TTTT K T  if l problem based learning curriculum
j A www APIf!‘°¤¢h rrrrrrr l during the junior sttrgical clerkship in
  ni if K V y the clinical years without having a prob-
  A call for reform of medical education 1 lem based curriculum during the pre-
‘ by leading medical educators, students, clinical study years, allowing students to
j and expert observers has prompted the problem solve through interaction.
' Robert \/Vood johnson Foundation to   rirr W i   W Vrrrirr W,   W
‘ award the UK College of Medicine , j _
nasty $§l5(),()OO. The UK cottage of 1 ggn       gg 1 st if “
Medicine was chosen as one of 12 ( .
· medical schools to participate in the The UK College of Dentistiy is now `  , , 
Foundation`s initiative, “Preparing providing a new mobile dental facility ‘ *·
l Physicians for the Future: a Program in j to setye Appalachian residents in need -` Q `  if
j Medical Education.” In addition to   ofdental care. Its primary purpose is to f  
1 Kentucky, grants were awarded to Yale, provide dental services to indigent chil- w ‘ 
I johns Hopkins, Case 1/Vestern Resetye, dren. In conjunction with the UK ‘ — V j,
; Brown,and Columbia Universities, and Medical Center’s regional pediatric         E
A the Universities ofChicago, Rochester, heart clinics, the facility will also be j ~ ,  
. Nebraska, New Mexico, Oregon and used to treat children and educate _ i- l ei i
Hawaii. Approximately$$1.8 million was parents about dental caries that can — I   _ A  {3/ · Q     U
. awarded nationwide for the first phase complicate heart conditions. Other        Q    ’ ’`' ’    
` ofthe project. uses will include geriatric dental treat-   fj 7. _° A n    
Each ofthe 12 schools will use the ment, continuing education programs  X yi", f  ·* » . .    
E next 18 months as a planning period to and health fairs.   ir'. A _ ,   "
  develop a new curriculum. A second The facility was paid for with pri-            
I phase is planned for 1992 in which up to , vate funds and grants. Major contribu- V \_ \ {3* ..__     
L eight of the 12 schools may receive fur- tors include the Appalachian Regional `.*i>·*,j<. ih if  
  ther funding for their plans. Commission, Steele-Reese Founda- if  iz   i i i
i Dr. Phyllis Nash, UK associate pro- tion, The Honorable Order of Ken-   U ‘ ·
l fessor of behavioral science and direc- tucky Colonels, Chatlos Foundation, The times they ore neering moior, is
j tor of 1]K`s project, says, "With the andthe ChristianAppalachian Project. °'°h°“9i"' ' °“d “'° '“°“'°' °* °
i . . more evidence of seven-ye¤r-old
R continuous development of new medi- Win i win wwf   j i 7 ,.,¤, .s uK.s ,,9,, s°,,_ she says, .,,
1 cal technology and an expansion in , , Homecoming felt like I needed
knowledge, there has been a vast in- siuylng In T°“‘h °°°?"’ sh° is *° ' ' ’ sh°w °“‘°'
_ ‘- _     W-?-· · · -··- - ~- Morro Moore, ¤ women they can
crease in the amount of material pre- ._ex.,,g,°,, c°,,,,,,u_ do ,,,,y,.,.,,g_..
sented to students during their medical Engineers at the UK Center for Robot- nity ¢¤||¤9¢ N\¤¤l’¤ is ¤¤¢ ¤*
education. It is important for students ics and Manufacturing Systems, along :?Ph°m°r°' nw ""my K°"*°°ky
. _ ____ _ · _ _ _ arst queen ever women returning
L to be able to manage tlns explosion of with business and industiyhaisonsfrom s,,.,,.,,,. .,.,,,, ..,,, ., “.,,°. ..,,,,,9.,
  knowledge. For example, being able to . the community colleges and some of ¢¤m¤w¤l*Y UK'$ €¤¤¤M¤¤"Y
  use data bases will help physicians 1 the regional universitiesin the state, are ;°:;L°?’:;;_::°:: c°"°9° sy“°m’
  manage information. Fifty years ago putting together an industrial exten- ,..,e,. way, .,
1 students couldretain in their memories sion program modeled after the suc- M¤¤r¢, 27. ¤¤
I most all there was to learn. Now that`s cessful agricultural Extension Seiyice. °I°°m°°I °"9i`
impossible. So, we must decide what the The idea is to offer help and consul-
. critical information is to memorize. ‘ tation in solving problems facing Ken-
‘ And then, we must teach students ways tucky`s small and medium industries.
to access the wealth ofinformation that Much like the agricultural extension
. exists, and ways to obtain the informa- agent, industrial extension representa-
tion that is being discovered daily." tives will visit and stay in touch with
UK is the first medical school industries in their areas and work with
  in the countiy to have an accelerated them to solve problems. Engineers at
1 family practice program allowing- UK in Lexington will be called upon to
students to complete their medical edu- supply technical expertise. There is al-
_ cation and training in six years, instead ready an industrial extension office in
  of seven. lt was the first school have a Owensboro working with that area.
yy.,,,,.,. .9.;.) Kentucky Alunnnus 3