such Runnl duty nn should bo neces-

sary to provide for the protection of "BACK
the University's property nnd for the
gunrdlng of the campus nnd Trotting
Horse Grounds.


Tents will be erected on the University campus for the quartering of the
men doing guard duty. The duty will
be so arranged that the men will be
given sufficient time to return to their
homes or boarding houses for meals,
one or two men doing guard duty

Representative Au d i e n c e
Hears Canadian


Friday was Red Cross day, and probably the most representative audience
of the year crowded the chapel to hear
Lleutenant8 H. Y. Smith and C. B.
Brown, of the Canadian forces, who
8poke at the invitation of the Unlver- sity Auxiliary of the Red Cross. Fifty
members in the uniform of nurses
Thru such arrangements, the battal- were seated on the rostrum. Doctor
ion will be able to gain thoro and McVey introduced the speakers.
practical knowledge of sentry and outTho Lieutenant Smith heralded himpost guard duty and for the first time self as "a Boldier who would rather
will serve as soldiers in the field. Fur- go over the top, than make a speech,"
ther details will be given each com- he held his audience from the first,
pany by its company commander.
by the very sincerity of his message,
and was interrupted often by prolonged applause. He Bald in part:
trenches, exTO WAR DEPARTMENT "Come with me to the to
posed at any moment
attack by
Henry S. Cannon, professor of Ger- bombs, machine guns, and all the horman, has sent a collection of post rible instruments of war. Come, as I
cards collected during his stay in Ger- - dId on my flrst day ln ,ront trenches
to Datro1 duty- and then heart ,n
many, to the War Department.
mouth, crawl out into No Man's land to
These cards show birdseye views of
investigate wire, And gaps and if possivarious cities, public buildings, which
ble learn conditions of the Hun first
may be used for the housing of troops,
railroad bridges and contain other in- I'inc.
"It is an hour's trip to crawl 100
formation of value to the War Deyards since you are constantly endan-- I
gered by the bursting star shells and
Professor Cannon also had several
, when at last you are within earshot of
maps of German river routes and the
the Huns, any man who says he isn't
like, but they mysteriously disappearfrightened is either a fool or a liar.
ed, and he has been unable to locate
Every sound is terrible.
them to send to the government.
"When the troops go over the top
The following communication from
for an attack on the enemy's trenches
the War Department has been receivevery man has a special mission and
ed by Professor Cannon:
every man is after a German. In the
"Permit me to thank you for the
of June 25, my platoon took
trouble you have taken for the War attack
the outposts. My men were falling;
Department in sending to us post
I was struck in the Bhoulder and
cards illustrative of localities now oc- then
fell helpless into a trench and stayed
cupied by German forces. These cards
there until two hours later when I was
will be used to the best possible adby stretcher bearers and
vantage and your generous action is taken out
thru various stages to the hospital,
highly appreciated.
where I was operated on three times
"If you should know of the existence
and then "finally was moved to an Engof material of a similar nature I would
lish hospital.
be glad if you would notify the pos"There are hardships out there in
sessor that it is our desire to obtain
such data or if you advise us as to the trenches; weariness, cold, rain,
such persons we will write to them di- mud, rats and vermin, but the boys
will stick. Their motto still is "They
Department is especially shall not pass." Deny for these boys as
The War
anxious for pictures and maps west of they do for you. In safety, peace and
prosperity, don't forget that these
the line and south from Hamburg.
soldiers are depending on you."

during these periods.
Classes at the University will con- tinue as usual, the men doing duty
will be excused for the period re- quired to do said duty, returning to
thelr classes, however, when the duty
is completed.


With a view to stimulating food
production, more attention is to be
given to the home garden movement
by teachers of Lexington schools and
by the children under supervision of
McNeal James, Professor of Vocational Training, University of Kentucky.
A supervising teacher has been selected for each of the thirteen schools.
Last year, four students of the College
of Agriculture took charge of all
school gardening and more than fifty
acres of ground in the city were cultivated by children.
Each supervising teacher will organize pupils of schools into garden
clubs which shall hold regular meetings for Instruction.
The main purpose of the meetings is to sustain the
interest of children in the cultivation
of gardens. Tho supervising teacher
will help students plan gardens and
prepare soil. Professor James will
Instruct tho supervising teachers.




The rogular meeting of the Horace
Mann Literary Society was held Thursday evening in the Education building.
Hubert de Wageanere spoke on "Kul-u- r
and the Collapse of the Superman."
Mr. de Wagenaere gave the several
definitions of "Kultur" taken by the
various German writers In their works
and showed how the German education had been cheating the people of
that country for the last fifty years.
The speaker went on to prove that the
German instead of being the superman is really inferior to the other
peoples of the earth.
This can be seen in the fact that
England and France with a few
months preparation were able to hold
Germany, while It took Germany years
to prepare. While she is winning now
'she has not done all she set out to do,
and the superman should have the
spirit and the power to accomplish all
that he sets out to do.
Mr. de Wagenaere is with Victor
Bogaert and is a Belgian. He sees the
war ln its true proportions and blames
German philosophers and teachers
as well as the Kaiser.

President McVey left yesterday to
attend the Kentucky Educational As-


sociation In Louisville, where ho will
make an address Thursday evening at
8:45 on "The Place of the State University In the Development of the
From Louisville Dr. McVey will go
to New York City to attend a banquet
Saturday evening given by the alumni
of the University located in New York.
From New York Dr. McVey will go to
Washington to attend to business matters of the University and to confer
with the War Department in regard
to the management of the "Four Hun
dre3." He will return on May 5.

