be in the tainment of the 400 men who will be
hands of Captain H. N. Hoyden,
sent to the University by the War
From Pago Two.)
on Third Page.)

Recreation Committee Mak
ing Plans For Entertainment

Captain H. N. Royden has received
official notice from the War Department that the four hundred drafte'd
men who will be sent here May 7, for
special training in the mechanical department of the University, will come
from Tennessee. The exact time of
tho arrival of the "Four Hundred" has
not as yet been learned.
Plans for the reception of the men
are being made by a committee appointed for that purpose. J. E. Johnson, Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., is
making arrangements to secure a "Y"
room on the grounds where the camp
will be made, to provide reading matter, writing materials and rest rooms,
where the men may find recreation.
Lectures and musical programs are
being arranged for their entertainment. Altho no complete arrangements have been made for the feeding of the men, it is probable they
The picture given in four reels, was will be fed in the Mess Hall on the
produced by the Surgical Dressing campus, a certain number coming at a
(Continued on Page Five.)
The other Universities which will
serve as training camps in the United
TO BIG MOVIE STARS States' for technical training and the
numbers and the states from which
Elmer S. Woods, Lexington, former- they come follow: New Hampshire,
ly a student of the College of Arts 100, to Tufts College; New Jersey, 250,
and Science, now a member of Com- to Rhode Island State College; New
pany E, Camp Dewey, Great Lakes, York, 250, to Rochester Athaneaum
111., has been assisting in the sale of
and Mechanic Institute; Virginia, 190
Liberty Bonds in Chicago.
o Lehigh University.
In a letter to friends at the UniverWord was received yesterday by
sity, Woods wrote that he was selling





Tents To Be Erected on the
Campus For

Arrangements have been completed
by Captain H. N. Royden, command
ant, and authorized by President Mc- Vey, whereby the battalion of the Uni
versity with its cadet officers will ac
tively engage In guard duty next week,
so that they will be able to do regula
tion duty upon the arrival of the four
hundred drafted men who come May
7, for special technical training.
Captain Royden has arranged for
the establishing of guard tents on the
campus for the period from Wednesday night, May 1 to' Saturday night,
May 11, making ten days' guard duty.
The time will be divided so as to pro
vide for two guards from each of the
five companies of the battalion, and
the members of the battalion will be
excused from class room duties on the.
day following the night on which they.
mount guard.
This means that beginning May 1,
one company of the five will be appointed to do guard duty for twenty-fou- r
continuous hours on the campus
and at the Fair Grounds, the site
selected for the quartering of the four
hundred men. This company will be
relieved after its duty by another com
pany which in turn wil ldo guard duty
for one day. After each company has
done duty for its respective days, the
schedule will be resumed as started.
The guard mounting beginning each
day at 3:30 p. m. as designated by
Captain Royden follows: May 1, Company A; May 2, Company B; May 3,
Company C; May 4, Company D; May
5, Company E; May 6, Company A;
May 7, Company B; May 8, Company
C; May 9, Company D; May 10, Company E.

Captain Royden will also arrange
for daily drill or ceremony on each
day for the period the company doing
duty serves, Sunday excepted. The
ceremony on Saturday, May 4, and
May 11, will be held at 1:30 p. m.,
and on other days at 3:30 p. m.
This is the program that Major Gar- ber approved in giving the University
its rating as one of the universities of
the country which complies with all
military regulations and which insures
it a specified number of candidates for
any national training camps for offi
cers to be held in the future Major
Garber requested that this program be
advanced to come before May 1 to
May 1G, thereby obviating the necesbonds in the Great Northern and was Captain H. N. Royden, that the adjusity of the University's changing its
with the group that sold bonds to tant general hud ordered the comdate from tho original program.
John Drew, Lillian Russell and Doug- manding officer ut Cump Sherman, O.,
President McVey, April 24, heartily
Tlio Dally News of
las Fairbanks.
to send two captuins, two first lieuten- approved Captain Royden's suggestion
Chicago, April 18, hus a picture of
being carried on the should- ants and two second lieutenants to that the battalion should learn pracers of two of the training boys. Woods tho University May 7 for work with tical guard duty in such a manner,
la one of tho "Jacklos."
'iml approves his plan of appointing
'he 400 drafted men.
