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fund-raising efforts, but do it within the and more than ever I need the support The construction core Unit ond
; concept and the goal of one University. of all the UK alumni as I play this lead °* ° "°‘" ""'fn 9°""‘“"`°“k"‘9
g CT} I . b { b f. _ I f _ h U _ . {K ’ k library is ¤ high tor tho tlrst ton-
h iera umm can e. o most ene it no e on t e mversity o entuc y. hrhuny PMI", hh, °, ,h° chhh h
{ by continuing to provide the kinds of “I would like to tell them individual- tor President stream Research I
I .
  moral support and financial support ly and personally how much I do appre- ?:::':';:;°:-Zn; ::|::·‘:'"rl:’:::“"‘
I and other support they provide for this ciate their support in the past and their hs ¤ shnhmch, hq preside", no V
University. Alumni help us with legisla- commitment for support in the future. the dedication ot vlce mayor Pant ‘
tive matters; alumni help us with issues It is very heartening to me to see the UK '° ns '"f”l°" M'"°"· °"· M"" I
. . . . . . . . . of teaching, colm R. Currie, ‘
which do impact this institution; alum- kind of interest, involvement and ef- research and ,°,._ chairman of hhs h
ni help us build support for this institu- forts which are being regularly put vice to the com- board and ::0 of f
. tion across the state and across the na- forth by our alumni for this University. '“°'"”°°m'° °"'°' ""9h°‘ M""“"
, . ‘ , _ ’ excltlng prolecls Co., and Univer-
[1011. Obviously, I feel very strongly that They do make a 1neasurable difference ,,,8,. which shy mah"' he .
such support is essential in order to in what we are able to achieve-." Wethlngton has Blrclt.
have a great University. I am really   |"°’H°d "'°"°’ M
‘ [ ‘ I I `~ H r ‘I Y? 73 is assisln I di ‘· `- I°"' hp' dun"`
pleased with the support we continue ~’~ ('UUV ?<» — — ' I "( mm hg ,h° uh
to have from UK alumni, and that I [0"f0" (`OWWU’UF”U0’l—* (md (’([IY0"(U UW tlospltol Crltlcol
personally have had in years past and in UR Nalzonal Alum 111 Assarmlzvn.
this last nine month interim period, PIIOIOS b)’ UK P}I0’”§""/’/U" —S""*""'—*·  
Winter l99() Kcriuncky ,~\lumuus 9