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`I  A UNIVERSITY Bruncs Tocnrnnn students with greatly for the University’s College of Arts and Sciences may
_***·`$$·_ varying geographic, economic, social, political and edu- be helpful to indicate the areas most generally covered.
ig:ZI'_‘P` cational backgrounds. Partly as a result of this, these ENGLISH CQ}/[POSITION: 6 HOURS
fig students have considerably different interests and aims. PHYSICAL sciences, e nouns
Some have already decided upon a field of study. Many BIOLOOIOAL SOIENOEL 6 HOURS
  Others have mt. SOCIAL scrancizs, 6 nouns
 . —  rruMANrrms, 6 nouns
 —ry A At the University of Kentucky, each student is FOREIGN LANGUAGE, INTERMEDIATE YEAR, 6 norms
ri  I assigned a faculty member as an advisor. The student’s PHYSICAL EDUCATION TWO SEMESTERS
,- i advisor will help him decide upon a program of studies HYGIENE ONE HOUR
  and will explore with him an over-all plan for his work The student who is undecided upon an area of study
·· ,_;·_:rj at the University, the choice of a vocation, and gradua— usually is advised to enroll in classes meeting the lower
 .  r g?  tion requirements. The advisor will be able to provide division requirements of the College of Arts and Sci-
ii   the student with accurate information concerning the ences, where he will explore several fields. During two
  B" p   University. He will help the student decide how many years of work in which he comes into contact with a
  courses he should attempt to carry, arrange the hours number of specialities he will gain a background that
    [W the classes meet, and approve the schedule. should help him to choose intelligently the field in
r .;` I During the first two years of college, students gener- which he Will Concentrate.
 ;.iiI _` ally are required to take courses which lead to the The 5III