Prophecies the Horrors of
Reconstruction After
The War
Dr. J. W. Porter, pastor of the First
Baptist Church of the city, spoke in
chapel Tuesday, on the text, "I can Jo
nil things thru Christ which strengthen eth me," emphasising the importance of will power and determination
ln character and the necessity of students' perseverance in the purpose to
complete their education. Doctor Porter is a fervent patriot, and his stirring words were several times interrupted by applause.


Doctor Porter said that his critiThe oratorical contest to decide the
cism of mankind was that ours was representative of the University to
almost a world without purpose, drift-- ! go against the other universities and
ing with no goal. "There are," he said, ' colleges of the State will be held in
"two kinds of people the 'cans and. chapel at the regular period Friday
'can'ts and the world's estimate of a' morning.
man depends on his ability to doj Representatives from the two Literthings, while the world's greatest! ary societies on the campus will conweakness, its supremest sin, and its tend. Edward S. Dabney will repregreatest fault is its conceit." He cited sent Union Society, and C. E. Planck
the German people, who tried to get will represent Patterson. The winner
along without God, magnified man,1 will contest with the speakers of six
'Continued Horn Page une)
and produced their superman, as the other colleges, at Transylvania, on
mandant, University of Kentucky, by
horrible example, and predicted that April 26.
'ay 1, 1918."
the world war would bring the world. Dabney's subject is "Conquer or
Those eligible for the Class B dito its knees, as a Christless culture is Submit." Planck's Is "The Service
vision entitling them to commissions
a consuming curse.
when vacancies occur are:
Of conditions after the war, Doctor
Elbert R. Dearborn, Cynthiana;
Porter said:
Richard B. Fenley, Valley Station;
"Greater than the losses in France
Karl W. Goosman, Richmond; Hall M.
Henry, Lakeland; Harry L. Milward, to this nation will be those who
wayside of learning. The
The Philosophian Literary Socioty
Lexington; Harold Parks, Irvlngton: along the
Books is one of the greatest will be hostess at a Joint party Friday
T. Ellis Peak, Lagrange; William S. Battle of
remain night at Patterson Hall with the memHieronymus, St. Helena; William R, of battles. Students should
here until their country calls and then bers of the Patterson and Union Socle-t'.e- s
Gabbart, iLouisville, and Augustus M.
go. The reconstruction days of the
as guests of honor.
late sixties and seventies were noth
A stirring debate on the subject, ReIt is probable all of the
ing to the reconstruction of the uni- solved "That a chicken can roost on a
will attend the camp with the excepverse which will begin the day peace square stick as well as on a round,"
tion of Dearborn and Parks. The latwill take place with representatives
ter intends to join the navy as a can- is declared."
No one can call into question the from each of the societies. Other indidate for ensign engineer, and Dearin patriotism of Doctor Porter after hear- teresting features will be provided for
born has been placed in Class
on the grounds of being mar- ing his address. He declared that if tne entertainment of the
the draft
he believed there was a drop of unled.
in his veins, he would
Examination of men who are eligi patriotic blood
order a surgeon to open them; yet he
ble for the camp began Monday in
expressed doubt as to his fitness for
Captain Royden's office.
spite of his desire to
The seniors who go into military a chaplain, in
get overseas, because he would want
orvice now will receive full credit
for their year's work and will receive "to pray Heaven into the German at
their diplomas in June, according to a night and shoot the antithesis of it
recommendation that has been made into them by day."
by a special committee appointed to
Doctor Porter also made a plea for
subject. Underclassmen
Lieutenant Brown, who wore the consider this
the sale of Liberty Bonds, declaring
not be given credit, and their
kilties of the Highlanders, said that will
that it was really a question of "Bonds
went over in 1914, and his first work will be marked incomplete.
or Bondage," and that people might
The University is now ranked by the
impression was of a little Belgium
town which had been occupied by the War Department with the best in tho pay their money and take their choice.
Germans for six weeks. Its women country, and henceforth will have the tr keep it and have their choice thrust
had been dishonored, its property privilege of sending at least twenty-fiv- upon them.
men to each Training Camp.
stolen and its buildings destroyed.




High Claw Tailoring
Moderate Prices

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"From that minute," said Lieutenant Brown, "I was dying to get at the His superior officers were all killed,
"I went over the top for the first
time with mingled feelings. A day or
two was given for preparation and
when the hour for attack came the
tension was so great that men trembled, not from fear but from excitement. The boys were glad to go, and
when the signal came they went over
like one man mad to get at tho Huns.
Tho Huns don't like to hear the pipes
of the Highlanders. They call us tho
"Laddies from Hell."
In tho second battle of Ypres, Lieutenant Brown; who then held but tho
rank of sergeant, hold with thirty-sevemen a sector of tho first line.


145 W. Main St.


and assuming control, he stood out
for four days against odds of twenty
to one.
The Huns never reached the parapet, but on the fourth day attacked
the Canadians with poisonous gas.
The majority of the men died, thirty-twof them, and Lieutenant Brown
owes his lifo to a shell hole, into
which he fell.


"As I lay in that shell hole and
saw the German planes dropping
lights as a signal for their artillery,
my thoughts were: 'Have tho peoplo
at home forgotten us?'
"Back up your boys.
worth it."



Member of A. N. A, M. of D.
106 N. UPPER ST.
Classes Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings.
It is the aim of this school to teach dancing as it
should be, advocating at all times proper
positions and decorous actions

Piano, Saxophone, Violin, Trap Drum
